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  1. C

    Is it me or her?

    but why is that? does it mean there's no possibility of a new sex life?
  2. C

    Is it me or her?

    so there's no explanation for this?
  3. C

    Is it me or her?

    i've been hangin out with an ex and when something comes up that i can throw in a remark about our past sex life she always responds with something like "ew thats gross" or "stop, i'm goin to throw up" etc.and i just laugh it off or say something like you would hate anythin sexual but laugh it...
  4. C

    if she calls to "talk"

    I didn't say what I did in a stern, arrogant tone. It was playful but also to be understood I wasn't goin to be her caffeine pill for the drive home. I was more so wondering if she made the call out of interest or friendly chatting
  5. C

    if she calls to "talk"

    She was out with a girlfriend and called telling me about how awful of a night it was. After hearing her story she asked what I did, I was brief and added that friends and I entertained some sluts. After that I told her I didn't have free nights on my phone and she wasn't worth my minutes. But...
  6. C

    if she calls to "talk"

    Ok but I remember reading to never talk long on the phone with a girl unless you want to friend her. Is this true? Even in what happened where she chose me to call to help her stay awake while driving?
  7. C

    if she calls to "talk"

    had a girl call me as she was driving home the other day from a friend's. the point of the call was to just talk about randomness. she said she was falling asleep and still had a 30 min drive home on the highway and wanted to talk so she'd stay awake. i wasn't sure if she was interested or was...
  8. C

    best ways to get her to do what you want

    sorry i dont have any suggestions, i'm asking for help in this field. how do you turn defenses such as "you're a stanger i cant do that" "i barely know you" "i dont do things like that, i'm a good girl" into "ok" "ok" "ok" haha i used to try turning whatever it was into a little debate to prove...
  9. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

    I know the online thing is a young act. But ironically both of us have only been in relationships which ignited online first. I like the "its only competition if you see it as competition" remark makes total sense. My last question is, if she brings up the other guy should I just listen and...
  10. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

  11. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

    thanks guys, update on this. we were talkin online and she was again bein spacious in response time and just seemed distracted (other guy) so after her not answering a question i had asked i stated "you're really bad at being a conversationalist" she then replied with "i didnt know you wanted...
  12. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

    Great post John. But it doesn't make sense to just walk away because I've known her for a long time and its only recently became an issue of more than casual bumpin into each other, hangin out.
  13. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

    I'm more so interested in how to handle this type of thing. It always makes me feel like showing more attention or just totally taking it away. I never know what the proper thing is. For instance should I come off as more than usually busy now or just continue interactions with her as they were...
  14. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

    I don't get it, so just walk away? No method of handling competition to show indifference and emit confidence that I'm the better person?
  15. C

    Need advice ASAP about competition

    This girl I've been talking to and hitting it off with. Is now telling me about this boy she's started talkin to online and has since been ignoring me. How should I handle this? Instinct wants me to make fun of him but I feel itd show jealousy. Help please I'm bad in this situation.
  16. C

    she said i was intense

    what exactly do you mean? also is there anyway to get this girl's interest back, was my response appropiate?
  17. C

    she said i was intense

    not in a good way, this chick i started talkin to online and we had left off on a good note. stopped talkin to me so i sent her a text askin what her deal was and she said "you're really intense" so i replied with "i know isnt it great? i guess i'll go be "intense" with someone else who can...
  18. C

    girl and party

    So I shouldn't just go and be the fun indifferent guy?
  19. C

    girl and party

    this girl ive been spendin time with is havin her college graduation party tomorrow. we just spoke on the phone and i brought it up, she said "um i didnt invite you" followed by a "just kidding", but when i thought about it now i wasnt personally invited, in fact the other day she kept askin her...
  20. C

    The Missing Link - the most important dating advice you need!!

    I actually really agree with this but my one question that comes up is, won't this lead to being too forward which would have a negative outcome?