lack of judgetment


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Okay, I am in a situtation where I have been dating my current GF for almost half a year, but I am seriously, seriously considering breaking up with her, because to be 4 years older than me she is pretty immature. Yesterday she hid my car keys so I couldn't leave the house. The day before she got mad because my phone rang at 1 in the morning, even though Ic an't control who calls me. Just too high matinence for me.

Anyway, I have an old crush that I got over when me and my GF hooked up. We have always been pretty good friends but I liked her when i was younger. She has had a BF for 3 years and change now.

So I get a call from my friend friday asking what I was doing that night. We talked for a breif second then I told her I would call her back so I could watch the Sweet 16 game that was on at the time.

Later that night, my GF said she wanted to take me out to dinner (that's game fellas :)) so we left at like 11ish and went to a spot and got a bite to eat at this Bar/Club.

So we get back home at around 1:30ish and I am pretty tired so we hop in bed. We talked for some minutes, and then my phone rang. I knew who it was already (my friend) cause only one person calls me that late. She has a pretty bad habit of that, and my Gf (and I) don't really like it. She is my friend and all and I don't mind her calling, or even tlaking to her, but I am usually sleep at that time.

So my GF is *****ing me out at this point, "I don't want her calling here that late anymore, you must want to **** her", which I get every other day, so it wasn't new, and if she actually believed what she was saying, she wouldn't be my GF.

So 5 minutes later, the phone rings again. I knew something wasn't right. My friend knows that I keep my phone on and If I don't answer it, I don't want to talk or I can't talk so she never bothers to call back, but she did. I guess it just quirks you learn about people over the years. Anyway I was damn close to picking up the phone and calling her back, but because my GF was *****ing and i was sleeply, I called it a night and cut off my phone.

So the next morning, I wake up and Check my messages, and she left 2 messages on my phone, both I coudl tell she had been crying. I could barely understand what she was saying. The first one was partainnig to "hey, I was just calling to see what you were up to (sleep maybe?) and just to tell you how miserable mylife is, call me back". Then the second message was "hey, tell Amber (My GF, they know each other) that I am single now, I bet she would love that".

So I was right, I had known what happened without even picking up the phone the night before, I just didn't know HOW it happened, which I will get to in a second. Amber at this time wants to know "why that white (hispanic, everyone to her that isn't black, is white) hoe (I said they knew each other, I didn't say anything about liking each other) said that about me". I told her that it doesn't take a rocket secientist to know that you don't like her. She is sure that my friend is trying to break us up by calling late, calling all of the time, coming over my house, etc, however she has acted like that well before I met amber, whcih she doesn't seem to get, it's just her personality, she is needy.

So as soon as amber left for work I get a call from my friend. Of course i had to act suprised when she told me her and her BF broke up. I asked why, and she said that he had been selling and growing drugs for the last 5 months without her or his dad knowing about it... this is a kid who goes to college, or went to college off of his dad's checkbook and his dad even offered to pay for my friends college tutition to keep to gother if he went out of state. She said she called the police and tried to get him arrested but they couldn't find anything, but she said she saw alot of mushrooms and about 10-15 shoeboxes full of weed.

We talked for a while, and I told her Id on't do drugs, which she knows, however what you do is what you do. What I can't stand, is suberban white kids trying to sell drugs because "their life is tough" or black or hispanic kids for that matter.

Anyway, we talked alot on Saturday, mainly because no one was at my house and I knew she needed someone to talk to. I will admit, it was fun talking to her. I would have picked her up and brought her over my house just so she could get out of the house, but it was hailing outside and I didn't want to leave the house, nor did I want to hear my GF's mouth at the time when she found out.

Throughout the entire day when we talked, we would be talking about certain things, like for instance, how all of her EX's friends are never up to any good and how she doesn't fit in with that crowd of people, and she would say "see, like if you and I were dating I wouldn't have a problem with your friends becuase they are good people". I didn't think much of it then, but when Amber got home from work and pissed me off yet again, it got me to thinking..... what if..... but when i sat down and reminded myself of who I was with, the what if's stopped. There is a reason I am with my current GF.

So I was pretty busy all day yesterday, and my GF was in my living room ordering pay-per-view movies, while the house needed to be cleaned (stuff like that is what gets to me). So we got mad and I told her to go to her mom's house for the night (we live together) because I needed some space away from her, which couldn't have been more trurer.

