Just Got Cut Down To Size


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
My Ex and I broke up about 3 months ago. I was having a good time and we still spoke almost everyday. We still saw each other and about a month ago started hanging out more and sleeping together again.

I started falling for her again and wanted to get back with her.

She told me the other day she doesnt want me back and that she wants to be single right now.

It didnt hit me until today just how bad I wanted her back. Now I'm feeling pretty bad about the whole thing. Dont know what to do...


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Lesson 1: never give her the second chance to reject you.

Lesson 2: there will always be another better woman.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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There is a reason why you two broke up. As a man who should be in demand and as a man who has options you shouldn't have let her come back and be main chick. She has to earn that spot back. It seems like when you two got back together she didn't have to work her way up. This is where you messed up at.

You gotta show her through your actions that you have other females and that she has to prove to you that she really wants you. I don't think your that ahead of the game to be able to handle that. So for you I think the best thing you can do is separate yourself from her until you can control your emotions and think logically instead of with your heart.

Your over here saying you love her. Well like Tina Turner says Whats Love Got to do with It? Absolutely nothing, and it will get you nothing. So for you brother, go no contact and get your game up. Your sounding like an R&B singer.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Its difficult to function like I was. Last week I was on top of the world, now I dont even want to go to work in the morning.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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NSUballer said:
It didnt hit me until today just how bad I wanted her back. Now I'm feeling pretty bad about the whole thing. Dont know what to do...
When a loved one wants to move on, it can be very painful. There's no escaping that. You just have to see this as part of the grief and transition process. Moving on from an old relationship is change and change is almost always difficult.

All you can do is keep a positive attitude (I know that can be difficult, but negativity doesn't help), and keep your live moving forward in a positive direction. That includes keeping your skills with women up and whatever other live improvements and goals there are that you want to accomplish.

All relationships are temporary. None of them last forever. Sometimes a relationship will last until death, but that's a very rare thing. Like AJ said, you broke up for a reason. So be open to creating new opportunites with women. Whether your flirtations last five minutes, five years, or five decades, you have to accept that all relationships are temporary, and you just have to enjoy them for what they are.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
So she wants to have sex with you, while at the same time giving you the ok to have sex with other women, too. Depression never is logical, is it?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hate to see this happen. When a woman breaks up with you it is ALWAYS better to go NC. What a lot of people don't realize is that after any meaningful relationship, there will always be lingering feelings (even for the person who initiated the breakup). A break up is almost a kind of ultimate sh!t test. Obviously it needs to be taken more seriously than that, but the reality is that if you remain her emotional tampon, she will see you as nothing more. Her secksual attraction is teetering on the low end after a break up, and in order to raise it you need to show her that you're fine with her decision. In fact, agree with it. Tell her she is right and you've been thinking about it for a while. Leave, and leave promptly. NC is really the only logical response when someone says you aren't good enough for them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I have never in my life met a woman that WANTS to be single. no woman wants to be single.

what she is really saying is that she has somethign going right now and doesn't want to change her status to fvck uip whatever she has going on

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I had a girl I was once very into and she broke up with me. A few months later she comes around wanting to get things going again. I agreed to dinner and talked to her but I didn't put forth much effort. About a year after that she emails me this sob story and wants to get back together. I basically explained to her that she would really have to step it up if she was interested. I put the ball in her court. I wanted her to back her words up with actions. Well guess what? she never did. Had I made it easy and went back to her she would have eventually dumped me again. I saved my self some drama and heartache.

And here's another thing. I later found out that about every time this girl came back to me interested in hooking up again, she was just getting over some guy. 3 damn times she did this. She couldn't go with out some guy. And she looked at me as the one that she could always come running back to. She wanted me as her comfort blanket! Fuch that.

Man up buddy.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
I was the one who initiated the break up three months ago. I wanted to pursue other women and I did. I started thinking about getting back with her about a month ago and moreso in the past week or so. We would still sleep together about once a week, that was the best part and the main reason why I thought she would get back with me.

She says she likes being on her own and needs time to find herself and be happy without a man for a while. I know exactly where shes coming from because I felt the same way before. I dont fully believe her but it makes sense. She says shes not dating anyone and hasnt met anyone else.

I guess what really got to me is that she wasnt supposed to be the one with that option. She was supposed to be there waiting when I got ready to get back with her. Only I could put the brakes on and do my own thing for a while.

I think it was a much needed reality check for me..


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
Danger said:

There is another guy in the picture that she wants to fvk.

NSU, you are 25. The world is huge and is whatever you want to make of it. No one girl is worth sacrificing all of your options for when you are so young.

Go out there, improve yourself, meet more girls. Be a better NSU. Go out there and fvking win.

Totally right.

Also check this out if you haven't already, we've all been where you are dude its not fun. Its time to focus on number one, yourself.



Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
why would a 'baller' ever care what one chick thought of him? Thats just dumb.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
Howiestern said:
I had a girl I was once very into and she broke up with me. A few months later she comes around wanting to get things going again. I agreed to dinner and talked to her but I didn't put forth much effort. About a year after that she emails me this sob story and wants to get back together. I basically explained to her that she would really have to step it up if she was interested. I put the ball in her court. I wanted her to back her words up with actions. Well guess what? she never did. Had I made it easy and went back to her she would have eventually dumped me again. I saved my self some drama and heartache.

And here's another thing. I later found out that about every time this girl came back to me interested in hooking up again, she was just getting over some guy. 3 damn times she did this. She couldn't go with out some guy. And she looked at me as the one that she could always come running back to. She wanted me as her comfort blanket! Fuch that.

Man up buddy.
Ive just come to the same realisation about my former one itis. I was the fall guy who picked her upm when she was down - she also liked to try to destroy new relationships i got into when she saw me around with a new girl.

God, how it makes my flesh crawl when i think of the way this woman used my emotions as her ego boost, it also makes me extremely angry....

These bit ches - with some of them, they'd drive you insane of you let them.........