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    Girl in class, goes home on the weekends

    where else would it go? it's not over 25 and it's not highschool.
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    Girl in class, goes home on the weekends

    there's this smokin asian chick in 1 of my classes that I usually talk to. i got her number and bull**** sometimes over the phone. she walks with me to the next class and nudges me whenever she passes, but i can't really do anything with her cuz she goes back upstate to her house for the...
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    Girl tells me to call and never picks up

    It's her cell. There is always the chance she doesn't have my number. We kind of fell out of touch for a while so it's 50/50. A text would probably be the better option.
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    Girl tells me to call and never picks up

    I said I didn't have her number so she gave me it and says "well now you do. so call it." I called last week. No answer. ok, she's busy. I figure I'll call her today and she what she's up to. she doesn't pick up. wtf is the point of telling me to call if she's never going to pick up/return...
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    How to not blow my chances

    no advice? i'll prob just call her later today and act like nothing happened
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    How to not blow my chances

    I met a girl a few weeks ago and got majorly **** blocked by one of her friends. She called me a bunch of times after that, etc. So I texted her last week and we went back and forth for a while. Eventually we started talking about banging each other. Everything was cool. Then I texted her monday...
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    Girl said she used to have a crush on me

    that's pretty much exactly what happened. haha I haven't seen her in a while. Should I try to set something up over aim? She never seems too interested online tho, she plays it off.
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    Girl said she used to have a crush on me

    I guess so. Finals are done, but I haven't seen her around. I've spoken to her online a little, but she doesn't really seem interested. I'll wait until I see her at a party or something before I forget about it entirely, though.
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    I Fuking Hate This Girl!!

    Is this thread serious? You've never even tried to talk to her and you're mad that other guys aren't huge pussies like you are? Maybe instead of sitting on the same bench all the time chilling and smiling you should go up to her you retard.
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    Girl said she used to have a crush on me

    What do you mean testing me?
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    If you squat big, will you have a high vertical?

    strength and power are 2 different things
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    Girl said she used to have a crush on me

    well i'm pretty sure she knew I was kidding (I said a moonlight diner on a romantic cruise after a horseback ride on the beach in France).
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    Girl said she used to have a crush on me

    didn't know where else to put this. I'm a sophmore in college now and was trying to find out when the last day of school was so I started IMing people. I started talking to this girl I used to go to school with and after a min she says she used to have a crush on me and even made a bet she would...
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    Doin something pretty gutsy..almost AFC

    do it. there's nothing to lose.
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    Sudden Disinterest

    Yeah, I was going really slowly with her. We've messed around, but we hadn't had sex yet. Though I'm not even sure why. I know she's not a virgin, so I should have sped things up. No big deal, though. The thing is, I've got 2 days of school left. Her interest dropped way down, so I doubt...
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    Sudden Disinterest

    I've been messing around with this girl for a few weeks. Everything was going smooth. She was calling me around 3 times a week and seemed pretty happy to see me whenever we passed in school. Then two weeks ago I called her and she said she was at the beach. I said alright, I'll call you back...
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    what to do with younger chicks

    you gotta be pretty special to fail 7th grade twice.
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    Girl wants to drink with me

    We were hangin out the other day and we got onto the topic of drinking. She said how she's only done it once and had a few shots. After a minute she tells me she wants to drink with me and gets all excited. I don't have a problem with that, though. If there's a party going on and I pick her...
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    guys that are struggling : revelations VOL.1

    I don't mean to be a ****, but girls who throw shotput are beasts.
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    If you could go back

    yeah, ultimately, we all want to live life with no regrets, but that doesn't really happen. everyone messes up. i used to be real tight with a few kids from my school, but i distanced myself from them all the time to hang out with other people. turns out a few years later they chill with...