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  1. S

    Losing motivation for everything

    You should read some stuff by David Burns, a pioneer in the field of something called cognitive behavioral therapy, especially "Feeling Good: The New Mood therapy". His work focuses on how depression is based on negative thought patterns that are unrealistic ways of viewing yourself and the...
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    Fitness journal

    my running times are getting better and I am running ~20 miles a week now. I was having trouble with shin splints but that seems to be behind me. one other set back was i broke my hand with BJJ, will be back on the mats and lifting in about a month, just cleared by the doctor.
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    Boxing gym or club; join one.

    I would highly recommend a boxing club. i have been boxing competitively for around a year and it has been nothing but a good thing
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    The user who goes by the name "Camelo"

    The first rule of fight club is to never talk about fight club
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    Fitness journal

    ran a 22:50 the other day but have been battling with shin splits and achilles issues
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    Fitness journal

    have been doing more jiu jitsu lately but with a rib injury have started up a more serious running program. just ran a 23:30 yesterday still with some wind in the sails at the end also my weight is down to 172ish, looking way more cut up
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    Fitness journal

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    Fitness journal

    24:10 tonight and felt like i could easily break 24
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    Fitness journal

    keeping running frequently (times getting better) and boxing, ive also started up with brazilian jiu jitsu which has been a lot of fun.
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    Fitness journal

    doing a lot of roadwork lately, trying to slowly work my weekly miles up
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    Rate your self esteem

    sometimes i wonder if bb is bipolar
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    Fitness journal

    not an ideal result on the fitness test for boxing. I ran a 15:10 but ended up puking on the last lap which probably added a good 20 to 30 seconds on my time, would not have made the 14 mark anyway. I think it was my nerves, looks like I'll just have to train harder :up: The good news is I...
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    Fitness journal

    just ran a 15 minute 2 mile with a lot of gas in the tank plus some asorted sprints. i have the running trial for boxing on monday and have to beat 14 minutes which i think is very doable
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    Alcohol abuse.

    to the OP: what really made me quit drinking so much was when I started running and boxing a lot more. A hang over ruins training. Once I got more involved in these sports, I ended up caring way more about my performance in them than crushing as many brews at the bar as possible. Maybe make it a...
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    Fitness journal

    couple of 45 minute road runs this weekend. Am going to up my boxing to four days a week now. I should be running another 2 mile try out race for boxing soon and think I should be able to crush the 14 minute time requirement for making the team
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    Fitness journal

    23:45 5k tonight, first time breaking the 24 minute barrier
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    LTR sudden ending

    Very interesting read man, this really hits home with some of my more recent experiences with the fairer sex.
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    Fitness journal

    40 minute run tonight
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    IT or nanotechnology?

    The other side of the coin there are plenty of reasons not to go for the MD, you can always complain about stuff. Some of the doctors that I have worked with before complain about long hours, the pressure to make money, rising cost of malpractice insurance (big one), and people expecting you to...
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    IT or nanotechnology?

    for any kind of science field expect 4 years of undergraduate work in the US plus between 4-6 years of graduate work to get a PhD. You can take a less amount of time to get a masters degree, however that doesn't open nearly as many doors for you as the PhD at least in the life sciences which I...