All hot girls are crazy! But not all crazy girls are hot!

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
As usual, I was thinking about this whilst on the toilet. Most of the hot girls that I know have problems, they are pretty psychotic, flip out over the smallest thing and are generally super *****y. Of course there are exceptions but Im just curious to see what you guys have experienced with the whole crazy girl thing.

I think its something to do with the fact that they know they're hot, so if a guy isnt giving them attention they dont understand because they're used to it. Or if a guy is giving an uglier girl more attention(because she might be an all round nicer person and just because you're hot it doesnt mean you can act however you like) they dont understand. Their self perception of themselves have gone down because they think guys are only after looks because thats what they have been trained to think all their lives, which is threatening and sends off the crazy! I dont know about you but if I took most of the girls who I would consider "crazy", of course the term has to be used rather loosely, they tend to be attractive girls.

Thoughts, stories and theories are welcome


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
I wouldn't say that ALL hot girls are crazy. But hey, for the sake of conversation, let's run with it.

But here's my sexist theory that should never be shared with feminists or White Knights: I'd say that beauty is a form of power. And from my experience at a woman-run company, I believe that women have absolutely no idea what to do with power. Hence, the craziness, and the jealousy, etc, etc.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2011
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many hot girls use their looks for a sense of entitlement. they are used to guys scrambling to please them, and they might certainly go psycho over something thats not gone their way. i havent experienced many hot girls that are 'crazy' and psychotic and emotionally unstable... if thats what youre referring to when you say crazy.. but pride is also a major component of most hot girls

from my experience their pride is so obvious. they expect to be talked to and would never initiate conversation, they expect to be included in plans, and they expect to have dozens of guys for options.

but once all this attention is taken away from them for a few seconds, i guess youre right about calling them crazy :p

a valuable skill for a guys overall game is to never be fazed by a girls looks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
I'm gonna take a different route; go a little deeper, and say its because they're dysfunctional and insecure. Most hot girls are fake, crazy, and date bad boys, right? Not all; most. Especially by what is deemed hot in society: fake.

Why do you think that is? If you dig into their history - the story becomes clear. They're trying to fit in, be accepted, and so forth - but generally from those who don't want them, put them down, reject them, etc. The bad boys and snobby, popular *****es. This is who they're trying to be accepted by, look up to, and want to become. And the rest, as they say, is history.

They're just trying to fit the mold of what is attractive and accepted. It's the core issues that causes them to be so fake and crazy, and to have this insecure, approval-seeking mindset in the first place. I don't believe it starts and ends with their natural looks. They have issues beyond that, which causes all of this chaos. Hence, them being so fake. This is why they ***** themselves, act like *****es, dress like skanks, etc. They have low self-esteem, no self-respect, abandonment issues, daddy issues, co-dependancy, bullying, abusive relationships, loser friends... Thus, craziness. But they were dysfunctional already. They didnt really become anything - they were always fake and worthless. Indeed, most of them were "nice plain girls" at one point, but that didn't work to attract *******s and *****es. They were never interested in decent people, because they're crazy and dysfunctional.

This is why they wear all this make-up, get in perfect shape, dress like skanks, get implants, act snobby, sleep around, cause problems, date douche bags, hang out with prissy *****es, get wasted, are loud and obnoxious, etc, etc. It's all tied into their craziness. Most of what you describe, and I just listed, are symptoms. They're not the cause.

It might also be genetic. Most hot people have ****ed up parents, and are usually crazy themselves. That's assuming they're even around. Daddy issues are common. Probably cause the mom is a ***** and crazy alcoholic, or vice versa. These traits get passed down to them, and create this kind of lifestyle. It always starts with childhood, and escalates from there. Dysfunction was already there.

Sympathizing with these people is the worst thing you can do - because they're not going to change. Being the nice guy doesn't work at all, because they're into the status and other shallow crap. They are also emotionally immature due to their issues. This is why becoming a bad boy player douche bag is the only way to attract them. They're into the uncertainty, drama, games, chaos, etc - because they're crazy. Don't waste time on these *****es. DON'T.

I'd say the fact that they are hot does help with their snobby, *****y, stuck up, entitlement attitudes, though. But it usually runs deeper than that. Just listen to the stories on here and elsewhere, or from your own personal experience. These girls are nuts, and have serious issues. That also causes some of this behavior.

Ironically, a lot of guys on here are the same way, and trying to attract these crazy people for the same reasons. Hmmmm...

