Mixed Signals


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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I've dated and played ALOT, but it's been years since I've ran into this personality and I'm a little taken back.

Started talking to a girl while I was in Afghanistan, but "I" cut communication with her when I felt it was pointless with me having 5 months left. I didn't want to fall in the friend zone, so I cut things off in a good way.

I went completely NC and within 3 months she started checking in on me about once a month. We were friends on FB and so I also realized she would know when I got back to the States. When I got home I was actually seeing another girl and so for 6 weeks after getting home I did not contact her.

Right after Xmas I broke up with the other girl and hit up the first one. The next night we went out for drinks.

While I was deployed I could sense the friend zone approaching with her response times, so on this date I simply went in with the approach that I was going to dive and that this was a formality of tying up a loose end from two months of communication a year ago. I was fully expecting to go home after a couple hours.

The night started and the conversation was great and without labor. She's a 7.5-8 and looking really good, smelling good, educated, articulate...the whole package. I show up dressed casual sharp, employing all the little dress tricks because I know women look at details. If you know Scottsdale women (Arizona) or Cherry Creek women (Denver), then you know what I'm talking about. I'm sporting black Kenneth Cole shoes, black Ralph Lauren Purple Label sweater, nice faded jeans, and beneath the sweater is a conservative, yet sharp silver Tag watch that's only exposed if I reach for something.

I mention all the above because I noticed she was looking at EVERYTHING. I caught her even looking at my nails/hands while were were talking...and I was surprised because I've never actually caught a women overtly looking as if she was looking for dirt or unkept nails, but this is how it appeared. When I reached for something at the table she looked right at my damn watch. So all the things "I thought" would be details women looked at...I actually witnessed her doing.

After 4 hours of drinking wine and laughing I had a long drive ahead of me and prepared to make the trip home. She asked me if I was okay to drive and I was adamant that I would be fine, that I just needed to stop and grab a bottle of water on the way out. She then states that she has wine, and water, and more good conversation at her place. I didn't fight it...we go back to her place.

We get to her place and conversation continues and she ends up initiating a kiss. The only reason I did not, and I usually do, is because I never got the signs of interest from her until she invited me back to her place. In this particular case she beat me to the punch. I took it from here and the rest of the night we had sex. I went home the next morning around 6am (work).

Late afternoon the next day I sent her a simple short text saying I had a good time. She responded and I mentioned that we should get together next week before I go away for a couple weeks and she agreed. She then opens up an opportunity for a couple days later, I bite and we have another date.

The day before the date, she cancels, giving me what appears to be a legit reason. I respond by telling her to let me know whenever she's free down the road and we'll play it by ear. She then mentions a specific date she'll probably be free (co-parenting obligations). I simply said, okay, well lets see what happens closer to that date.

Here's what's confusing. Some of her actions show medium interest, but some do not. Up until she invited me back to her place I could not have told you she liked me even a little beyond "hey tonight was fun". She'll initiate contact with me and responds to all mine, but convo's are a little lame. She won't respond to ANY compliment, but will address anything else in the comment. She seemed to get super excited when I broke out a tune on her piano (at her place) and that was the most expression I'd ever got out of her. She's almost...almost expressionless otherwise.

Last bit: She didn't grow up with her mother or father, and has no relationship with either. Appearance wise, she's very classy and does not seem like the type who would sleep with someone the first night, actually a little snobby. My response was to act indifferent and just have fun.

She's nice and cordial, but her vibe doesn't match her actions (not sure how else to put it). Today I was going to ignore her, but by 4pm she hit me up to see what I was doing. The last girl I was with, and most of them tend to express pretty quick what they think or feel, but this one...nada. I figured if she was 100% not into it she would just disappear, but she's not.

Either way, I'm trying to decide if I should quietly next her. Her initiating sex is usually a bad sign as far as relationship potential goes so...


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Enjoy what time you spend with her, but don't get too attached.
She's initiating, and she has put out = interest.

She's probably not trying to get attached since you're going away - and I assume you'll be off on active service again in the future?

Generally if I feel mixed signals, I'll withdraw and see what happens. Yes this means being willing to Next her.

