Here's the run down. My first gf who I felt "in love" with for 4 years 3 years ago have been hangin out after her and her current ex broke up. All was fine I was enjoyin just the friendship but soon feelings for her arouse again and of course I hid them from clues that she only saw me as a friend now. She's been somewhat talkin to someone else with romantic interest and although to her I brush it off and encourage it to hide my irritability I've come to realize that isn't even worth it. I want to ganji her but the prob is it feels like I'd be giving up like a really good friend. But I know its just a waste of my time if I don't since ill want more and she'll push away. So please give some words of encouragement here so I can leave this with no regret or concern that itd make her hate me or something. Thanks.