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  1. C

    self redemption + advice

  2. C

    self redemption + advice

    so tonight i hung out with this girl, it was raining and i was about to drop her off. she said how it was too crazy to walk into her house so i suggested parkin and waitin for the rain to subside. we began talkin some more and at one point i sensed i could just kiss her, i just got the urge but...
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    convo with girl threw me off guard!

    I understand but this has happened before when she got a bf for 3 years. So she of anyone should know what I meant.
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    convo with girl threw me off guard!

    this makes sense to me but! why would her point of view be that im her best option if she's many times before stated she only likes me as a friend?
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    convo with girl threw me off guard!

    but from what youve read, how should i handle this if she brings it up again? and did i respond properly to her?
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    convo with girl threw me off guard!

    this girl i've had a thing for but has insisted we stay friends said today that her dad thinks i like her, after laughing and askin why? (to hide my true feelings, as to play her dumb friendship game) she replies that he just thinks thats why we hang out sometimes, i reponded with a few laughs...
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    to my advantage or mistake

    so does this mean that my remark made her feel more attraction towards me?
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    help! lack of patience throwing all i know off

    good advice, how do you get past a women's "i dont even know you" line
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    help! lack of patience throwing all i know off

    for the past 2 days i've been really impatient, i still myspace girls get them to chat online use c+f great during the first 15 min but then! something happens within me and i start changin the convo into sex talk which is fine but i begin askin for sexual pics and my approach becomes an...
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    to my advantage or mistake

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    to my advantage or mistake

    there's this girl i've been recently talking to and she has this thing about really tryin to make it a point that she doesn't want to be my gf. (which doesnt bother me at all really) we hung out yesterday and she made a mention of us goin on vacation together where i was like "no way, i'll...
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    Advice really needed, confusing

    just want to say thanks for all the replies even the ones puttin into perspective that i should move on. this has made me feel real confident and realize that having power over girls is a lot more exciting than chasin that one who made you feel weak. by doing this i have actually changed her...
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    online talk

    ok, ****y and funny is a lot easier to pull off in person. plenty of visuals around to use but when it comes to first encounter with someone online first, are there any tips? i mean text doesnt contain emotion so its hard to say what you want in a sly way and not come off offensive, but playful.
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    i find it hard to get a girl to respond through myspace messages, especially if its someone you've never met. best one to my knowledge to ever get the ball rolling is to send a sincere sounding message claiming you have met before but arent sure and need their response to conclude. after that...
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    Advice really needed, confusing

    that link didnt work
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    Contacting a Former Oneitis "As A Friend"

    well, to just email her out of the blue for some closure would come off a bit weird. but on the other hand, say you went somewhere, saw/heard something etc that made you think of her and sparked curiousity in how she's been, i would use that as the reason for the email. i'm sure you can think...
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    Advice really needed, confusing

    i do exactly that to throw her off. i'll give her attention then stop and tell her a story about a girl i met or how i approached her etc (i bring it up by saying something like "oh man this reminds me of a funny thing that happened when i met/talked to whoever). i'll even flirt with stranger...
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    Advice really needed, confusing

    just one more quick question. should i continue making remarks about us dating? even if we're not for expample to old friends who see us together i'll be like "oh yea we're back together, she begged but i figured why not give her a second chance" then i'll put my arm around, or make other...
  19. C

    Advice really needed, confusing

    just one more quick question. should i continue making remarks about us dating? even if we're not for expample to old friends who see us together i'll be like "oh yea we're back together, she begged but i figured why not give her a second chance" then i'll put my arm around, or make other...
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    Advice really needed, confusing

    wow joseph thanks a lot man, broke down everything i wrote with an explanation, exactly what i was hoping for. i'm glad you think i'm doin the right things, although they feel wrong and only with her! (such a crazy challenge) but i'm not implying i act wussy and submissive with other girls, just...