The Final Death of My Inner AFC

Thrill Seeker

New Member
May 2, 2012
Reaction score
North Cackalack
Ok, so to start I found SoSuave 7 years ago, on the advice of a friend of a friend after I got dumped right on my ass. The girl at that time was really hot, or I thought at the time, and I did a lot of those things you shouldn’t do. I registered here previously twice, posted maybe once but lost the password. I have been a lurker, but this site has helped me a great deal and it’s time to attempt to give something back---even if it is just examples of what not to do learned through my own experience.

This journal is not about how I got here originally. It is about why I am here now. I am here to post my own story for my own reflection and hopefully some catharsis. Maybe some others here will find something useful in it too. Criticisms, wisecracks and insight are all welcome and appreciated. This will be the journal of the final death of my inner AFC. I thought I had killed that sum***** over the years but I went off the reservation a couple of weeks ago over some trivial b.s.

I would like to keep it to the point but there is some background in order. My journal will start with the relationship I was in at end of 2011 and move to the present over the course of posting during the next several weeks.
I will detail the journey along this path since the end of that relationship at and include the diversion that led me to where I am now. I was making some excellent progress but eventually dropped the ball.

I will confront some of the issues that have cropped up over the years. I will a use the journal and posting here as a form of accountability to track my progress from here out. I will use nicknames or initials of some sort to shield the innocent and mitigate the potential effects that the internet can lead to if any of the guilty stumble across this here site.

I have chosen to post in the Mature Man forum based on my age. If I should do this elsewhere, moderators-please let me know.

FWIW-I just posted in the no contact challenge thread...this is day one, the second time around. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
Reaction score
:) Keep us informed man. Looking forward to hearing your story.