BPD Woman and pattern of behavior question...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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I also posted this on the mature site. I had a BPD experience ...great for two weeks then suddenly shee turn sour for unexplainable reasons and left thinking...WTF happened. I am just curious, do these women come back when they are in their nice mood after doing no contact...or do they just move one never to hear from them again. Just curious....because I think I was given a gift to find this out sooner rather than later....Abe


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2013
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You're better off just cutting off all contact with her permanently. I've been fvcking with my most recent BPD girl's head but I am experienced and it's not a nice thing to do. I am a bad person.

BPD is a MUCH more serious mental illness than it may seem. It is almost on the level of schizophrenia or psychosis or something like that but the strange thing about it is the people who have it will appear almost normal until you know them for a while. Then WHAM you are involved with a total nutcase. I really think the best thing to do is to bail permanently-- the trouble with that is it will trigger the BPD person's abandonment terror.

If you really want to chase one away without hurting them it might be the kindest thing to be extremely clingy and make them cut you off, but I think they may always come back in the end.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Man. You cannot go saying you had a BPD.

It olny lasted TWO WEEKS! I've been with loads of chick for this amount of time, sometimes I left, sometimes they left. I'm positive most of them weren't B-Clusters.

Two weeks is too little time to affirm such sh*t. She may have just found something more interesting then you. i.e black c0ck! lol


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2013
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abe0 said:
...great for two weeks then suddenly shee turn sour for unexplainable reasons...
It might be a little early to tell if she is BPD... Typical MO for people with BPD is to put their absolute best foot forward to pull you in... at least for the first few weeks. It usually takes a while before the underlying crazy comes out. You would probably have to observe her for AT LEAST a month before you could say for certain it was BPD, because it could simply be a lack of interest...

What exactly do you mean by turned sour? If she just doesn't seem interested, that isn't characteristic of BPD; however, if one day out of nowhere, and for absolutely no reason she created a drama storm (e.g... saying something like you do not care about her for some totally fabricated reason, or saying that you have wronged her in some way when there is no justification for the claim), then you better watch out... People with BPD usually exit stage in a VERY DRAMATIC FASHION...typically (from my experience) screaming and cursing you in a fit of anger. There are a lot of details missing here... Did you try to talk to her? If so was the conversation remotely reasonable? Or did she seem impervious to anything you said? If she is BPD, she would probably convince herself of some absolutely illogical reason to justify the way she is acting...and then be entirely unreceptive to your attempt to be rational about the situation.

If you aren't very familiar with how BPD affects people who have it, they have no control over their emotions. One minute they can be happy as can be, then at the flip of a switch they are in a sh*t mood, feeling upset and vulnerable...when that happens they go into super defensive mode and because there is no reason for them to feel the emotion they are experiencing, they literally create the causal factor of the emotion in their head. So basically imagine the feeling you get when someone just does something that makes you feel like total sh*t... well imagine having that feeling but for no damn good reason... well that is what happens with BPD, and then their mind creates the story for why they feel that way... usually by embellishing something you have done, or totally creating something. For example... you make eye contact with a waitress at Applebees... in her head she spins it into "you must be fvcking that waitress or trying to..." something to that effect.

If it is BPD, she probably will come back regardless of what you do or do not do. I would almost guarantee it. If it is the case that she is BPD, good luck dude...
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Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
BPD is a incredible serious mental issue. Most rarely have the capacity to hide it for 2 weeks. This girl isn't BPD..probably just lost interest.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
abe0 said:
I also posted this on the mature site. I had a BPD experience ...great for two weeks then suddenly shee turn sour for unexplainable reasons and left thinking...WTF happened. I am just curious, do these women come back when they are in their nice mood after doing no contact...or do they just move one never to hear from them again. Just curious....because I think I was given a gift to find this out sooner rather than later....Abe
No way BPD. This is the honeymoon period. In fact BPD's are known to be clingly and say they love you by now. She probably normal chick who has lost interested in you.