So My friend calls me at like 12:00 and we talked for a while. Not much about her breaking up with her Bf, but about just stuff in general, sex, why I still see amber if we are having so much trouble, her mom who I am good friends with, etc.

Towards the end of the conversation she said something along the lines of "yeah, he called me today and we talked, and I told him we need to meet in person so I can see what I am going to do".
so I asked her is she considering taking him back?

She said "I am really leaning towards leaving, but it's a posibility"

So I asked her "not to be mean, but in all seriousness, when is enough, enough? No one really likes him, including your mom who won't let him come in your house anymore, he dropped out of school, he is antisocial, you complain that he never takes you out, EVER, you just go to your, i mean his friends house every weekend and watch them play video games (my GF complains about the same thing but I make sure i take her out at least 1 times a week bare minimum), he does drugs, tried to kill h imself last year, and now you found out he sells drugs? Seriously, if finding out that your BF is putting your life in danger isn't enough to break up with him, what is?"

She said " i know , you are right, but we have been though so much together it will be hard to leave him, but i know that's not an excuse".

Now, I feel bad because I knew she had lower self esteem than most people, even though she is georgous, but this takes the cake. And to be frank, I can't be friends with someone, help someone that doesn't want to help themselves, because in the end, she isn't doing anything but wasting my time with her problems that she doesn't want to fix if that makes any sense.

I also feel bad because for 5 months, I really didn't like her in that type of way, even though the way my GF think I wanted her soo bad I might as well at times. I guess, the combination of my GF acting the way she is and her and her BF seperating kinda made me look at her again for a brief second. It's just like that when you have one person over here acting like the wicked witch from the west, and another person on the other end acting the total opposite.

I really don't need much advice, and I am not afraid to leave my GF if I have to. I can find someone else and I am not afraid of being single, I kinda of even enjoy it. I really just needed to vent so I wouldn't mess around and say something to someone that shouldn't have been said.

I can honestly say I love my GF. For all of the bad things I posted about her, she has a heart as pure as gold, will go out of her way to make me happy, is great in bed and makes me laugh. However, the arguements we have are soo bad at times, I don't know how I do it constantly. Sometimes, most of the times, I honestly see where she is coming from. But when she goes in "princess mode" I can't deal with her. I even had a talk with her mom on helping me deal with her because I would love to make it work, but you can only give someone so many chances.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Dude, your friend is a basket-case.

I mean, your girlfriend might be overreacting and that's something to keep in mind, but your buddy the weed-grower might be calling when you're not around and harassing your girl too on the never know.

I don't really know why you're talking about leaving your girlfriend just yet...what you NEED to do is leave your "friend" before she drags you down into the hole she's in just for the sake of having company. Like you said, you can't help someone who doesn't want help.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
As far as "having company", I know her BF, he knows me He knows that we are good friends and yes he knows she comes over from time to time, or at least that's what my friend says. In all honestly, 80 percent of the time she comes over is for her mom because my company does marketing ads for her mom's company, so she might come over if I need some advice on one of her ads or if she needs to pick up something.

Also he is 5'5, 130 pounds, and is chubby, and is a drug dealer that carries around "mase" for protection. He is the least of my concerns.

As far as my GF, she is sexy as hell, even better looking then my Friend who is by no means shabby, but is the most immature 25 year old I ever met.

First, she can be is pretty lazy. She doesn't like to clean, or work. She will work just to say she is working, but just enough so you can't say she doesn't work. She likes to shop all of the time... wtih my money, which I honestly don't have too much of a problem with, IF SHE WERENT' SO DAMN LAZY.

She has an ex of 6 years who is still in the picture, and 2 weeks ago she lied to me about "running" into him. She said she ran into him at a gas station, then later last week I caught her in lie and it turns out they met at her mom's house. She swears she didn't do anything, but because I know that me and her more than likely won't tie the knot, I am content on just pretending I like believe her until I decide what i want to do.

She gets mad at me for spending time "working" and not with her.

I can literarly go on and on, but we spend more time argueing than being a couple and i am tired of it.
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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Backbreaker, I thought you were smaeter than this!! Why is this chick living with you??? I know - "She is pretty", you say.

Don't live with her and don't but her anything and see how long she stays - you are basically married without a license!! Don't get the ho pregnant!!

If you go with the other girl then it would seem that you two were cheating on your mates for the last few years!!

