your thoughts please


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
i was wondering two things:

1. if you encourage a girl to date other men, does that exhibit confidence or is a bad idea?

2. should you hand your number out to a girl if she doesn't give hers? or says something like "only a select few have my number, i dont give it out"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
cNfny said:
i was wondering two things:

1. if you encourage a girl to date other men, does that exhibit confidence or is a bad idea?

2. should you hand your number out to a girl if she doesn't give hers? or says something like "only a select few have my number, i dont give it out"
1. Yes but it should be pulled off in a way that says you should date other guys, because i have a bit of disinterest in you(aka being a challenge) and i have other options. If she's vibing you then she may think "wow this guy isn't all over me, i want him more" thus she becomes more attracted to you. It also say that you have other possible options if you telling her she should date other men. However on the flip side if it's a chick you like some may be offended by it and feel like you don't like them at all and they are gone. This should only be said if you have options and you are really a confident guy.

2. First rule of thumb in the game, if a chick doesn't give you her number chances are she isn't interested enough and even if you give her yours you won't get a call back. First reason is obvious she didn't give you hers so she's not interested or playing hard to get. Second reason if you do give her your number and if she's a aggressive girl playing hard to get then she may call, but on average most chicks don't call guys who give them their numbers because chicks don't take that first leading step of calling. We as men take the step to call the girl not the other way around.

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
I never understood why this thing is always going on, that either the girl has to hand out her number or you should.

There's got to be some interest in both of you, so you can actually EXCHANGE numbers to keep in touch.

I keep reading about guys who got a girls number, call them, and they either get rejected by some stupid lame ass excuse or women don't pick up the phone or return the calls. It's because there isn't any interest, she probably just gave you her number to be polite.

I think this is where DD is brainwashing you. Maybe in some occasions if you really "click" with the girl she will hand you her number and return your call regardless of just the "3 minute rule then get her number."

I'm only 16 and do most of my "sarging" at school or night outs (if thats what you wanna call it), so I haven't yet tried to approach a girl at a mall or something, but it doesn't sound right to me that a girl that only talked to you for a minute or two is going to hand out her number, and if she does, return your call and agree to go out with you. Like I said, only if both of you "click."

And the right way to do it is if you both want to keep in touch with each other, EXCHANGE phone numbers. So when you do call her, she will also know who you are and more likely pick up the phone.

My thoughts/
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Never give a girl your number, if she is attracted to you she will give you hers!! BUT some don't want their b/f's or parents to know that 5 others guys are calling her so - then again.

Whether you encourage a girl to talk to others is a moot point - they are going to do what they want anyway - you have no sway - why bother!!


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Whether you encourage a girl to talk to others is a moot point - they are going to do what they want anyway - you have no sway - why bother!!
Yep thats true, but personally speaking i like to tell girls to talk/get with other guys for the simple reason it sets the frame that "we are not getting into a serious relationship" Also shows your non-needy and other qualities.

So, Yes it should be done if you are not looking for anything serious with the girl.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yes it should be done if you are not looking for anything serious with the girl.
so if you're interested in a relationship you should never advice this? not even if she's tryin to make you jealous/test you by talkin about it?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
so if you're interested in a relationship you should never advice this? not even if she's tryin to make you jealous/test you by talkin about it?
In the case where a girl in trying to make you jealous then yeah by all means encourage her to go for it, "you couldnt give a crap" type of thing.

i've had girls do this to me, one girl especially would not stop tallking about the guys that kept approaching her everyday blah blah I didnt even care and would encourage her to go for it... But she only wanted one man, me! Girls just test to see how you will react.

Also you can do the same right back at them from time to time, keep the little thing on her toes.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
now the question is, by her talkin about it does that automatically conclude its a test? if not how could you distinguish the two or should you always encourage it if she brings it up and you never initiate unless you dont want a serious relationship?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
by her talkin about it does that automatically conclude its a test?
Depends on what exactly she is saying, but yeah its almost alway a test of sorts.

if not how could you distinguish the two or should you always encourage it if she brings it up and you never initiate unless you dont want a serious relationship?
You dont have to always encourage it, you can just smile and say something like "yeah thats great well done baby", then pull her in and kiss her passionately i.e show no sign of jealousy [non-reactive] and turn it into something sexual. Either way you pass her silly test.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
You dont have to always encourage it, you can just smile and say something like "yeah thats great well done baby", then pull her in and kiss her passionately
haha thats awesome