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  1. M

    Do you guys ever just fool around with borderlines and narcissists just for fun?

    I wouldn't recommend messing with either, especially BPDs... they are fvck-fvck game champions dude. Remember, it is all fun and games until one of them goes out of their way to destroy your life...and trust me they will with zero remorse.
  2. M

    Just found out my oneitis is a slvt....that feel

    Consider this a blessing dude. It is never easy having the image of your oneitis destroyed, because it forces you to confront the fact that you were terribly mislead. No one wants their poor judgement exposed to themselves. Warning: beta story to follow... The same thing happened to me a few...
  3. M

    OKC: WTF is going on?

    I don't know if it is so much that they're attention *****s (though I am sure some are), or your approach. If they are going ghost more often than not it may be the approach. Just my advice, based on my experience do not ask for their number. Suggest that you should (insert idea here). If she...
  4. M

    Gf killed mood for morning sex, and somehow I'm at fault? lol

    WTF...Are you her fvcking butler or something? Maybe I am reading too much into it, but in my opinion this right here says a lot about your current relationship. It sounds to me like she is a self entitled ****. I have never had a woman suggest I go get her coffee for her... yet alone use sex as...
  5. M

    Most Insane Thing I've Seen

    "You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension— a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."
  6. M

    Girlfriend says "I'm sorry I have issues I need time".

    It doesn't have to be explicit... it's a mindset. I'm sorry, but that sounds like an implied breakup dude. Even if she hasn't said it out right, she has in her mind and is just working up the confidence to deliver the message. If there is hope she will stick not reply. If there is...
  7. M

    Biggest thing I have noticed about women in the southeast since being back...

    It all comes down to supply and demand... I am originally from a small rural town in Kentucky. After living all over the world since then, I have realized that it is less to do with how they look as much as how much competition there is. Every time I go back home to visit, I find it hilarious...
  8. M

    When she asks about your ex and sex history

    Its a trap! Doesn't matter if you say 10 or 100... That being said, I wouldn't recommend saying more than 12, or less than 4...irregardless of what your number is. Tell her it shouldn't matter to her because it doesn't matter to you...and honestly, it shouldn't. Just remember, she probably...
  9. M

    no sex for me :/

    Being attached is not a physical thing... You could go 6 months without seeing a girl, but still be attached. It is a mindset...if this girl walked away tomorrow and you could not honestly say you would not give a sh*t, then you are attached. Responding to what you said earlier, do not...
  10. M

    How to respond to "you only pretend to care about me" SH@T Test?

    Her: You only pretend to care about me... You: That is ridiculous... You think I am PRETENDING to care about you? ...I thought I was making it pretty obvious that I don't give a sh*t about you...
  11. M

    no sex for me :/

    I'm under the impression that you came here to make an arbitrary post about an issue that clearly has, at most, two solutions... either you break up with her, or you beta right along without having sex and stop worrying about it. What other option is there...rape? I mean seriously, there aren't...
  12. M

    check this out...

    I would stop thinking so much... that entire post sounds like one huge word salad.
  13. M

    no sex for me :/

    4 months?... Really?!?!?! You have already invested roughly 3 1/2 months worth of too much time. The problem is, you have already proven to her that she doesn't need to have sex with you, because you'll stick around even if she doesn't. Break up with her and don't contact her... she will put...
  14. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    That is dedication dude! Glad you're powering through this... If she makes a habit of that, you could always threaten her with a restraining order...then if she still won't leave you alone, actually follow through with it...
  15. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    What difference is that supposed to make? I mean she cheated, right? Is she trying to blame that sh*t on being depressed or something? Because if that is her argument, its pretty flimsy...
  16. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I would be tempted to text her back saying, "Thanks for the offer, but I have plenty of that as it is..." But probably best to stay NC...
  17. M

    BPD Woman and pattern of behavior question...

    It might be a little early to tell if she is BPD... Typical MO for people with BPD is to put their absolute best foot forward to pull you in... at least for the first few weeks. It usually takes a while before the underlying crazy comes out. You would probably have to observe her for AT LEAST a...
  18. M

    Positive ex is BPD need advice

    I have had a lot of experience with people with BPD... my mom has BPD, so after 27 years of dealing with total mind fvckery, I have learned how to deal with them. I dated a girl a few years back that told me she'd been diagnosed with BPD, which I knew before she even told me because she...
  19. M

    She got kissed by another guy... What would you do?

    You don't say... Here is my opinion: 1. Clearly there was some sort of implicit loyalty between the two of you...if not, she would not have felt the need to start blowing your phone up in an attempt to justify what you just saw. She has officially betrayed this implicit agreement. 2...
  20. M

    Ever called a girl out on her flakiness?

    Yep Just about 2 weeks ago... I met this girl through a female friend at a school function, she was attractive...a nice balance of hot/cuteness, and sort of flirty with me. Later that night I look her up on Facebook... eventually I got her number and asked her out to lunch... First Red...