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  1. D

    Longer Life, Hotter Chicks, Bigger Balls

    Let's all rot watching pointless bullshìt so we can learn what someone else considers a waste of time. To everyone else: there's countless wank threads in the h&f forum. People find that not wanking helps them regain confidence, even testosterone. Hell, I tried it once, and found myself...
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    Longer Life, Hotter Chicks, Bigger Balls

    Nice one, crotchsniffer. I'll try that too. I do notice that when I don't jack off, I get more energy and confidence.
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    Nothing works

    You said it right there. That's the first step. Just ask yourself - why do you like her? Why? What's in her that is so much better than any other girl? Ask yourself that, and you'll find out that most girls don't really distinguish themselves from the mass in any way (think of all the spears...
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    my life suks.

    Hey dude, I won't admit I know what you're going through, because my situation was not as severe. I just graduated from high school, and it wasn't the '4 best years of my life', like many think it should be. Lots of the stuff I wanted to suggest is already up there, so briefly - work...
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    How To Make Love - For Beginners

    Not bad, AC, but I got some more stuff new people should know about. 1. No amount of practice will prepare you for the first time, just like no amount of reading will make you awesome when you get your first kiss. Instead, read theory and watch porn. Learn techniques, positions, anatomy...
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    "this" or "that"

    Import. Anal or Nasal?
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    My little music track - what do ya think?

    I just play the piano, but otherwise have no other musical training of any kind. I intend to get some when I can, preferrably with emphasis on music theory. Does anyone here have any professional training? (props to you, blackbirdbeetle) :D
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    My little music track - what do ya think?

    Sup Ricky! Glad you taken an interest in my little promo. I play the old-fashioned piano, but this track was made purely using software. PM me if you want the complete list of my studio tools. I have some other tracks, including...
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    My little music track - what do ya think?

    Hey guys. I've spontaneously written this lil song (instrumental) a while ago, wanna hear your opinion on it. Here it is: It's an mp3, so you can right click save as, or click the link and listen to the stream...
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    Calculus class makes me want to cry

    Calculus is pretty hard, but not as hard as chemistry.
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    sex question

    Down AND to the left? That's new...
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    Guys This Is What Women Really Want

    I find some truth in what she says. It IS important to look good, walk good, **** good. Who's denying this? However, one also needs to get to the ****ing stage, and that is up to them. There the DJ principles are at work. In the end, you may want both. Sure, all women are different, but...
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    Ego rush

    Let her go, and don't worry about this. You told her you can leave if you want to. So don't run back. Let her do the running. If she comes back, fine. If she leaves, also fine.
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    Protein shakes good or bad? Results?

    Huh? 2ce body weight? I thought it was 1g for every pound of muscle mass? Im at 185lbs right now, so I figure I have anywhere between 110 - 140 lbs of pure muscle (?). So I get 40g from the shake, 20g from 2 eggs at breakfast, and the rest from lunch and supper. But is it necessary to have more...
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    Protein shakes good or bad? Results?

    Thanks for the replies. 8 scoops a day? wow... The guy I was talking to said it's a bit redundant to have more than 2. I forget why, but he was canadian powerlifter champion at one point, so I find him as credible. Apparently, it doesn't make a difference if you have more than 1 dose, just a...
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    A controlling trick she used on me

    This morning, as I was working out, my gf came up behind me and slipped something into my pants. After I finished the set, I look, and it turns out she gave me the keys to her house, saying that if I ever feel like dropping by, especially in the middle of the night, I should. I felt it was...
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    Protein shakes good or bad? Results?

    Yesterday I started drinking protein shakes, and my mother freaked out. Her argument was as follows: "The American society is the sickest society in the world, in that there is more cancer, obesity, etc. America also uses supplements. Thus, supplements lead to cancer etc. Do whatever you want...
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    Keeping muscle mass during break from working out

    I know this guy who is absolutely huge. Senior year, maybe 225 lbs. He hasn't worked out in a year. When I asked how he keeps his muscle, he said 'drugs' as in pot. Any truth to this?
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    What about virgins?

    I slept with a virgin once, and I have to say it was very emotional for her. Yes, girls treasure their virginity because they are conditioned to. Show some feeling for her.
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    High School and What I've Learned

    I realized how I have been trying to fit in ever since the start of my final year, 4 months after finding this website. Seemed like all my actions were directed at making people like me. What I discovered is this: most people aren't worth your time.