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  1. R

    Birth Mark??

    I have an embarrasing birth mark or mole on one side of my face. I'm afraid that this mark may greatly hinder my progress with girls. It is on the bottom left of my jaw, about a centimetre in dameter and only a few centimetres away from my ear. I think that it might take me from really...
  2. R

    How did this happen?

    I guess I never really did any full on kino. Things were too complicated untill recently (see my other thread). I was always jokin around with her teasing and stuff. ****y + funny all the time. Guess I never really showed my intentions fully. Other complications probably helped the friends zone...
  3. R

    You young guys need to read this!

    How do you ask?? ...
  4. R

    How did this happen?

    I recently landed in the friends zone and I have no idea why. Now I know I'm ****y (very) and funny, and I'm also good looking. Now I am pretty much what most posts here tell you to be and I do it naturally. Nothing forced. I don't even have one-itis although I was aiming at this one girl in...
  5. R


    I don't see why people gte embarrsed when they buy condoms. It's like "fkuk im getting laid!"
  6. R

    What the hell!?

    Its all over. She told him she "really doesn't want a boyfriend right now". She sure, nice excuse ;) Well at least my faith in the DJ bible has been restored and I wonder why I ever doubted it, even slightly.
  7. R

    2 questions/problems.

    The answer to the second question is just do it. I'm serious. The more you think about something the harder becomes to do. Act on instint and do rather than think. Might sounds hard or even stupid at first but you will eventually see that it works. If you want more confidence just read teh DJ...
  8. R

    What the hell!?

    Ok thanks guys. Ill see what happens and report it here.
  9. R

    What the hell!?

    If thats true then that means that not all of the bible is completely true. Its like I spent years becoming this ****y and funny stud only to be beaten by this insecure and clingy guy (like I USED to be). Excuse me but its fkucking with my head a little bit. Not sure what to think anymore.
  10. R

    What the hell!?

    Right now I'm conmpletely baffled. Help me my brothers! I have this mate and heys a great guy and all but he is the biggest AFC youve ever seen! Every second of his life is devoted to thinking about this one girl. He messaged her saying "I really really like you", right? And she replied "I...