Not sure if ive been any help at all - just my 2p.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
Enjoy what time you spend with her, but don't get too attached.
She's initiating, and she has put out = interest.

She's probably not trying to get attached since you're going away - and I assume you'll be off on active service again in the future?

Generally if I feel mixed signals, I'll withdraw and see what happens. Yes this means being willing to Next her.

Not sure if ive been any help at all - just my 2p.
Thanks for the reply. I'm in the middle of talking to a female friend of mine...you've pretty much iterated what she said after hearing the whole story. There seems to be a sense that she doesn't know if she wants to really start this with me or not. Oddly, this whole deployment/military topic actually came up once while I was in Afghanistan.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Definitely a damaged girl due to the absence of her parents growing up.

I have known a handful of girls like her over the years, in fact there's one that I hang with fairly regularly who's exactly like the girl you describe.

That's why you shouldn't look for "signs" so much as judge the end result. If you want to phuck her, you should game her and keep going til its clear she's not interested.

I'd say the fact that she didn't have parents (basically) stunted her development and what you see is what she has learned through her experiences in life.

The key with her is to figure out whether she's emotionally stable, which I highly doubt. As PureFilth mentioned, you should only be looking to use this chick as a warm hole and nothing more.



Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
Notice how she wants to call all the shots? I've run into this before. Girls like this are damaged but can be fun temporarily if you roll with it. The problem is you're not going to have any control over what happens. When you get laid, when you see her, ect. It'll always be on her terms whether you think it or not. Girls like this tend to have random attachment patterns. Don't get sucked in or you'll become frustrated. Enjoy it for what it is.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Renegade357 said:
Notice how she wants to call all the shots? I've run into this before. Girls like this are damaged but can be fun temporarily if you roll with it. The problem is you're not going to have any control over what happens. When you get laid, when you see her, ect. It'll always be on her terms whether you think it or not. Girls like this tend to have random attachment patterns. Don't get sucked in or you'll become frustrated. Enjoy it for what it is.
Agree 100%. I know a girl EXACTLY like this. Very into sex but emotionless when it comes to intimacy. Always has to initiate everything and be in control. Kind of snobby and dresses in expensive designer clothes.

This type of girl will never let you call the shots in any way shape or form. If you try, she will get passive-aggressive on you. Such women have a fear of intimacy and don't really trust (or even like) men very much. But they love sex.

Good for short term fun, but keep your emotional distance.

I made the mistake of trying to get serious with a woman like this. The power struggles and mind games never stopped. Its her way or the highway. I eventually chose the highway.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Definitely a damaged girl due to the absence of her parents growing up.

I have known a handful of girls like her over the years, in fact there's one that I hang with fairly regularly who's exactly like the girl you describe.

That's why you shouldn't look for "signs" so much as judge the end result. If you want to phuck her, you should game her and keep going til its clear she's not interested.

I'd say the fact that she didn't have parents (basically) stunted her development and what you see is what she has learned through her experiences in life.

The key with her is to figure out whether she's emotionally stable, which I highly doubt. As PureFilth mentioned, you should only be looking to use this chick as a warm hole and nothing more.

Hey Pimp, thanks for the input. The "damaged girl" theory is something I've examined and won't dismiss. Her and I already had sex, with her nearly tearing my clothes off.

The real issue is something I need to resolve on my own. I'm in my late 30's and I'm tired of playing just to play and wouldn't mind a relationship in the near future. So I have to discern how much energy I'm willing to put forth and a lot of that depends on reciprocation on her part.

She's returned every bit of correspondence and initiated a phone call the day after our first date. These are all great signs...but what's throwing me off is her somewhat numb approach to everything.

During the date she laughed at jokes and so on, but this is the first woman I've been with who doesn't acknowledge any sort of compliment about anything regarding her. I can tell she wants me to chase hard...but bro, I'm an old cat at this and I'm more likely to go in search of a chica who lets me chase for an appropriate amount of time and then reciprocates effort to some degree, and this is what I've come to see as mature relationship development.

Edit: Sadly you and purefilth are probably right about the warm hole thing. Who would've ever thought that at some point in our life any of us would want more than just sex?