The reason she callled you and told you her b/f problems and asking "What if?" questions is because she was giving you a chance to be with her and leave your current beau! She gave you a huge hint of her interest in you because she was indirectly telling you that she'll leave her drugee b/f for an upstanding man like yourself, if you would take her!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA

first, amber lives with me because I like her and we are a couple. I don't mind her living with me, and the last thing she wants is kids, so getting her pregnant is the least of my concerns, or one of them.

However, she is just too high manitence for me.

And this has been my GF for six months, don't call her a hoe, that's just wrong.

She called and told me it's officially over between them. She told him not to call her, etc and she wants to move on.
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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Don't take it personal - read my response under the DJ TMPGSTX's thread..."What constitutes a ho" Only live with your wife if you want to avoid a hell of a lot of drama in your life.

I see how you see the advantage being with a girl that cannot get pregnant considering you are young man who has a business and with much to lose financially!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Backbreaker, your going to let that girl come between you and your current relationship. I would call you a trick. I watched how you are turning against your current girl and wavering over toward the other one.

OK your tired of your current girlfriend. And your getting bored. This girl isn't the answer. She will only mess you up in the long run. She has been dating a drug dealer. What was her pay off in that relationship all those months that she knew this and did nothing?

She seeks a AFC to give her attention. The drug dealer gives her emotional highs. You will be the one who gives her the low nice even feelings instead of those intense emotional highs and lows she gets from the dealer.

Now when she gets bored with your AFC style stuff, whom do you think she will turn to for a emotional fix?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
My friend isn't coming between me and my GF's relationship... My GF's mom, 2 older sisters, and her best friend are. I have never seen anyone who has to tell EVERYTHING to her family. She is 25, and everytime she gets mad she runs to her mom. Through in the fact she has a horrible attitude problem, can be pretty lazy and her EX bf and you can see why I am just not really feeling it.

Just because I come here and say how i REALLY feel, does not make me an AFC. AFC would be worshiping this girl while she still had a BF. I mean, she is very attractive, a 9 out of 10 in my book because of her features (goes to show what I think about my Gf if I said my GF looks better), and we get along great. So, is it really that AFC to even consider the posibility of an attractive women who you get along wtih your possible GF?

Now, i never said I was going to act on it because I know better. I do know that there is a possibility that I am going to leave my GF in the next few days no matter what. She tries to go on my phone and to my email address to see letters people write me... and that was the last straw.

Amber means good she really does, she just is a spoiled brat and If I wanted a spoiled brat I would just babysit my 4 year old sister.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by backbreaker
As far as my GF, she is sexy as hell, even better looking then my Friend who is by no means shabby, but is the most immature 25 year old I ever met.
First, she is pretty lazy. She doesn't like to clean, or work. She will work just to say she is working, but just enough so you can't say she doesn't work. She likes to shop all of the time... wtih my money, which I honestly don't have too much of a problem with, IF SHE WERENT' SO DAMN LAZY.

She has an ex of 6 years who is still in the picture, and 2 weeks ago she lied to me about "running" into him. She said she ran into him at a gas station, then later last week I caught her in lie and it turns out they met at her mom's house. She swears she didn't do anything, but because I know that me and her more than likely won't tie the knot, I am content on just pretending I like believe her until I decide what i want to do.

She gets mad at me for spending time "working" and not with her.

I can literarly go on and on, but we spend more time argueing than being a couple and i am tired of it. it's to the point, I honeslty don't care if she is cheating on me, whcih I honestly don't think she did, because her mom vouched that they didn't do anythnig at her mom's house.
Sounds like the textbook definition of "high-maintenance." It must be tight. :D

If you're done with your girl, good for you. But don't go messing with your friend. (I know you're not even thinking it, but your friend is STILL a nutjob, regardless)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
yes she can be a nutjob at times.... okay usually a couple of times a day, but she really is a good person and I know she really does care for me, I know this for a fact. She is extremely attractive, and she doesn't walk over me, even though she tries at time, and respect me and knows when I put my foot down I mean what i say.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Hello this is the immature girlfriend. :)First off all Mr. Backbracker is leaving out things.Yes i am mad that he( to me )caters to this so called friend every needs.every time she calls he has to rush to the phone the only time he doesn't answer is when i'm around and i can see on his face he wants to.No i'm not jealous of her either.I'm just irratated that she calls him a least five times a day.

