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  1. K

    Any good way to avoid answering questions about work and living?

    :crackup: This is very true. I can't stop laugh'n man. Yeah, well, when you tell'm "danger is my middle name" they can't resist.
  2. K

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Sandra is absolutely correct...unless you're just evil and are patient. Example: There was a girl I dated in 2005. Long story short I kicked her out of my apartment one night after not giving up sex (we had an unspoken agreement...I guess). This is probably one of the most ruthless things you...
  3. K

    FR: Well, this is how my NYE went. How was yours?

    This is funny, but there might be some truth to it. I stayed home and had sex with the "other girl". Enjoyed a very quiet NYE at home, as I do every NYE. Honestly I've done the club scene and I'm a horrible at giving attention. I think, "why buy you a drink when I can buy me...another drink"...
  4. K

    Any good way to avoid answering questions about work and living?

    Be proud of who and what you are. This shows confidence. If you have a cool job, definitely put it out there, but don't brag about it. I have a job that sounds cool on paper but really isn't nearly as cool (think James Bond, Jason Bourne). I simply put it out and it always creates some sort of...
  5. K

    Not interested - closure or not?

    Both reactions/responses would be "no bueno". Be cool to her and simply be cordial at all times. This is the most you owe anyone. Technically she hasn't done anything wrong and has the right to talk to anyone she wants. Unless you're married to her or she has had children by you, she owes you...
  6. K

    How many women do you think an American guy sleeps with his entire life?

    Those numbers seem awfully low or I'm a complete ***** and so are quite a few of the women I've dated. Mmmmmm....maybe I am...maybe they are... I would never admit this beyond this thread, but my number is well over 600 and I just turned 39. Some (I haven't asked all) women I've dated I know...
  7. K

    When a Woman Likes You... (DJs Please Add to This Thread)

    +1 on this. Even after having more than my share of success, my age is dictating the "hope" part of this. Not everyone wants to Play forever...eventually you won't be able to unless you're The Most Interesting Man in the World.
  8. K

    Mixed Signals

    Wow, the truth blows. I can't argue against any of you. It almost sounds like each of you have dated her. Yeah, on the surface she's hot, almost model quality in how she's kept (perfect hair, etc.). I was reading somewhere on the forum about good looking women who regularly date betas...
  9. K

    Mixed Signals

    Damn all of you for being right!! Renegade, you're spot on as well man. When she pretty much decided that we were going to one venue over another I thought of it as her taking away my ability to take her on a date. Part of me feels that she was persistent with pushing for sex because I went...
  10. K

    Mixed Signals

    Hey Pimp, thanks for the input. The "damaged girl" theory is something I've examined and won't dismiss. Her and I already had sex, with her nearly tearing my clothes off. The real issue is something I need to resolve on my own. I'm in my late 30's and I'm tired of playing just to play and...
  11. K

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Done this many times. Without fail, every single girl I've gone NC on has contacted me. Albeit there were one or two waited a year or almost a year, it seems to be a really solid method way of getting the girl re-interested. Of course at that point you still have to have your stuff straight, but...
  12. K

    So how many of you want to be married?

    Gents & Lady, The truth lies within a vast array of facts that surround our society. Sadly as individuals, we've omitted responsibility in favor of allowing our society as whole to take the blame. We are currently at a 60% divorce rate. This is for first marriages. Second marriages are at a...
  13. K

    Not interested - closure or not?

    Don't say ANYTHING to her, it's not necessary because it was never a real relationship. Just like the other posters have mentioned, it's a transaction/investment that is not paying off, simply stop paying into it. Just because you want stock in Apple doesn't mean it will do well. Besides, if...
  14. K

    When a Woman Likes You... (DJs Please Add to This Thread)

    I don't think he's saying that "she" will exhibit ALL of these traits at one time. I do agree though...the last girl I most recently dated slept with me on the first date, and it's been hit or miss with timely text responses. My last girlfriend seemed to align with all these traits most of...
  15. K

    Mixed Signals

    Thanks for the reply. I'm in the middle of talking to a female friend of've pretty much iterated what she said after hearing the whole story. There seems to be a sense that she doesn't know if she wants to really start this with me or not. Oddly, this whole deployment/military topic...
  16. K

    Mixed Signals

    I've dated and played ALOT, but it's been years since I've ran into this personality and I'm a little taken back. Started talking to a girl while I was in Afghanistan, but "I" cut communication with her when I felt it was pointless with me having 5 months left. I didn't want to fall in the...
  17. K

    How useful is it having a great body?

    It matters... This was a double post.
  18. K

    How useful is it having a great body?

    It matters... It's an absolute game changer. I'm 5'10" and weigh in at 200lbs @ 13% bodyfat (this fluctuates). I've been working out seriously now for about 10 years and I can say that it opens doors and causes women to approach. When I weighed 180 or less I had to work a lot more. That...
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    how many of u guys are in a LTR?

    Holy crap!!!! I'm really surprised!! Good post.
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    FB indicators

    I understand where you're coming from...I've done very well in life as a whole, financially and socially...this is that 2% I wasn't expecting. If you would have asked me before I deployed if something like this could happen, I would have laughed and not even answered. I've had ALOT of...