Thanks man


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Renegade357 said:
Notice how she wants to call all the shots? I've run into this before. Girls like this are damaged but can be fun temporarily if you roll with it. The problem is you're not going to have any control over what happens. When you get laid, when you see her, ect. It'll always be on her terms whether you think it or not. Girls like this tend to have random attachment patterns. Don't get sucked in or you'll become frustrated. Enjoy it for what it is.

Damn all of you for being right!! Renegade, you're spot on as well man. When she pretty much decided that we were going to one venue over another I thought of it as her taking away my ability to take her on a date.

Part of me feels that she was persistent with pushing for sex because I went in with the idea of going home, and actually mentioned once during the night. Her sense of control was threatened because "this guy" wasn't pushing for something more that night. To be honest though, I didn't get any signs that she was remotely interested in anything sexual until I got the invite to go back to her place. Like I said, she's not easy to read at all.



Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Agree 100%. I know a girl EXACTLY like this. Very into sex but emotionless when it comes to intimacy. Always has to initiate everything and be in control. Kind of snobby and dresses in expensive designer clothes.

This type of girl will never let you call the shots in any way shape or form. If you try, she will get passive-aggressive on you. Such women have a fear of intimacy and don't really trust (or even like) men very much. But they love sex.

Good for short term fun, but keep your emotional distance.

I made the mistake of trying to get serious with a woman like this. The power struggles and mind games never stopped. Its her way or the highway. I eventually chose the highway.
Wow, the truth blows. I can't argue against any of you. It almost sounds like each of you have dated her.

Yeah, on the surface she's hot, almost model quality in how she's kept (perfect hair, etc.).

I was reading somewhere on the forum about good looking women who regularly date betas because they can control every aspect of the relationship. She shared a few of her love experiences and here's an example: her last serious relationship, the guy shows up at her place one morning with a list of why they should be together (I cringe). Now I'm not the ultimate alpha male, but I do balance my approach and believe in self-respect (think rich ex-boyfriend from Meet the Parents). So I bring smiles, fun, and a carefree attitude to my dates...but this also means that I'm not afraid of rejection and I always prepare to walk regardless if I have something else lined up or not. That said, women who are use to getting their way will almost be offended in some cases.

Just a thought, not law.



Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
PlayHer Man said:
Agree 100%. I know a girl EXACTLY like this. Very into sex but emotionless when it comes to intimacy.
Haha, first girl I've had sex with that didn't want to cuddle after. Was very confusing indeed. Took me a while to piece it all together but you hit it exactly the right way. The girl I was with had both mommy and daddy issues. Her last relationship was a miserable fighting relationship. Obviously the guy was pushing her for more attention/affection/control and she went passive aggressive on him. No win can be had with these women.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Kawai said:
Wow, the truth blows. I can't argue against any of you. It almost sounds like each of you have dated her.

Yeah, on the surface she's hot, almost model quality in how she's kept (perfect hair, etc.).

I was reading somewhere on the forum about good looking women who regularly date betas because they can control every aspect of the relationship. She shared a few of her love experiences and here's an example: her last serious relationship, the guy shows up at her place one morning with a list of why they should be together (I cringe). Now I'm not the ultimate alpha male, but I do balance my approach and believe in self-respect (think rich ex-boyfriend from Meet the Parents). So I bring smiles, fun, and a carefree attitude to my dates...but this also means that I'm not afraid of rejection and I always prepare to walk regardless if I have something else lined up or not. That said, women who are use to getting their way will almost be offended in some cases.

Just a thought, not law.

You can't win with passive aggressive control freak women. They will rot your soul and keep you confused and insecure for the entire duration of the toxic relationship.

Just fvck and run. That is the only way to win. Don't get tangled in the web.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Agree 100%. I know a girl EXACTLY like this. Very into sex but emotionless when it comes to intimacy. Always has to initiate everything and be in control. Kind of snobby and dresses in expensive designer clothes.

This type of girl will never let you call the shots in any way shape or form. If you try, she will get passive-aggressive on you. Such women have a fear of intimacy and don't really trust (or even like) men very much. But they love sex.

Good for short term fun, but keep your emotional distance.

I made the mistake of trying to get serious with a woman like this. The power struggles and mind games never stopped. Its her way or the highway. I eventually chose the highway.
SAME. These kind are the worst.