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  1. Z

    NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth

    Awesome! I don't know why, but reading your journal keeps me motivated!
  2. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Allright lets set up some more specific goals then! Main goal: Become better with chicks Learn about new techniques and stuff: Watch the Blueprint Decoded Read the Don Juan Bible Make a little schedual about when I'm gonna work out and read books and stuff Gain Experience...
  3. Z

    Zurgs Journal

    Hey guys! I'm going to start a little journal to keep track of what I might do better and to see if I'm making progress. I already have a journal on another website, but I prefer this site since it's more crowded. Well I´m Zurg and I´m 17 years old. It´s been years since I last kissed a girl and...
  4. Z

    I need some serious help!! (girl problem)

    Forget her and go after some other girls! The longer you wait, the worse it'll become. Just remember that just like there's always a bigger fish in the sea, there's always a better girl. And hey, you'd better start getting experienced before you meet her. By talking to other girls you'll feel a...