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  1. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Well, I don't update this ****, because there is absolutely NOTHING going on! I have to do loads of homework because they want to let me redo this schoolyear. I do feel that I've grown though, and not just a bit. I used to think people didn't talk to me because they didn't like me or didn't want...
  2. Z

    Quick question

    Forget lingering in the past, man! Be in the moment, do things you've never done before! Just call her up and meet up with her, if you so desire. If you want another chick, then go for that one. Whatever!
  3. Z


    What it boils down to is this: If you want to hook up with her, or any girl for that matter, you MUST work on yourself first. Don't go looking for some magic pill in articles, because there are NONE except that you've got to work on yourself. So here is my advice: Move on, start talking more...
  4. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Well, there isn't happening much here. I notice I'm becoming more self-centered and less reactive, so that's a good thing. Wow, it's been really hard wired into my brain to be a reactive person by default. It's gonna take some time to get rid of that, but there's definately something going on in...
  5. Z

    Top student, decent guy, difficult situation

    Yeah I agree, just talk with them dude! You want to talk to them right? What's withholding you is probably just the thought that they will find it weird that you suddenly talk to them. But dude, it's your life and you shouldn't not do something you want to do because of some standards you're...
  6. Z

    Need to break up with Kayla by friday.

    Just be honest man. Tell her you want to be more free and you want to see other chicks or something. OR if you don't want to risk hurting her feelings, you just act totally needy the next couple of days and hopefully she'll lose interest in you haha. I doubt you have enough time for that though.
  7. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Pink Floyd's Money was released as a single in the US today in 1973. Holy cow! I have approach anxiety or something. I'm going to a great music school to get piano lessons. Every once in a while I spot a pretty hot chick there, but when I went there...
  8. Z

    NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth

    I think you should put some leverage on her. **** being nice and **** and man up; she isn't being nice to you either. In my opinion you should confront her with her last meetup with Matt and tell her you don't want to play her games anymore. In fact, it's over for good or she quits playing those...
  9. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Hmm, I see. Well, I guess eating fruits is okay if you don't consume too much other stuff with fructose in it. Manufacturers use it for everything these days (High-Fructose Corn Syrup) to substitute sugar because it's a lot cheaper. Anyway, I'm not sure why fruits increase dopamine. I got that...
  10. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Yeah I'm still gonna check it out! I never said dopamine was responsible for me staying up late lol. No, I never said to increase fructose :|. Fructose is actually far worse than sugar. And yeah, I got this information from some website and it might not be entirely correct since another...
  11. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    I'ma reflect on my goals: Learn about new techniques and stuff: Watch the Blueprint Decoded; yup doing this and it's awesome Read the Don Juan Bible; gonna do this after I finish the Blueprint Make a little schedual about when I'm gonna work out and read books and stuff; I've still gotta do...
  12. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Yesterday was AWESOME!! Every year at the last day of april, everyone is allowed to sell stuff on the streets. I sold two guitars and a bunch of stuff a friend brought. Selling stuff is loads of fun! You have conversations with everyone and you just try to convince them to buy your stuff, making...
  13. Z

    NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth

    In my opinion you should just keep doing it the same haha. Because this is what keeps me motivated. I'll also check out LearningSlowly's journal.
  14. Z

    I have no idea what's going on..

    I think you shouldn't think about it too much and just be in the moment. People notice if you're too much in your head. You should probably do kino right when you see her. Then just have fun. You should take her for a walk after a while so she'll have more memories of the interaction. But make...
  15. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Hohoho, the Blueprint Decoded is truly exquisitly amazing! I'm already THIS much more confident, and I'm just at part four. Sometimes I forget to do my daily approach, like today. So I just approached this old fool in a shop. Perhaps I'm gonna buy a new guitar I saw there. 65€!! It looks...
  16. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    I love how supportive everyone is on this forum! And most of the advice actually is of really good quality! So Nino-Tk, if I understand what you're saying, you mean that you just have to go for it, nonetheless of how ****ty you feel or if you don't know what to do. And then focus your...
  17. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    This **** is harder than I thought! For some reason I totally lost all my confidence today. A little while later I had regained some of my confidence by talking to friends and having fun, so I went sitting with three girls. I showed some interest in them and had some fun, but I had a hard time...
  18. Z

    TheMusic and his little Journal

    I'd avoid movie dates at first, because you don't pay any attention to eachother while watching a film. You should do something fun and bonding instead. I'd just take her outside and walk around the neighbourhood or something.
  19. Z

    My field rapport, give tips and critique!

    I think you should just use whatever works for you. If MM works for him, then why shouldn't he use it? The thing is, Mystery Method doesn't work outside the boundaries of the preselected materials. You can never rely completely on MM. You should also work on your personality itself and on your...
  20. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Actually, I've been into this for quite a while haha. It's just that I recently decided to really go for it but most of those goals have been lingering in my head for quite some time now.