What the hell!?


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Right now I'm conmpletely baffled. Help me my brothers!

I have this mate and heys a great guy and all but he is the biggest AFC youve ever seen! Every second of his life is devoted to thinking about this one girl. He messaged her saying "I really really like you", right? And she replied "I think i need to know you more".

I thought this was an excuse. But he persisted. He told all of her friends that liked her and they tried to set him up. So anyway he gets her alone completely nervous and shy and tells her how much he likes her. After all her friends were telling her 'get with him, get with him'. They were supposed to kiss but it just didnt happen.

So anyway he keeps messaging her saying "I've never liked anyone this much before, is there any slight chance that we may possibly ever have the small chance of getting together".

The worst thing is now they are supposedly getting together in the holidays!


This is the biggest afc behaviour ever. Hes shy and insecure, clingy and needed. He should be a massive turn off. It goes against everything I've learnt from the DJ bible.

But what's this? ITS WORKING!?

And whats worse is that I liked this girl and was slowly working on her with kino and my ****y & funny charm... But now hes got her!!!!

Please someone enlighten me...

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
This is the biggest afc behaviour ever. Hes shy and insecure, clingy and needed. He should be a massive turn off. It goes against everything I've learnt from the DJ bible.

But what's this? ITS WORKING!?
I think you've been reading too much, mate :).

In the real world clingy/insecure/needy guys can still get women... I mean... how do you think so many people are getting together all over the world? Surely you can't expect every single one of them to be... well... what you'd expect them to be.


New Member
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Same thing here pal. I now this guy from like 6 years now, and he is one of the biggest AFCs you can think of and not really a good looking guy.

He is 19 and recently he started dating a 17 years old girl...

The worst part is that he didin't know how to kiss her, and he was extremely shy, but the little girl found that cute and teached him. I don't know how this HB 9.5 with plenty of experience with men can feel attraction for this dork... but it is happening in front of my eyes.

Some people are just lucky :)


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
If thats true then that means that not all of the bible is completely true. Its like I spent years becoming this ****y and funny stud only to be beaten by this insecure and clingy guy (like I USED to be). Excuse me but its fkucking with my head a little bit. Not sure what to think anymore.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Relax, to me it looks like she is with him just because of pitty and nothing else, i've seen it happen and it really doesn't last long, nevertheless don't give up, **** happens and strange things too, but like i said for me she's just feeling sorry for him, theres no real attraction.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Outkast said:
He is 19 and recently he started dating a 17 years old girl...
Your answer is in that line.

Scoring a 17 year old is like shooting fish in a barrel. Dead fish even.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
They didn't even kiss what makes you think anything will happen? Ok they say he will hookup over the holiday. Where will that go if he even gets her. It will take awhile for him to get laid.

The other guy that the other poster was talking about got lucky. What will happen if she leaves him?

You will never be out gamed by such AFCness because she would drop him in any second for a much cooler guy. An your also missing the point of why you are learning this and that is to get women consistently. Not just one girl MANY girls. That will mean you can have a gf and decide to get 3,4,9, or 20 more girls if you wanted because you know how to get them constantly. You will never run out of women to get.

Now the AFC guys who get lucky have that one girl and they better get married because once they leave it will be very hard to find another girl. Its like my one AFC friend he found a girl to talk to he wasted 7 months of AFCness, spoke everyday, and used any free time he had to speak to her. He didn't even get laid, kiss or anything. Now they stopped talking and he has managed to find a new girl. He is still doing the same things but he got lucky even being able to talk to this girl. I can put money up that he won't lay her anytime soon if ever.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ok thanks guys. Ill see what happens and report it here.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Its all over. She told him she "really doesn't want a boyfriend right now". She sure, nice excuse ;)

Well at least my faith in the DJ bible has been restored and I wonder why I ever doubted it, even slightly.