Top student, decent guy, difficult situation


Don Juan
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hey lads it feels a bit weird coming on here but I could use some advice.

I'm quite a lad and football (soccer) is my only real interest - even though I'm popular with guys I have 0 female friends - not exactly DJ behaviour.

I even know that at least one girl is into me but I don't really feel the same way and I'd only commit for the physical side of the relationship which probably isnt the right approach. Anyway I just wanted some advice from other people my age as to how to increase my DJ standing because there's definitely peer pressure in regard to earning some stripes if you know what I mean!


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Check out my signature.

Your whole post is reactive. Take control of your life and seek things, including girls, that you want. It all starts with you taking more control and trying harder.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Well right off the bat, it sounds like you got a lot going for you, which is great. Girls will smell that success on you. Next I would say talk to every girl. Big, small, young, old, pretty, ugly. What that will do is give you practice. By talking to everyone, your conversating skills will go through the roof! A nice side effect will be that those girls will think you're awesome and start introducing you to their friends and the cycle of awesomeness will continue.

Another side piece of advice is, when you are curious about something or have a question about something.......ask a girl. It's more fun and guys just give you answers an leave. Girls, if they like you, have a tendency to stay and look cute for you. Hope this helps. Good luck!



Don Juan
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
alxrose04 said:
Well right off the bat, it sounds like you got a lot going for you, which is great. Girls will smell that success on you. Next I would say talk to every girl. Big, small, young, old, pretty, ugly. What that will do is give you practice. By talking to everyone, your conversating skills will go through the roof! A nice side effect will be that those girls will think you're awesome and start introducing you to their friends and the cycle of awesomeness will continue.

Another side piece of advice is, when you are curious about something or have a question about something.......ask a girl. It's more fun and guys just give you answers an leave. Girls, if they like you, have a tendency to stay and look cute for you. Hope this helps. Good luck!


its just a bit difficult when you've known the same girls for five, six years but never really spoken to them though - feels a bit obvious to suddenly start chatting to them. I cant really complain about life in general but I've never been successful AT ALL with women.

Im thinking wait till the summer and try and find some extracurricular clubs to meet girls from out of school because whenever I think about asking girls out in school I think it could end up messy even if im successful.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah I agree, just talk with them dude! You want to talk to them right? What's withholding you is probably just the thought that they will find it weird that you suddenly talk to them. But dude, it's your life and you shouldn't not do something you want to do because of some standards you're trying to uphold you didn't even make. They probably even WANT to talk to you, and if they do find it strange, SO WHAT? It's not like they will beat you to death or something.
Just go for it man and don't let others decide how you live your life.