She calls late at night when normal people are sleeping. I even told him that i didn't feel that she should be calling him at late hours. He said he did tell her, but she still calls. And thats why i don't like her to me she being very disrespectful. Any women whould agree. No i'm not trying to be his mother either. He wanted me to move in with him when my family was like i shouldn't because i'm not married to him i thought about what they said for a little while and i wanted to stay with him because for one i didn't want to move back in with my mother.I could have got my own place but i did kind of want to stay with william.and he wanted me to so i was like okay.and he said it would be best if we did which now i think i shouldn't have moved in.I

do have morals and just because i stay with him doesn't mean i don't. Since i have been staying here it has made us even more close. About the Lazy part i am not Lazy sometimes yeah i'm lazy sometimes and so is he. He wants me to do all the work all the cooking i have a life to you know. The reason why i don't do all those things is because we're not married. All he do is watch sports he never has time for me and yes i am a princess. I deserve a nice man a man that caters to my needs not everyone elses.He always has bad things to say about me .Like i'm lazy and i don't do anything.Well he's a damn lie. I work and go to school. He acts like i just lay around the house which he's lieing out his ass. He hasn't told you guys anything good about me and
i'm pissed.Why whould i want to be labeled as LAZY when that's what white people think about black people anyway. I don't think so.I think i'm a hard worker sometimes i slack a little but it's nothing like the way he puts it. I'm loyal,I cook for him, I listen to his problems, I rub his back. I do everything i can for him I'm a real women. Yeah i did hide his keys.Yeah it was a little overboard but every women gets pissed and thats what i did. I got pissed because he don't have the balls to tell his so called friend to stop calling all times of night thats all i ask and he can't even do that.

What am i suppose to expect damn do he like me or her. I told him i'm not about to play games with him. If he want her he can have her. I don't have problems with getting anyone. I can have anyone i want.(yeah i said it). William is the only young guy i've ever dated and he got me acting like a damn kid. Because he's playing games. Yeah i do have an ex of 6 years that i don't like anymore. And he don't call me everyday he call me at least once a week. He knows how i feel about william. And william didn't tell you guys how he acts when we go out to a club. He gets mad when guys hit on me i mean i can't help it i look like a model. he says how he is so confident and he dosen't care if guys hit on me.

well thats a lie because this past weekend he got mad because this guy was talking to me and i did tell the guy i had a boyfriend. Now if i was all up on the guy now thats a different story.Another thing I have a problem with is in the sex department he dosen't like 4-play and thats a big problem for me.He dosen't like going down on me but he likes for me to do it.I don't have a problem with doing it.Anyway what do ya'll have to say about that.We have alot of things to work on.And i to can go on and on about him.But ya'll heard enough from me.I don't have anything else to say about his friend.I'm not going to waste my time talking about her.Any way I would love to here from you guys.Thanks for listening


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
okay, this is backbreaker again.

"Catering to everyones needs?" I don't think that's a fair assumption when you are just picking up the phone when someone calls. Yes I have done some favors for her in the past, but I would do favors for any of my friends, which I have. I mean, she is my friend. I am not going to treat her any differently because she doesn't have a ****, and that's what amber doesn't get.

Yes, she has a bad habit of calling late at night, and I honestly have told her that it isn't approperate with Amber living with me now. However, I can't control what she does, I can't take the phone from her. It doesn't make me mad, as I just hit silent and go back to sleep, not a big deal to me, but to amber it's the end of the freaking world. I mean, it would be bad if I were actuallyPICKING UP THE PHONE at 1 in the morning and talking to her with amber sitting right next to me.

About the club, and amber knows i am right on this, I have seen guy after guy after guy hit on her, and more times that not i take it as a compliment. I got mad at her Saturday night because she had the addicity to have a full convo with a guy while I was sitting 2 feet away from her and had my head turned. That is what got me mad. And if a girl comes up to me she is pissed the rest of the night. I have been dancing with her in a club and her EX has come up to her WHILE WE WERE DANCING and I didn't say much of anything, just that he could have waited. But let that have been me in that situtation and i would have heard it for the rest of the week.

She is right, I don't go down often. I just don't. I can't lie about it, I never really have. It's something I am working on, but no one is perfect.

Anyway, it was just a couple of things that she said that I thought I might clairfy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Hello This is the immature girlfriend again.William is sitting here lieing to you guys.Now let me clairfy some things.Now about the late night phone calls yeah i think he could have told her in a more serious way then jokeing around when he told her.See william isn't very stern with this girl. Like i said i don't mind them talking. Just not as late.Anway she knows what she's doing. First about the club thing Yeah i did talk to the guy it was very brief.He said hi don't I know you I was like yeah he said you got a man I said yeah and that was it. Yeah thats how the guys are down here.And no i'm not pissed if a girl comes up to i'm a confident women.Why would i get mad.Now if he was acting like he didn't have a women, Now that a different story.You feel me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA

Let me give you an update.

