Sudden Disinterest


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
I've been messing around with this girl for a few weeks. Everything was going smooth. She was calling me around 3 times a week and seemed pretty happy to see me whenever we passed in school. Then two weeks ago I called her and she said she was at the beach. I said alright, I'll call you back later and we'll do something. I was busy so I didn't call, but it was no big deal.

Since then though, I've called her twice, neither time did she pick up. She stopped calling, too. Whenever I talk to her in school she seems really distant. We used to be all over each other. What the hell happened here?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Gona be brutally honest bro

She probably has the idea in her head that she's been there done that and wants something else. How's her reputation? Is she a girl that is known to give it up easily? Rocko may be right; your window closed because you didn't make the move soon enough (I'm assuming you haven't had sex).

Not to worry though, this has happend to me a few times. She's not totally disinterested, she's just wanting something new. Chances are, shes found a new guy who can fill the gap. Don't get mad about it, do something about it.

Start talking to some other girls, and put her on the backburner for awhile. If she still has any interest in you, then she'll surely question what you're doing with other girls. Thats when you need to make your move and really sweep this girl off her feet. Change up whatever you did before and bring her something new.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I was going really slowly with her. We've messed around, but we hadn't had sex yet. Though I'm not even sure why. I know she's not a virgin, so I should have sped things up. No big deal, though.

The thing is, I've got 2 days of school left. Her interest dropped way down, so I doubt she'd want to chill over the summer, but we'll see.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Wolve said:
I've been messing around with this girl for a few weeks. Everything was going smooth. She was calling me around 3 times a week and seemed pretty happy to see me whenever we passed in school. Then two weeks ago I called her and she said she was at the beach. I said alright, I'll call you back later and we'll do something. I was busy so I didn't call, but it was no big deal.

Since then though, I've called her twice, neither time did she pick up. She stopped calling, too. Whenever I talk to her in school she seems really distant. We used to be all over each other. What the hell happened here?

How do I get THIS SPECIFIC girl: Useless Thread #10

:up: Job Moderators!



Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
B-Lemond said:
How do I get THIS SPECIFIC girl: Useless Thread #10

:up: Job Moderators!


Dont you have something better to do?