Well, that's my theory - based on all the stories I read, and personal experiences I've had with hot girls. It's all the same for everyone. They have issues beyond just looks, or what would cause these behaviors. Most of them aren't that hot when they're normal looking (some are), but they're still crazy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
I'll be the first to admit on here that I'm a little on the crazy side. I attract a fair amount of women, and of course I have been rejected by my fair share as well. I'm trying to work on it, but I generally treat women like dirt, especially the ones I like. I think part of what is going on in these women's minds is insecurity. I had major issues with it when I was younger, but I'm getting better at it now. With the girls I was in to I would kind of protect myself by being a jerk to them and acting like I didn't care. That way, I could be the one rejecting them. Eventually, I would literally convince myself that I didn't want them even when they would be totally in to me and all over me. I would have sex and back off to make sure I wasn't the one to get hurt, and eventually lose them forever. It kind of sucks because I didn't know what I was doing and these girls all hate me for it. I of course don't really care, and that again, is kind of sad. What would eventually be my turning point was the one girl who was crazier than I was. She pursued me, I had her, banged her, then tried to leave her. She basically told me "ok, wasn't that great anyway," and turned her back. She laid the jealousy pitch on my thick by showing me she could get other dudes, and I was just going nuts. I backslid for the first and only time in my life. This is what works with these crazy hot girls. Jealousy is one of the biggest factors in retaining a girlfriend, or getting someone who already has a high level of rapport built with you. Once they see other women all over you attraction is built. However, they don't want you sleeping with them. The key is being someone who could cheat and sleep with other women but doesn't because you are a man of high integrity.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:
I'll be the first to admit on here that I'm a little on the crazy side. I attract a fair amount of women, and of course I have been rejected by my fair share as well. I'm trying to work on it, but I generally treat women like dirt, especially the ones I like. I think part of what is going on in these women's minds is insecurity. I had major issues with it when I was younger, but I'm getting better at it now. With the girls I was in to I would kind of protect myself by being a jerk to them and acting like I didn't care. That way, I could be the one rejecting them. Eventually, I would literally convince myself that I didn't want them even when they would be totally in to me and all over me. I would have sex and back off to make sure I wasn't the one to get hurt, and eventually lose them forever. It kind of sucks because I didn't know what I was doing and these girls all hate me for it. I of course don't really care, and that again, is kind of sad. What would eventually be my turning point was the one girl who was crazier than I was. She pursued me, I had her, banged her, then tried to leave her. She basically told me "ok, wasn't that great anyway," and turned her back. She laid the jealousy pitch on my thick by showing me she could get other dudes, and I was just going nuts. I backslid for the first and only time in my life. This is what works with these crazy hot girls. Jealousy is one of the biggest factors in retaining a girlfriend, or getting someone who already has a high level of rapport built with you. Once they see other women all over you attraction is built. However, they don't want you sleeping with them. The key is being someone who could cheat and sleep with other women but doesn't because you are a man of high integrity.

Well said! Totally agree bro.



Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Good story, So. I think that's the turning point for a lot of bad guys - realizing that they're attracting these same crazies, and thus, getting a taste of their own medicine. That's when it hits hard. It's not all its cracked up to be. There's also usually a lot of self-reflection going on during this time, and not liking what you've become. Most bad people hate themselves, and take it out on others, coincidentally enough. Been there. But, there are certain traits and behaviors that definitely work, and should be used. Game, if you will.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
Good story, So. I think that's the turning point for a lot of bad guys - realizing that they're attracting these same crazies, and thus, getting a taste of their own medicine. That's when it hits hard. It's not all its cracked up to be. There's also usually a lot of self-reflection going on during this time, and not liking what you've become. Most bad people hate themselves, and take it out on others, coincidentally enough. Been there. But, there are certain traits and behaviors that definitely work, and should be used. Game, if you will.

Yep. I also think that men have the capacity to change--at least I hope so or I'll be a lost cause. I don't think women have the same capacity for change--at least not in the world we live. I'm not going to hate on women or anything like that, but we (men) have pretty much fed their growth as adult babies. They are not an evolving, aging gender. The only thing that changes is they become more manipulative with age and learn to use sex to get what they want. If a guy ever acts up with them, of course it may raise their attraction level for the time being, but they can always find a new man in a second. Hot women don't stay single for long, and there is a reason. It's scary to think that women want secks almost as much as men and can get it way easier. Remember that the next time you are thinking about not spinning plates. The only equalizer is for you to play the numbers game and try with as many women as possible.

