My field rapport, give tips and critique!


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
Hello guys! 
I have noticed that the game is different at à house party if you compare with being in à club. Where people pretty much are out to meet people, but people usually know eachother at houseparties and are just out to have a good time.

My friends and I went to this houseparty and we were really good friends with the host and almost everyone in there. We went in to the kitchen Where the most of the women were (lol) and Said hi to everyone we met on the way and i meet this HB 7 who stands next to à good friend of mine and chats. She was really social and nice and she was one of the few girls i didn't know at the party so i turned to My wing and Said that she was My set. 

I started to pawn My friend who stood next to the HB, and the HB starts to take part in our conversation. I was in the lockout position so i decided to lock in by asking her to give me her hands and spin her around and when i stood in the lock-in position i Said that i looked better in that light. She gave me the finger and started to laugh, win. After some minutes she started to give low value kino, roller off with the argument that it cost 10 SEK to touch me.
We talked for a while and cuz i had some really good premade DHV i started to do concious DHV so i did the 5-lies game by Style and the bet was à kiss on the cheek 
(i won as always) and the pen15 club on her arm. Negging was made through the whole set.
Premade DHV, look at bottom of page.

She gave me alot of IOIs so i decided to do à takeaway with the reason she was bad news. She came back after 5-10 minutes and asked to sit in My lap, even though there were seats available. That's à strong IOI so I said that I was off duty this night but she could write me à blanc check and blinked with an eye, she sat down in My lap. We kept conversation going and we flirted à littlebit but it was the time for the hook-point. I Said that i thought of leaving and rejoining My friends, just when i took her off My lap to go she grabbed My hand and Said: don't go, we're having à good time don't we? I was defenetly in.  After some time i took her hand and squeezed it and she complied so i took her hand and led her away to à quieter place and asked if she wanted to kiss me and she said maybe, i asked if she was à good kisser and she said that she didn't know so i Said that we could find out and i kisses her.

We made out from time to time through the whole evening and she gave me her # before she left and asked me to stay in touch. Now i'm going into à new phase of the game. 

What could i have improved? 
I need to get real self-confidence (had 2 beers before i started sarging) and i should have rolled of sometimes after we hade made out cuz she pretty much got the control.

Premade DHV: The group of people that was there were good friends of mine and i had à high social value. The girls came to me and talked during the evening. I had 2 of the 3 high value categories: preselected by women and leader of men. (the one which is remaining is Protector of Loved ones.)

Give feedback pls and tips/other techniques! Feel free to ask questions!



Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Good stuff, fellow Swede!

Focus less on the terminology and PUA stuff, and focus more on what is actually happening.

For improvements, I kept asking myself during the whole FR, "Why isn't he pulling?" Myself, to how I understand your report, would've pulled around or just after you made the 'kiss on cheek' bet.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
Okay! Thanks for the tips!
You think that i should have pulled the trigger earlier?
I saw your return on another thread about that you can hook up à person who you have known for some time, can you give some tips on that topic because i've tried for some time on maybe 3-4 girls but i haven't succeded!


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Zutt said:
Okay! Thanks for the tips!
You think that i should have pulled the trigger earlier?
I saw your return on another thread about that you can hook up à person who you have known for some time, can you give some tips on that topic because i've tried for some time on maybe 3-4 girls but i haven't succeded!
You absolutely did the right thing, Im just saying that you can have more belief in yourself for future reference.

Well it definitely depends on the girl and your relationship. You do the usual thing you would do to attract a girl. However, if you're already friends (note, not aquaintances), then you have to make a shift and change your approach, either sudden or gradual. This commonly includes less presence, increase in sexual tension, and so forth.

I usually find it self-absorbed when I read people give examples about this, but I'll just cringe the whole way through writing this, as I find that I think more clearly and specific with examples.
I've been with one chick from my school, all that changed was that she showed a sign of interest in me and I paid her more attention and set up a date by the end of the week, and finally getting her just under 2 weeks later.

When I think friend-zone, I think of this super hot chick in Norway. I wish I could give you an example of that, but you'll have to read my journal in roughly 2 months for that.

You know what.. these examples only made me realize that I have no experience with exiting the friend-zone. I've only done it with aquaintances. Possibly it's because I dont have many female friends. Anyway, I believe my advice should be sound though. Pfft, I need to make a super hot chick my friend and then convert her! :D

You basically stop treating her like a friend (of course you're still friendly and all!) and start treating her like a girl you want to hook-up with.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden

I've been working on my self confidence but i take the escape to a beer or two when I'm going in for it... (If the situation allows to ofc!)

Ahhh, i'm ain't in the mood to read for two months so i'll scroll through and find the sweetest stuff!

