People think im gay


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
It seems that most of the people that i know think im gay...and lemme tell you why i think so. I was friends with this kid who started hanging out with this other kid. But before they started hanging out they would also be asking about each other when the other one was gone. When they were together they would agree with everything the other one said, have inside jokes like little girls and basically act gay. So one day were were all hanging out and i was quiet the whole time cause theyre actions were kind of weird. Ever since then i believe those kids have been telling people that im gay eventhough im not. And its been getting a lot worse. At first id notice people saying things about me and sh*t. Now i hear people making lies just because of what some prick said. We had a party last sat and i went and sat in my room so i could be away from people and i heard people saying that i was in my room with a guy. Someone went out behind my window to listen to something that they created. Since the first incident happened i stopped trying to be friendly to everyone cause i dont trust anyone at all, which was seemingly a good idea. When i started to become more outgoing people would say that i like whoever im talking to. Which basically gives me no choices but to ignore everyone. If this sh*t keeps going on ima gat a bat and beat someones ass. So i dunno what to do. If youre gonna make fun of me or talk sh*t f*ck off.


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
I had this same problem, and I punched out the guy who was spreading the rumors (infront of everyone of course). Problem solved.

That is a tough one... maybe it will blowover with time?

...or you could use the bat like you said.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by MegaPlaya
I had this same problem, and I punched out the guy who was spreading the rumors (infront of everyone of course). Problem solved.

That is a tough one... maybe it will blowover with time?

...or you could use the bat like you said.
Ive had one kid tell me they act like fags and one time when they went to go smoke someone asked where they want and their roomate said to jack each other off. I broke my hand a while ago so id have to fight one handed. This fag was telling people that i thought of him as my boyfriend and all this fuc*in gay ****. At one point i thought about buying a gun and pistol whipping him, but i figure he would make more **** up. I heard these kids saying stuff and got pissed one time. They told me they were talking about someone else. At some point someones goona get hurt and its not gonna be me because of what this b*atches think.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Hmmmm let me see. Do you have an idea of who it can be?
Well you could try to get girls and other peoples trust. Example, if they are spreading rumors but everybody already knows you and has seen you with a girl or something then nobody will believe it. Just don’t let this crap get to your head because I remember once I was passing threw the same thing but then I started talking to everyone regardless of what they said and like making friend with girls so the people had no choice then to stop the crap. If you let yourself get down because of **** like this its only going to get worst so you need to pull yourself up and act normal. Oh and you might want to specifically speak with girls only, just for a few days after that you can go back to talking to the guys. If anyone asks you if you are gay just answer normally and say “no I’m not those are just rumors that some a$$holes are spreading”

Hope evrything resolves


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SomeRandomGuy
Hmmmm let me see. Do you have an idea of who it can be?

Yea i know exactly who it is. Theres a few people that know how sketchy this kid is. But they wont ever say anything so its all on me, which most likely isnt good.

Well you could try to get girls and other peoples trust. Example, if they are spreading rumors but everybody already knows you and has seen you with a girl or something then nobody will believe it. Just don’t let this crap get to your head because I remember once I was passing threw the same thing but then I started talking to everyone regardless of what they said and like making friend with girls so the people had no choice then to stop the crap. If you let yourself get down because of **** like this its only going to get worst so you need to pull yourself up and act normal. Oh and you might want to specifically speak with girls only, just for a few days after that you can go back to talking to the guys. If anyone asks you if you are gay just answer normally and say “no I’m not those are just rumors that some a$$holes are spreading”

Hope evrything resolves
I feel like people expect A LOT from me. I can get a lot of girls cause ive heard people say stuff and have been approached a lot. Im a quiet person and dont go out of my way to talk to girls although im working on it, i usually dont know what to say. People know that im a shy kid but they dont consider that as a reason. Im working on my anger which makes it kinda hard to deal with.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Well for now just get out more but go FARRRRR AWAAAYYYY from that area. If you can keep yourself out of there for now and just go talk(even if its a stranger) to someone else it'll help. You need something to back up the fact that your not gay.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Jesus Christ...

Congratulations, you're ignorant. AT 18 I'd expect someone to know better. But before I get onto that everyone who has replied to this post is just showing up the worst part of this board. Here's a hint- if your advice conflicts with everything we're up for on this site, keep it to yourself.

Right, so people are calling you gay. Do you know what a gay is? Yeah, it's a person who in sexually attracted to members of the same sex. This means they have to overcome horrific social stigmas and ignorant violence and discrimination from homophobes like yourselves. I'm not saying they're all top blokes or anything, but comming out takes balls.

Secondly, you do realise it's a sexuality right? Something like gender or race, where there should really be equality on it because there is no good reason not to? If I called you gay, I may aswell call you a n|gger, in the most derogatory sense possible. Don't **** me arround on this, it's not mature and it's not funny.

So, yeah, that out the way, sounds like you've got less guts that many gay men, might want to think about that one.

Onto the main point, WHO GIVES A ****? Some guys are calling you gay. Well, if you feel this is an attack on your frail sense of masculinity then why don't you go do something to prove them wrong?

I don't mean to get angry, but at 18 that isn't acceptable. If people are spreading rumors and you take offence it's because you're sensitive and you need to work on it. Everyone that has replied to this post needs to swallow their egos and think about what gives them the right to use some guy's sexuality and persona as an insult to others. Oh, and once again: Grow up, you're bringing down the board.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Secondly, you do realise it's a sexuality right? Something like gender or race, where there should really be equality on it because there is no good reason not to? If I called you gay, I may aswell call you a n|gger, in the most derogatory sense possible. Don't **** me arround on this, it's not mature and it's not funny.
I agree with most of what you said but calling someone gay and calling someone a ****** are 2 completely different things, dont get it twisted.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah ... you shouldn't care about that.
Just show confidence.

