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  1. K

    FB indicators

    Hey guys, I get it. From a "player" perspective, this might have been a weak move...and maybe so regardless. However, I'm glad I said something rather than just disappear. When her and I first started talking, somethign came up and I couldn't talk for about 5 days and she thought something...
  2. K

    FB indicators

    Thanks brother, it's not really that bad where I'm at.
  3. K

    No contact - tell her or not?

    I agree with SoSuave666. If you had something good with her, but it's just not working out than I personaly would let her know, but don't act like you're not sure, and stick with your plan once you put it in motion. Others might disagree, but unless she was heartless I'd tell her. I got flamed...
  4. K

    A Small Epiphany on A Deeper Understanding of Sh1t Tests

    Scary to think you can tell you're from Phoenix when someone mentions "Scottsdale chick", and you know specifically what type of girl that is. You speak the truth bro.
  5. K

    FB indicators

    Hey thanks for your kind words, yes I am in the Army. I've gone NC with her, but I was kind enough to announce it since there was no argument or anything. She had originally expressed that she wasn't pursuing anyone at this time so this thing between her and I was perfect. Instead she would...
  6. K

    A Small Epiphany on A Deeper Understanding of Sh1t Tests

    We're still FB friends...and in my News Feed she's "liking" her own old pics of a piano recital from years ago. This is the same pic she posted the night I sent her a link of me playing the piano...she's a classical pianist instructor. I've never seen anyone "like" one of their own old pics...
  7. K

    A Small Epiphany on A Deeper Understanding of Sh1t Tests

    Sadly I've done all the right things for so many years...but started to falter with this one. I noticed you're in AZ. I'm from Litchfield Park and so you know the girls in Phoenix...that was basically what I cut my teeth on. With this chica I had to take the control firmly back regardless if...
  8. K

    A Small Epiphany on A Deeper Understanding of Sh1t Tests

    Didn't mean to highjack this thread, but thanks YoungJuan that's pretty much what I was looking for. There's a much longer version in a thread I already long no one responded. Essentially we did text every day for hours...but I saw what was to come after noticing droping interest on...
  9. K

    A Small Epiphany on A Deeper Understanding of Sh1t Tests

    About your theory...I recently declared no contact simply because I'm in Afghanistan another 4 mos and this chicas going to date it considered weak or strong to take this stance since primary communication is text? She's not my GF and she started with high interest...probably about...
  10. K

    FB indicators

    Okay, this an extremely shorted version of my story. The full novel is in a thread titled "Global Reach"; probably on page two by now because no one wanted to read that much. The short of it is this. I'm in Afghanistan, been talking to this girl via FB for 8 weeks, spoke on the phone once...
  11. K

    POF no success for 1 month

    Seriously, the advice here is spot on. You have to have a short but catchy profile that makes you look like mr adventure. For my account I generally say my job is secret squirrel business...because it is. But if I tell the truth and paint a picture that I sit around all day creating briefings it...
  12. K

    All hot girls are crazy! But not all crazy girls are hot!

    Yes you are correct!!! I went from highschool nerd to gym rat bad boy through my twenties and half of my 30s before I woke up to the idea that you can't settle down with these women. I was married to one...she was super hot...but she was a mess. I'm now 38 and and working on just being the old...