Valentines gift for a girl who might be in the friend zone?


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
I've had great feelings for this girls for about a year. It's a bit of a sad case of "oneism" but I'd like that to be beside the point because right now I really want to see if I can make this work because in December she will be moving away. I've tried to get over this girl before and even pursued other women but I always feel in the back of my head I want her the most.

Anyways my fear is that I've been caught in the friend zone because of my nice guy attitude. From June to September of last year I was definitely not in the friend zone despite her having a BF, there was some definite flirting going on but that's slowed down a bit. I do get signs of affection from her now and then but they're kinda half hearted and I get the feeling that she wants to want me but she can't fall in love with a total nice guy/wuss. I got the news from her recently that she'll be moving away in December to Australia, her homecountry. Since then I've been trying to tone up my DJ skills and try to be more confident and less "generous". Anyways I was thinking about the upcoming valentines day and was wondering what I should do. I know every girl wants to get ateast one thing for valentines day but quite often it's just to boost her ego. I was thinking I could send her something simple or nothing at all. She works on Valentines day so I might end up not seeing her but I could drop something off at her house. A simple thing I could send her is a single rose with a message "because there may not be a next valentines day..." or I could write something cynical about the fact that I couldn't get her chocolates because she's extremely lactose intolerant.

Anyways I'm 19 and she's 18. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
36 views and not one comment? Well it's still burning in the back of my mind.

I personally can't tell if I should just go and do it because she's been wanting me to make a move for a long time or if I should start playing the "I'm not that interested in you" card.

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well, the reason you probably got into the friend zone in the beginning is probably because you never pulled the move. If I were you, and considering your still in high school, I would use this v-day to let her know how I feel. However, I would do it a little different. Instead of just sending her something and saying it's from you I would make it a little more interesting. For example, do a few little gestures without revealing who you are. Like leave a note on her windsield where you encourage her to go on a little scavenger hunt to find out who her admirer is. Plant little v-day gifts (i.e. a single rose, box of chocolates, bear, etc.) with clues on them. And then finally set up the final clue at a restaurant or something like that. I did this same thing as a sophmore in high school for this cheerleader I met when I was on the soccer team. And let me tell you, it worked like a charm! Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dooood!!! How the **** do you know you're in the friends zone when you didn't even make a move! Like ask her out? Like hold her hand? Like give her a kiss?

Man, forget valentines and forget her, since you've both known each other for a long time and interacted for this long, your assertion that you're in the freinds zone may even be correct. Work on yourself big time. If you still want to make a move on this girl, just avoid her for a month and then come into the picture being more assertive.

El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
Chico, Ca, USA
repy to title of this thread......

Don't do anything
Don't buy anything
Don't even talk to that dumb ho

Go out have a great time on VDay and find new p*ssy

Gifts to friends on Vday is ridiculous beyond pointless

you'r a fool