Don Juan
Ok.. I guess you could say i'm seeing a girl who has a boyfriend. I met her 3 weeks ago when she and friends came to my house for an afterparty. We didnt say much to each other that night...but i still checked her out enough to know that I had to have it. So i waited a few days and got her number from a friend. I then left a message and almost immeditatly she called back (a little weirded out) so i made the conversation short and sweet. To speed this a long we played a little phone tag and then i stopped into her work (bartender) to pay a visit. A week later we made dinner plans and even though we both had a phenomenal time and later on that night she hung out at my house she wouldnt kiss me on the lips (i was forced to throw her on the bed and kiss her on her neck LOL and she adored it). After that night she was calling and texting all the time and I even saw her out the next night, but showed her no love at the bar (i left after i saw her talking to a few guys which im sure she did to get my attention but it didnt work). Then, later on that night i had an afterparty and i was bombarded by calls and text mess's but i paid no attention till the next morning when i called her to see if she wanted to have ****tails that night (but no dinner I'm learning from u guys She couldnt wait to see me and practically grabbed my hand to hold wherever we went, and for the most part she couldnt keep her hands off me. Later on back at my house she stayed over and hooked up for a while. I didnt push sex but after a while the foreplay was killing me so i had no choice but to push. Well I'm glad i did because i had the best sex of my entire life! and she couldnt believe how good it was (came twice so hard i had to change the sheets!!!!!) So now that I have your attention what's my next move? Should the boyfriend be an issue? It's obviously not a big deal to her and she feels comfortable with me im sure for not asking and telling her to quit it when she starts to mention her relationship. So, should i wait a while and see if she has the respect and feelings to leave him and let me know? or is is better to lay down the ultimatum in a few weeks regardless and walk away if she wont leave him? I'm sure if things stay the way they are she would come after me, but you never know with these chicks nowadays.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance