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  1. M

    Preparing for a first date

    For a first date I like to do something I find fun and enjoyable. You appear high value when having fun.
  2. M

    What do you think? (texting)

    So last month I added a new plate. Due to different schedules we see each other once a week. When we go out her IL is high and we always have sex. Every time I text her it takes a very long time for her to answer back. Anywhere from 4 to 10 hours. I only text her to setup dates. She always...
  3. M

    Do good women really exist?

    I am in no way an expert, but I want to share my feelings on what I've quoted above. When my ex wife split I had this exact same thought. I believe that this was actually the hardest part of her leaving to deal with. I thought I could never find another woman who was as good as my ex wife...
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    bishes be crazy
  5. M

    Soul crushing defeats

    So a little update. I took hb7 stripper to the beach earlier today. Absolutely horrible. Girl couldn't even put 2 coherent sentences together. I ended up making up an excuse to leave early.
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    I had a 10+ girl isolated in my car

    She's a 10 to him:up:
  7. M

    Soul crushing defeats

    It is definitely a possibility I scared but if I did I'm not sure how. I acted pretty non chalant any time I had seen her.
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    Soul crushing defeats

    I was just being dramatic. I'm just feeling desperate to break this slump which i'm sure is what is holding me back.
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    Soul crushing defeats

    Hey everyone. I am writing this more as a rant then needing advice. But I will definitely take some if you wish to share. I recently moved to Hawaii in the last few months. I moved here for a fresh start after divorce. Since being here I have hit a dry spell. I've approaching like crazy...
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    4th annual Anti AA Competition

    Best thing I did at your age was get a fake id. I had no problems getting into bars/clubs and it looked nothing like me.
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    So I did crossfit for a little over 6 weeks. I stopped because I moved to a new state. I guess I'll give a review. First I am no way new to oly lifting or lifting in general. I am in no way an expert but I have been lifting since I was a teenager. Second the gym I was at had an actual oly...
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    Childless older guys (late 20s and up), how to get over kids?

    To get back to the original question I don't mind dating single moms. I happen to like kids especially when they they are young and starting to develop personalities. Kids are the most raw unfiltered people on earth. Now I wouldn't probably be in anything serious with a single mother, raising...
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    All we ever do is f**k

    Are you dating my ex? :crazy:
  14. M

    Know any who has killed himself over a gal?

    I came close. But it wasn't just because she left, it just added to the fire. I was already headed down the path and was the reason she bailed.
  15. M

    ALERT: GF likely cheating on me. Help me think of a good way to dump her.

    Step 1- acquire trash bags. Step 2- place girls stuff in to newly acquired trash bags. Step 3- give trash bags to girl while telling her it's time to move on. Step 4- move on with life. Seriously she doesn't deserve better treatment.
  16. M

    Thought I would introduce myself

    How has it worked out for you?
  17. M


    Just curious if anyone was doing crossfit? I started it 2 weeks ago and so far enjoy it. During my research I was worried about the horror stories I had found about injury. So I took awhile to find the right gym. I think it is important to find a gym that stresses the importance of proper form.
  18. M

    Thought I would introduce myself

    First off I hope this is in the right area. Hello everyone, here is a little info about myself. I'm 28 and a veteran. Currently a full time student. I am currently going through a divorce after a few years of marriage. It has been ugly so far, and we don't even have kids. The first half of...