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  1. D

    the art of walking away

    This is one of the fundamental principles. Not only are you being a challenge, you aren't letting yourself come across as boring, with nothing to say. Ending dates on a good note can be a difference between a second date and a right hand. ;)
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    Should we even listen to what they're bytching to us about?

    If she's bytching to create drama, just call her on her ****. prove that you're stronger. earthshyne, why do you type 'wimmen'? i thought you're a feminist at first, but then remembered that feminists write 'womyn' or wommin or whatever stupid **** they come up with. so why?
  3. D

    People think im gay

    Get a girlfriend and prove them wrong. Problem solved. They are calling you gay prolly cuz they're jealous and secretly have sexual dreams about you. Someone called me gay the other day because of what I was wearing, I just said "of course, you're right. That's why I have a hot girlfriend...
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    National Boobies Day

    Hey, me and my gf celebrated march 14'th, but she was a bit upset since valentine's was pretty much the same.
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    Does being skinny really matter?

    Im 5'11, 185lbs, 15% bf. Protein shakes - 85% absorption rate, i think. Try those.
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    Not Being Satisfied in a Relationship

    She's just ****ing with ya. She knows she can get sex whenever she wants it, beacuse you are always there for her, ready to obey. So what do you have to do? You even said it in your post. So instead of *****ing about it, start playing hard to get. Next time, if she wants sex, just tell her you...
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    You guys have it soooo easy it's not even funny!!

    It's not acne. It's all in your head. If you think your acne affects the way girls react to you, then you'll act that way, and when rejected, blame it on your looks. I know a guy who's got terrible acne, and isn't generally good looking, never tans, never hits the gym, is 19, still in hs...
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    Guy trying to pick up hot chick: Funny
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    Please give advice to a totally inexperienced guy

    Everything has been said, except... What's with the font size? :p Hurts my eyes.
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    She does/say things to make an argument so she can be mad at me

    Why are you running back to her? Is she worth the ass kissing? Next time she flips out, just give her the cold shoulder, and find another hottie. If she runs back to you, fine. If not, her loss. Don't be a lapdog.
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    I feel depressed/loney

    Ok, you're 6', 125 lbs. Get a trainer (preferrably one of those hotties). She will show you what every machine does. So.. 1st step - get built. That's a must, dude. Chicks go for big strong men. 2nd - join a social circle, if you have none. Now that includes clubs and teams. There's so much...
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    Would you be mad if....

    BIZZUMP!!! Anyways, awesome thread. I read all of it, and learned so much from it. 1 - go with your gut. It's prolly right. 2 - guys never want to be just friends. Watch out. 3 - (obvious) If a girl wants to spend romantic time (date, trip) with another guy when you 2 are involved...
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    Sometimes I do get jealous, but I don't see most guys as competition. However, I never show it. To show it is to suicide.
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    Just got in another accident....

    Aren't you the guy who whined about how he can't control his spending habits? :rolleyes:
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    DJ Tips Forum: Full of Tips or Full of Sh!t???

    Someone said that lately, the blind have been leading the blind. The pros have left long ago. The bible doesn't hold the answers to your problems. It's too general. But asking on the forum will result in a bunch of contradicting advise based on people's opinions. Besides, no one knows your...
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    lack of judgetment

    You made your decision. Stop making excuses.
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    So, anyone doing it? What are some advantages/disadvantages? How's the money? How's the schedule? Do you enjoy it? Or is there better things to do with your free time?
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    Money management help!! Spending addiction!!

    Yes. I have an answer - spend cash. Ditch the credit/debit cards. You see, it's much easier to spend your money if you can't see it. What so many people don't realize is that credit cards do not equal more money. An average thinking may go something like this: "Well, I have a credit card...
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    are these real

    Sillicon valley.