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  1. V

    girls will not smile at me.

    Well first of all, do you have like f*cked up teeth? If so, that could be your problem. Instead of getting a pleasant response back, your terrifying them away. Now, if the teet aren't a problem, then I would say maybe your over-analyzing the entire situation. Just because a chic didn't smile...
  2. V

    Sarging after a breakup

    The next morning is fair game. With time, you'll see how much better it feels without having some chic nagging on you as to why you didn't get her this, or take or here, etc. Live it up!
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    Stealing an AFC's girl

    How would you like it done onto you? I don't think you should do it. That's just my opinion.
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    Different Religion

    I agree with this. However, in the case you really don't end up finding someone of your same belief, I think it's only fair to allow your future children to choose their religion by presenting each of your views. In the end, it's their choice.
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    I won the lottery, I think I'm going to give it all to charity.

    I don't think so far anyone has encouraged this, but I am defienetely for donating some of that $$$ to charity. Not are you helping several unfortunate individuals, but at the same time your keeping your mentality healthy. There are many people who become greedy and at the end, they end up with...
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    Your Experience with chicks who always

    I always say that every joke has some truth behind it. Thus, she obviously wants to do something. Just be like "come over around 9pm and bring some dinner."
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    Valentines gift for a girl who might be in the friend zone?

    Well, the reason you probably got into the friend zone in the beginning is probably because you never pulled the move. If I were you, and considering your still in high school, I would use this v-day to let her know how I feel. However, I would do it a little different. Instead of just sending...
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    Move Out vs. Saying Home

    Like I said before and I'll say again, an education is an important thing. Years ago people could get away with not having college degree and land job and make a decent living. Today all those big shots that you see all went to college, from donald trump to the owner of Walmart. So if you look...
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    Move Out vs. Saying Home

    Well, first and foremost I want you to know that anything in life is possible. However, we must have a desire in order to achieve. You must plant a seed in order to see growth, and same goes for every future plan. First of, what exactly is it you enjoy or find interesting? Now based on that, try...
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    What to do?

    I just have one thing to say and this is based on what I have seen from a lot of my friends: Karma. If I were you, I would suggest dipping out. Not only did she just prove that she is not a good gf, but it's also an indication of what kind girl this is. As I tell all my boys, what she does with...
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    should i call

    What do you all think?
  12. V

    Should I call?

    Alright, so I met this Hb not so long ago at the library and we hit it off. We spoke for about 3 hrs and I walked out with her digits. Now we met up once for lunch and spoke for another few hours. I kept the convo interesting and she kept on asking me questions, so it was obvious she was engaged...
  13. V

    should i call

    Alright, so I met this Hb not so long ago at the library and we hit it off. We spoke for about 3 hrs and I walked out with her digits. Now we met up once for lunch and spoke for another few hours. I kept the convo interesting and she kept on asking me questions, so it was obvious she was engaged...
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    My game vs her game

    Actually, we have gone out twice. But nothing huge...the park and a coffee shop. It was more of a date to get to know each other as oppose to activity date. However, like I stated earlier, on this next date I want to step things up. Get her totally into me despite her challenging game. Pretty...
  15. V

    My game vs her game

    I have been currently hanging out with this HB I met the other day at a coffee shop and she seems to be a little different than the rest of the chics I have picked up or even dated. By far, this girl is the greatest challenge. She's not only successful (in her career) but she is also very...
  16. V

    Random question

    I got a question for you all. Let's say you just met some chic and your beginning to see each other. However, you don't see her much during the weekday, just mostly during the weekends. Would you look down upon text msg her once in a while as oppose to calling her to see how she's doing? Like...
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    First date Suggestions

    I completely agree with this. Your first date should be used to get to know your partner a lot better. I always go with a coffee shop or some place that is cheap and good to chat. Remember, think of the first date like a job interview. Your the boss and she is the applicant. Either she passes or...
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    Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

    I actually work at the medical school university hospital and you would be surprised the stuff that goes around. Scary as it is, but STDs ironically are becoming more frequent today. Despite greater interventions. It is highly recommended that you get tested at least ONCE A YEAR. Just because...
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    Communication in a LDR

    A buddy of mine asked me this the other day, but I didn't know what to say. In a LDR relationship, how often should you talk to your gf?
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    Fiance needs space and is moving out

    Visit the "mature forum." There are a lot of guys there that have been through the same as yourself. Thus, they could probably give you some direction as well as legal advice. Luck to you and stay strong. Remember "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."