I thought about what you guys have said, and I took your advice and got rid of my "friend" after me and my GF got into an arguement earlier today over her again.

This is what i wrote her, after i told her over the phone:

Hurts when you are on the other end doesn't it?

3 years ago, Chase told you that he didn't want you to talk to me, and
you listened.

Today, me and amber had a knockout arguement, and she basically told
me it was you or her.

I choose her.

I choose her, because, execpt for helping your company and you and
your mom out, and you calling me 5 times a day, what exactly do you
bring to the table? You call what we have, had, friends?

The more I think about it, the more I was your tampoon, someone you
can call and vent while you were having problems.

Which was evident in the fact that when I was writing you the emails
you, that were important to me (not you), you said "i have to go" and
then " i really don't want to talk about it right now, i have my own
issues"... Do you know how many times, like, every other day,
espically in the last 5 months, you have told me that only for me to
put my issues aside and listen to you? REAL FRIENDS LISTEN TO EACH

I am your "friend", and you admit that you wanted nothing more than
friends, but you are scared to tell your boyfriend (ex... I think)
that you talk to me?


How many times, since we are friends, have you invited me over your
house since we were 18? I can't think of one. Actually, one time, and
the ONLY REASON you did that was so I could pick you up because your
parents were out of town. In 4 years, I have been in your house 1
time. But you don't even have to call to stop by my house. Oh but one
of your friends you haven't seen in a year is going out of town and he
gets to come by.


You just get away with it because your cute, and in all complete
honestly, you know i think you are cute. That's why your "friends" let
you call them late at night, because they all secreatly wanted to ****
you but were to shy/nervous/scared to tell you, and if they mustered
enough coreage to do so, and you shot them down, they stuck around
hoping to change your mind.

Me and you will never be anything then me being your emotional
tampoon, and I am not stupid enough to stick around to be 60 and
single, while you are married, having kids, getting ****ed by your
husband, and he can't know you talk to me on the side because we are
"friends". Now how stuid does that look.

If you want me to be totally honest with you, it wasn't very hard at
all to get over you 3 years ago, you know, not calling me back and
all...ever. I mean, after 3-4 days, I reazlied that we weren't
****ing, you had a BF, and you never did anything for me anyway. As a
matter of fact, I had more free time because I got to sleep more and
didn't have to pick you up from school. Now I am not being harsh, and
i am not saying I missed your company, but I wasn't waiting by the
phone for you to call back either.

However, I know for a fact you will realize just what you are loosing.
How do I know?... Well, I think you reazlied that early last year when
you called me back when "chase and I were going though alot and I
needed someone to talk to" (again, completely disregarding my
feelings, after i speceficlly told you not to contact me unelss you
wanted to date me or wanted to talk to me... and then you have the
nerve to wonder WHY I thought you wanted to talk to me). I'm probably
the best thing that happened to you in a long time, and because of
your selfishness, and your fake nieveness, I am walking out of the
door... again.

You said "EVERTIME (note the word, evertime, as in this has happened
before, meaning you knew this was an issue) you try to do this, you
come back and say that you can't leave me as a friend".

You are absolutly correct, I do. But it doesn't mean I was right in
doing it. Up until now (when I have said that, not evertime we have
talked), I always keep some hope that I could change your mind.

Let me give you some "friendly advice" before i go:

whatever you do, move on in your relationship with chase. i know you
are in consulting, but you can honestly do better than that. Amber
doesn't partictuarly like you, and eve SHE wants to talk some sense
into you.

Just so you can make sure there is no confusion in the future; dont'
call guys after 10pm unless it's a) an emergency, or b) you are in a
relatinoship with them. After 10= GF-BF time.

But about amber, yes we argue at times, but she really loves me and
she has done more for me in the last 4 months then you have in the
last 4 years. Plus, when I think about it, not only were more than
half of our arguements about you, now that i look back on it, she was
right most of the time.

Anyway, i'll see you around. I will probably email you/call every
couple of months just to stay in touch, but as far as true friends,
like we have been the last year, this has to bee the end of the line.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Backbreaker - this doesn't sound like you - change your password! Somebody changed the program in THE MATRIX!!! Are you delirious or has some girl hijacked your persona?? In your delirium you are sounding like a girl!!!