4th annual Anti AA Competition


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'm on 2/7 so far, both HB6's, weren't really conversations though, so I might disregard them later on in the week if I get more than enough quality approaches in.

From now on I'll keep the tally to myself and post a FR type response once the challenge is complete/the week is done.

Good Luck Gents



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
No. My name is Gray and you're supposed to post the FRs. lol
FR= field reports? Alrighty, I don't really recall the interactions that well, I kinda just talked to people. I'll post some up tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure if this counts, but I got a number from a girl in my class today. It was a "warm lead" as in she offered to help me study like two weeks ago and I never really followed up. She's kind of cute (and healthy), but her hair is in that annoying pixie cut. I kind of had to wrangle her into giving me her number too, I think she didn't want to give it to me in the front of the whole class LOL. She kept trying to get me to message her on the school forum thing or email her. Maybe she was shy?

"Approached" quite a few people today; both guys and girls. My "approach" is to just comment something interesting to the people near me as I'm walking. It's better than walking by myself being bored. Sat down to have a coke with two girls who were eating, a fattie and a cute girl with fake red hair (one of my weaknesses). This was my second time hanging out with them. Red hair girl has a BF but I can tell she liked me, and her boyfriend sounded like a fag. I invited them to the gay club, so I'm sure if she feels like hooking up with me, she'll start hanging around the gay club.

Anyway let me know if that number counts. If not, won't be a problem to make up for it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Vice the random approach/comments to people is the challenge for my division.

Your divions challenge is to number close 3 girls fail or succeed, so now you only need 2 to go. I don't think it matters if they're acquaintances like that though. Ones you hardly talk to that is.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
Vice the random approach/comments to people is the challenge for my division.

Your divions challenge is to number close 3 girls fail or succeed, so now you only need 2 to go. I don't think it matters if they're acquaintances like that though. Ones you hardly talk to that is.



Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Got my 7 approaches done :D..

You are allowed to do it at the club right ?

Made myself some new friends, got on the good pages with the bouncers at the most popular club in my city and got myself a few numbers.

Ill break down the numbers ( at the club ).

Had my eye on a HB8 from the start of the night and I knew I wasn't going to leave the club without her number. She was dancing with her friends near the bar my friend decided to approach her so I just chilled out sipping my beer. I saw he came back fairly quick and got shut down. I normally hate approaching girls when they are dancing but I decided to do it anyways. I just went up to her and literally told her I wasn't going to leave the club tonight without talking to her, then grabbed her hand ( Which I like to do always, if they grab back I know they are interested).

She grabbed my hand back and I took her away to the bar where we talked a bit and had a few drinks. She told me she was from outta town so I said if I can guess where shes from she has to give me her number ( she was hesitant about giving her number away at the club). Surprisingly I got it right LOL ( LUCKY ME) and she gave me her number, got a quick kiss in before I let her get dragged away by her whale of a friend.

The second number I got was from a HB7 cute face, nice slim body. Just saw her at the bar and give her the good ol " I THINK YOUR REALLY CUTE" deal.. and it worked and we started talking about her and I just made her laugh a bit to feel more comfortable.

I grabbed her hand ( as usual) and she grabbed mine back. Unfortunately this girl also had a group of friends that were eager to pull her away from me after I took her to the bar. So she said if you find me later I'll let you get me a drink.. So I'm like how about if I find you later I get your number. Then I'm just like fvck it how about you give me your number now LOL and she did.

The other number I Got was from a HB7 who gave mega IOI's from the start when I was chilling at the bar. As she was headin to the dance floor she just grabbed my hand and I went. Was an easy number close from there.

Was a successful night on the town boys.

Get the friends of the girls I'm going for comfortable around me so they approve of me and do NOT c0ckblock me
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
#1 - Dude at station
"Hey man, you left your backpack open" - "Yeah that's what I always do, blablabla

#2 - Other dude, sitting

Two real small ones, starting with babysteps. Next approaches must be real smalltalk and preferably hot girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
I think I'm done.

And I envy you club goers... As soon as I run out of chicks to approach at school I have to hit up the malls and stuff. And every club in my area is 21+ :cry:

Random Greets:
I was jogging in the park, and a lady with a stroller walked by and we made eye contact. I smiled and said "Hello" and she replied with the same, or at least I think she did since I had music in my ears. I saw her lips move.

I was getting on the bus to go to school, and I greeted the bus driver with "Good Morning."

I was sitting down in a hallway waiting for the bell to ring, a girl walked by and I told her "Good Morning." She replied with the same and walked away.

There's a kid in of my classes who sits behind me, I just asked him "Whats up."

Random Small Talks:
We were standing around in class and this HB:7 was in front of me. I said "Hey" and the next thing I know shes talking about how she hates her job.

I was waiting outside my classroom and this guy had come out. I just said what's up and just started talking about people we knew in that class and stuff.

A HB:7.5 was walking down the hallway with balloons. I assumed it was her birthday so I told her "Happy Birthday." She then said that it wasn't her birthday and that it was for some project.

An HB:7 in one of my classes had asked me if a girl I knew(HB:8) was there today. We made some small talk about math class and she then said she had to be somewhere and left.

I have physical therapy every Tuesday's and I had gotten a new girl instructor to work with. We made some small talk and I even told her a fake story about how my arm got all messed up. She loved it but had to go for some reason.

All of these have strong eye contact by the way, except the third greet.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
I just realized this challenge already started. I'm gonna go out tomorrow and work on this.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
Vice said:
I invited them to the gay club
I busted up laughing at this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Starfvcks 64 said:
I busted up laughing at this.
Yeah, that seems to be his thing.

"why aren't you guys out at the gay bar meeting girls??"

Just like LiveFree is the local move to China and get married aficionado.

Whatever floats your boat I guess.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
And I envy you club goers... As soon as I run out of chicks to approach at school I have to hit up the malls and stuff. And every club in my area is 21+ :cry:
Best thing I did at your age was get a fake id. I had no problems getting into bars/clubs and it looked nothing like me.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Gray The Prince, does meeting people at some social events count? such as events from meetup.com?


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
OK. Mission accomplished for me! Chatted with 3 in my office building, and 10+ in this social event. I also set up some tentative dates with two HBs.