Your problem is not the behaviour of others.
It is your inner game. Work on your attitude.

You hide and don't trust people!? You think like a victim ...
that makes you a perfect victim for them.
I used to think: "I don't want to know what others think and talk about me."
I now understand that people didn't know anything about me and most didn't care.
There was no negative image ...
and it would have been incredibly easy to build up a positive one.
People remember me as the shy, nice guy.
Took me a while to understand that.

That shyt messes up your inner game.
Replace the anger with curiosity.
There are always lots of neutral people in such situations.
Who exactly thinks that you are actually gay?
Talk to people and find out. Give them stuff to talk about.

Make it clear that you are not gay whenever you can.
But break out of the you-against-them way of thinking.

Im a quiet person and dont go out of my way to talk to girls although im working on it
Keep working on that and probably the rumors will go away.
Think about how you would see yourself if you were one of them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cloud-uk
Jesus Christ...

Congratulations, you're ignorant. AT 18 I'd expect someone to know better. But before I get onto that everyone who has replied to this post is just showing up the worst part of this board. Here's a hint- if your advice conflicts with everything we're up for on this site, keep it to yourself.

Right, so people are calling you gay. Do you know what a gay is? Yeah, it's a person who in sexually attracted to members of the same sex. This means they have to overcome horrific social stigmas and ignorant violence and discrimination from homophobes like yourselves. I'm not saying they're all top blokes or anything, but comming out takes balls.

Yea, cool. So im a homophobe?? You speak as if youve met me before.
Secondly, you do realise it's a sexuality right? Something like gender or race, where there should really be equality on it because there is no good reason not to? If I called you gay, I may aswell call you a n|gger, in the most derogatory sense possible. Don't **** me arround on this, it's not mature and it's not funny.

So, yeah, that out the way, sounds like you've got less guts that many gay men, might want to think about that one.

Think about what?? Do you know why i dont ****ing confront them?? Do you know if it would piss me off more than anything else listening to their stupid illogical conclusions?? These kids are some of the stupidest people i know. The last time i got pissed off i broke my hand.

Onto the main point, WHO GIVES A ****? Some guys are calling you gay. Well, if you feel this is an attack on your frail sense of masculinity then why don't you go do something to prove them wrong?

I don't mean to get angry, but at 18 that isn't acceptable. If people are spreading rumors and you take offence it's because you're sensitive and you need to work on it. Everyone that has replied to this post needs to swallow their egos and think about what gives them the right to use some guy's sexuality and persona as an insult to others. Oh, and once again: Grow up, you're bringing down the board.
Is it because im sensitive or because its bullshi* and im getting annoyed with it?? Im bringing down the board....uh huh ok. Thanks for helping whiz kid.:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Originally posted by Julian
I agree with most of what you said but calling someone gay and calling someone a ****** are 2 completely different things, dont get it twisted.
How so? Just becasue mllions of school kids round the world do one and not the other doesn't make it any less wrong.

I'm coming from the perspective that the word n|gger isn't cool because it's a reflection of a black person's alleged inferiority.
Thus the word gay isn't cool because it is a reflection of the alleged traits of a homosexual man (a *****, an outcast, not masculine to name a few). I'm ignoring the RnB use of the word n|gger and the common usage of the word gay by people who aren't homophobic muppets.

Please tell me why one is more acceptable than the other (my apologies if this is not what you mean)?

Oh and Oak, if you don't want to listen to me that's fine. But can you honestly argue with what I'm saying? 1) You'd only find being called gay insulting if you thought being gay was a "bad thing". 2) Furthermore, you'd only let it get to you if you were sensitive and didn't have the right mindset to deal with it. 3) Your "I'm going to pistol whip them", "hard-ass" bull**** doesn't impress anyone. If they're so stupid, why do you care? And if you're smarter, why are you the one with the broken hand? The way to deal with this is to ignore people who don't have a clue and realise that you're not happy with yourself.

But come on, you're 18 and if you're not mature enough to listen to advice that doesn't involve violence or logic then that's not my problem.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
Is it because im sensitive or because its bullshi* and im getting annoyed with it?? Im bringing down the board....uh huh ok. Thanks for helping whiz kid.:rolleyes:
Just to add: it's because you're sensitive.
And to clarify, it's replies to your post that are degrading the overall quality of advice given on this board. You question highlights a lot of things that you could very easily sort out with yourself and which would make your whole life more fun and less hassle. You've got a problem and you're asking for advice: no problem with that. It's when people give **** advice just becasue they can that stuff gets on my tits.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Oakraiderz, YOU ARE GAY!!!!!!!:buttkick: :mad: :buttkick: :mad: :buttkick: :mad:

Just kidding!

Seiously, you need to be a little more confident about yourself. So what if they think you are gay? Lots of girls think gay guys are cute or admire gay guys cuz they take care of themselves(hygeiene). Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can usually never harm you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
It's ok man. You can come out of the closet. We accept you. well...actually probably just the gay people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Get a girlfriend and prove them wrong. Problem solved. They are calling you gay prolly cuz they're jealous and secretly have sexual dreams about you.

Someone called me gay the other day because of what I was wearing, I just said "of course, you're right. That's why I have a hot girlfriend who tends to my every need, and you only got your left hand." He hasn't brought it up since.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not going to get involved on the more sensitive topic going on in this thread, but i will say one thing.

If people think your gay (and i dont mean just this group - i mean people in general when they meet you) your doing something wrong - in the seduction sense of things. Sure its okay for people to tell you to 'get a girlfriend' but if girls in general think your gay - that will be a difficult task.

I'm not saying theres anything wrong with gays. But girls are attracted to masculinity, and being gay isnt mascunline.