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  1. S

    Fitness journal

    Update I am down from a 31-30 to a 29 pants size and am sitting at 173 down five pounds since I started the thread in June.
  2. S

    Fitness journal

    24:20 again today, ran 3 miles and some stairs on Friday. Again I felt really close to breaking the 24 minute barrier
  3. S

    Alcohol abuse.

    For sure man, its normal to feel like total **** after a LTR breakup like that. All of us have been there. There is a post from the DJB that I like to think about in bad breakup situations "Nothing I can't handle". Its not just a...
  4. S

    Alcohol abuse.

    I finally quit binge drinking also and it has only led to positive changes in my life, weight loss, more time for productive hobbies, better performance at the job, etc. I think I was using it to self medicate also, however I found a better way to self medicate is to create the life you want...
  5. S

    Fitness journal

    diasppointing news, tried to run tonight but my SI joint was out and it was too painful- only made it 400m before stopping. I think this happened either due to sleeping on it wrong or bending over too much fixing my messed up sink. I have been having problems with it before, and I think it...
  6. S

    Fitness journal

    ran a lot of killer hills and sprints tonight plus some heavy bag work
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    Fitness journal

    ran a lot of stairs and sprints last night. Actually got invited to join the boxing squad which was a little unexpected due to my times missing their requirements by a little bit. I think it was a combination of good attendance and continual improvement
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    Fitness journal

    ran a 24:20 5k today, felt like I almost could break 24 minutes. I hope this comes soon.
  9. S

    Fitness journal

    Been doing a lot of stair work lately. Did forty minutes of stadium runs today :box:
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    Tanning Beds: How much is too much?

    Its not really new information that hitting your skin with UV light is bad for you. UV light is a known mutagen that has been extensively linked to the development of skin cancer. The amount is highly variable between people, but if you keep hitting your skin with UV light, your chances of...
  11. S

    Fitness journal

    Let me break down weight loss for you, eating less calories than you burn each day. You don't have to go to some fancy camp to do that. :) Anyways ran a 14:20 2 mile today for a boxing try out and the cut off was 14:00- I was pretty close. I will be able to get it next month for sure I think.
  12. S

    Fitness journal

    ran an old route at my parents house that used to take me 30 minutes about two months ago in 25 minutes tonight. A big improvement, but still lots of room for improvement. Most of the guys at my boxing gym are in much better cardiovascular shape than I am, however I have been making...
  13. S

    Played my first poker tournament last night

    Yeah one thing I have found helped out my tournament game a lot is the influence of position on hands. How close you are to the dealer spot really influences how you play a hand. It is a huge advantage to be in a hand with somebody playing in front of you, you have information about how well...
  14. S

    Played my first poker tournament last night

    Poker is so much fun, I really like tournaments a lot also. They can take some time though depending on how many people enter and everything. One way to help out your in person game is to set up some low stakes cash games with your buddies during the week. You can work on reading people...
  15. S

    Fitness journal

    24:40 last night
  16. S

    Fitness journal

    just ran a 25:19 tonight, haven't been running as much, boxing a lot more
  17. S

    Anyone know of a website blocking program?

    if you have mozilla, leachblock is good for this.
  18. S

    Fitness journal

    24:50 tonight
  19. S

    Fitness journal

    so boxing practice has involved lots of running so I haven't been running pure 5ks as much but am planning on running one tomorrow to see where I am timewise. i am hoping for around 24:30 but we will see.
  20. S

    Fitness journal

    5 mile run tonight 45 mins, felt really good