Challange accepted! I'll work to convert a friend into a "more than friend" and I'll make a new thread when and if I found a way!

Respect From Stockholm!


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hey man, good job.

You got the girl you decided to get, that's a good quality. The routines are working for you, you should keep them up.

If anything, you seem to try and protect yourself. You neg to make it appear as though you don't actually want her, and I know that the "do you want to kiss me?" has the "back up plan" where you say you didnt want to, you just saw the look she had.

There's really no need for that. When you pick your target, it's fine to project sexuality. When she touches you, instead of saying it costs money, you're allowed to touch her back. Try going for sex from start to finish.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
I don't think you're trolling so...

Dude fvcking awesome. And do you really need to ask if you did well? You kissed closed, you did great. The only thing I would comment on however is that if I were in your position I would have started a full on make-out when she sat on your lap and escalated to a separate room from there. You did amazing, but don't keep playing the game if you've already won. You won once she sat on your lap, and you could've gone so much further if you just committed to getting sexual with her. Don't think that you'll loose interest if you start to show interest yourself by making out etc.. This will actually make her like you more. You can either up her interest a lot by still using game, and run the risk of pissing her off, or you can just get sexual and get her attached to you.

Zutt said:
so i did the 5-lies game by Style and the bet was à kiss on the cheek (i won as always)
Holly sh1t I forgot about this one! Great stuff. Working on straight up day game and sarging has made me sloppy on a lot of this stuff, since it's easier to go day sarging when you have very little of this info in your head. I forget how great this sh1t can be at parties though. Gj, and thank you for inspiring me, I've got a bunch of parties these next two weeks, so I'll brush up on the little games and stuff like that.

Zutt said:
I had 2 of the 3 high value categories: preselected by women and leader of men. (the one which is remaining is Protector of Loved ones.)
Yes you did, but there's actually like 7 when you break them down into more specific (and sometimes manageable) things.

Also, your english is kind of broken, where are you from?

Oh, and THANK YOU for the field report - we need more like this.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Pull much faster. After you realise she is in to you, either isolate or kiss her. Then do the other one. Go to hold her hands straight away as well. Aim to always get rejected or accepted very quickly, don't waste your time trying to build attraction or anything. Most girls are going to be interested straight away so what's the point on wasting all that extra time just to sometimes have a slightly better chance.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
AlexLefty said:
Also, your english is kind of broken, where are you from?

Oh, and THANK YOU for the field report - we need more like this.
I'm from Sweden and my english is not what it used to be. But i wrote this whole field rapport on my Iphone so that's the reason why there is some wierd stuff like the "á" for instance. (Autospell)

To all of you guys who wrote tips for improvement etc. Thanks! This is why people should write field rapports! First of all because people like AlexLefty wrote got back in a old routine (The 5-lies game by style) which is great and for other that the writer to get the critique he needs for improvement!

DanZy said:
Please drop the mystery method ****, otherwise this was good.
Please, I'm open for critique as I wrote in the title but next time you criticize anyone, please write why if it is not something obvious like "pull faster". So I ask you now, why should I drop the MM if it works? I don't want to start a fight or something but it was a pretty stupid reply IMO.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
MM becomes ineffectual as soon as you get to the Day 2. You can't keep negging girls forever, and you run out of routines and games. But you'll figure that out as you keep going, and you'll develop your personality on the way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
MM is a system developed by wankers for wankers, it's for the club scene, it only really works for mystery, it makes you a real creep, peacocking makes you look like a retard, you're in high school, negging makes you an ******* that people hate, routines make you into a social robot....need I carry on?

Mate don't be so ****y, you're 16 and have only been here for a few weeks. Telling you to drop MM is just as obvious as "pull faster", tell any of the experienced guys to drop it and they know why instantly because they have the experience. So go out, prove you know what you're talking about and then and only then can you dispute me. I said your report was good, it could be a hell of a lot better.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
I think you should just use whatever works for you. If MM works for him, then why shouldn't he use it? The thing is, Mystery Method doesn't work outside the boundaries of the preselected materials. You can never rely completely on MM. You should also work on your personality itself and on your Inner Game so you have something to fall back on. Because say you're in a relationship. What are you gonna do to keep her interested? Throw a neg at her every day? No dude, it doesn't work that way.

It's also far more satisfying to work on your inner self, because it'll also take it's effect in every other aspect of your life. Plus, most people who rely on Mystery Method get their satisfaction and happiness out of how succesful they are with chicks. People who focus on their inner self get the happiness out of themselves.

So dude, I recommend RSD because then you'll really see why certain things work and why they don't.