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  1. C

    friend's are stupid

    one of my friend's ex was flirting with me online so i went along with it (with no intention of even considering pursing) just friendly loose flirting. she goes and squeals on me saying i flirted (which i did but she initiated) and now my friend wants to fight me. what would you do in this...
  2. C

    making a point

    i have been cutting back time with her and when she asks i simply say i'm busy. how do i make it aware to her i've been with other girls without sounding like bragging?
  3. C

    making a point

    actually sometimes people ask me to introduce them to "my gf" and i'm the one who responds no she's just my friend. there might have been an occasion where she has said that though. problem with that is she makes it hard to do, it's like mentally she put a block on my game. if it were any...
  4. C

    making a point

    i have this girl who i usually hang out with which she considers us as just friends. odd part is, she always wants to hang out with other couples we know so its like a double date. honestly i'm gettin sick of it, it used to be OK. but now i was thinking next time she asks to reply with "well it...
  5. C

    your thoughts please

    haha thats awesome
  6. C

    your thoughts please

    now the question is, by her talkin about it does that automatically conclude its a test? if not how could you distinguish the two or should you always encourage it if she brings it up and you never initiate unless you dont want a serious relationship?
  7. C

    your thoughts please

    so if you're interested in a relationship you should never advice this? not even if she's tryin to make you jealous/test you by talkin about it?
  8. C

    your thoughts please

    i was wondering two things: 1. if you encourage a girl to date other men, does that exhibit confidence or is a bad idea? 2. should you hand your number out to a girl if she doesn't give hers? or says something like "only a select few have my number, i dont give it out"
  9. C

    Need a kick in the ass; motivation

    Say this girl starts really wondering about my ignorance towards her and really wants an explanation. Do I put it all out in the clear or just be brief and say I've been busy and continue to overt my feelings?
  10. C

    Need a kick in the ass; motivation

    Thanks guys. Thing that makes it so hard is the lack of cool girls around here, they all seem to be bodies and looks and lack a fun personality that my ex has. That almost leaves me with despair. I know its stupid but catchin a girl with more than just great looks seems almost impossible.
  11. C

    Need a kick in the ass; motivation

    Here's the run down. My first gf who I felt "in love" with for 4 years 3 years ago have been hangin out after her and her current ex broke up. All was fine I was enjoyin just the friendship but soon feelings for her arouse again and of course I hid them from clues that she only saw me as a...
  12. C

    too needy or thinks so?

    it's not about having the last word. it shows her lack of recipricating has no effect because you understand the situation and could care less. it's not caring and showing it while communicating.
  13. C

    too needy or thinks so?

    if your inner wussy comes out on a girl you've been pursuing who puts up a huge challenge or just resistance/disinterest. i've found something to say right before you NEXT them that has proved effective. next time this happens try dropping this on them "i'm only giving you this much attention...
  14. C

    Girl friend interest or?

    haha well i didn't intend to cause a scuffle. just looking for some answers here.
  15. C

    Girl friend interest or?

    How is any of that pertaining to my question?
  16. C

    Girl friend interest or?

    A girl I've been friends with for some time whom I've considered romantically but over all am not attracted to her that way, has been acting really nice towards me lately. She'll offer to make me breakfast when she's home alone, take me out for ice cream, invite me to family outings, etc...
  17. C

    haha thought i'd share this

    damn all good responses, i should have waited. this is what i put: "ooh right, i didn't realize your url was "classy"holyhooker. what's your aim s/n? "please" ;)"
  18. C

    haha thought i'd share this

    so wait, i should reply with a please?
  19. C

    haha thought i'd share this

    messaged a girl via myspace saying "i dont think that's you in that pic. but let's talk sometime, whats your s/n?" and she replied with "That's definitely me in the picture. And if you want me to get back to you, maybe you should use a "please" next time." haha now i definetly dont want to...