These women don't usually have to deal with crazy guys who act hot and cold with them, leave for months, come back and use jealousy to re-attract, then have secks and leave again. It pains me to know that this stuff actually works, especially when it's the kind of thing I'm trying to stop doing.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Hot. Single. Sane. You can only pick two.
Mr Wright:
Most of the hot girls that I know have problems, they are pretty psychotic, flip out over the smallest thing and are generally super bïtchy... I think its something to do with the fact that they know they're hot, so if a guy isnt giving them attention they dont understand because they're used to it.
Adversity forges personality. Prosperity stagnates and corrupts. It’s the struggle of life to survive, acquire resources, succeed in the world, and so forth, which forges the development of our personalities and drives us to improve ourselves. The hottest chicks are the most crazy because, with a world of men ready to bang ‘em and dine ‘em, they never experienced the forces of adversity to curb their behaviors and develop a real personality. In the words of Pook, they live in paradise.
What is Woman's World? It is paradise. If you were on a tropical island, would you not just enjoy life? You would not read philosophy. You would not take life seriously. You would let your brain rot and take in the pleasures of the body. You would sleep with a island native here or there and think nothing of it. You would wear silly costumes, stay out late at night all the time, drink, maybe even wear tattoos (source).​
Every desirable chick is crazy and somehow high maintenance. It’s about finding cute chicks with the least, most manageable craziness; chicks who solve more problems than they cause.

For some amusement, here's “The Hot/Crazy Scale”:

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
5string said:
You think about stuff like this when you are taking a dump?

That's kinda strange.
Yeah, I know it's weird, most of the half decent things that come into my head come when im in the bathroom, either on the toilet or in the shower.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:
I'll be the first to admit on here that I'm a little on the crazy side. I attract a fair amount of women, and of course I have been rejected by my fair share as well. I'm trying to work on it, but I generally treat women like dirt, especially the ones I like. I think part of what is going on in these women's minds is insecurity. I had major issues with it when I was younger, but I'm getting better at it now. With the girls I was in to I would kind of protect myself by being a jerk to them and acting like I didn't care. That way, I could be the one rejecting them. Eventually, I would literally convince myself that I didn't want them even when they would be totally in to me and all over me. I would have sex and back off to make sure I wasn't the one to get hurt, and eventually lose them forever. It kind of sucks because I didn't know what I was doing and these girls all hate me for it. I of course don't really care, and that again, is kind of sad. What would eventually be my turning point was the one girl who was crazier than I was. She pursued me, I had her, banged her, then tried to leave her. She basically told me "ok, wasn't that great anyway," and turned her back. She laid the jealousy pitch on my thick by showing me she could get other dudes, and I was just going nuts. I backslid for the first and only time in my life. This is what works with these crazy hot girls. Jealousy is one of the biggest factors in retaining a girlfriend, or getting someone who already has a high level of rapport built with you. Once they see other women all over you attraction is built. However, they don't want you sleeping with them. The key is being someone who could cheat and sleep with other women but doesn't because you are a man of high integrity.
we all have been guilty of being afraid of failures, outcome dependent, insecure...


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
Mr Wright said:
Yeah, I know it's weird, most of the half decent things that come into my head come when im in the bathroom, either on the toilet or in the shower.
Well you tend not to have much else to think about at the time so that's when flashes of inspiration such as this arrive.

.rattlebg said:
from my experience their pride is so obvious. they expect to be talked to and would never initiate conversation, they expect to be included in plans, and they expect to have dozens of guys for options.
And it's quite easy to wound their pride. There's such a chick at my workplace who behaves like this and I'm sure that if weren't for her looks she'd be a lot less tolerated. Interestingly she showed up to the Xmas party dateless, when she was a bit rude to me my comment of "so where's your date? I figure a pretty girl like you would have a plenty of guys wanting to take you out." resulted in her not speaking to me again for weeks.

Mr Wright said:
I think its something to do with the fact that they know they're hot, so if a guy isnt giving them attention they dont understand because they're used to it. Or if a guy is giving an uglier girl more attention(because she might be an all round nicer person and just because you're hot it doesnt mean you can act however you like) they dont understand.
Yup, I was quiet tired of the craziness and drama when I started instead dating a girl who most would only call a 7 (day to day, she cleans up very nicely when she wants to) but she's got all the other qualities I like and is far more relationship-worthy. When we run into the hotter girls who were giving me **** they give her jealous looks because they can't comprehend why I dropped them for her.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
5string said:
You think about stuff like this when you are taking a dump?

That's kinda strange.
Go figure.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
It's rather the combination of stupidity and a lack of capacity for self-reflection, much like a 12 year old. Hot woman = child.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Yes you are correct!!! I went from highschool nerd to gym rat bad boy through my twenties and half of my 30s before I woke up to the idea that you can't settle down with these women. I was married to one...she was super hot...but she was a mess. I'm now 38 and and working on just being the old me to kick it with normal women.

If you play, you'll get exactly what you ask for. Good post.