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  1. R

    Advice to Young Men from an Old Man

    Why get in a fist fight if you know your going to lose? Hell, why get into one at all!?
  2. R

    Talking sex with girls

    Ok so you say you talk about it but you don't duscuss it. Whats the difference? And you say bring it up but don't discuss it. What's that mean? Only for jokes?
  3. R

    A high school guide...

    Great advice guys. I've been waiting for a thread like this. Now I just need to work out how to get to a god dang party.
  4. R

    Talking sex with girls

    Is it? I'm worried that she might tell all her friends and that they would all think im some sleeze. Or would she be to embarrased to bring it up with her friends?
  5. R

    Talking sex with girls

    Well the DJ bible suggests it quite a bit. So you guys say test. How do I test the girl, or bring up the subject? WOuld you reccomend it or not?
  6. R

    Talking sex with girls

    ...The DJ bible tells you to do it. But is it appropriate in high school? Would girls accept in or think you are some massive sleeze? Should it be done? If so, how? Do you need a big rapport first?
  7. R

    What the Bible wont tell you

    I'm mainly into two cliques, both don't have a great deal of involvement with girls. It might sound like I'm making it harder that it sounds, but I guess I just dont have a wide variety of close friends. Girls that I know are mostly in all-girl cliques. I'm just trying to think... How do I get...
  8. R

    What the Bible wont tell you

    I get your points fellas. Thing is my friends are my best friends in thw whole world, and there is no way I'm ditching them. But, sadly most of them are massive AFCs. I don't know many people that go partying. So SamRi72. How do you sarge? What risks have you taken? What do you reccomend I...
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    Before the Hs Forum Falls To Ashes: Some Things I've Learned

    Sure I see there are heaps of AFCs here. I'm not one, but I'm no where near DJ. I WANT to get experiance but I don't know HOW. Sounds stupid right? I can hold a conversation with any girl, but that next step eludes me. Tell me how to go out on a limb. 'No more camoflage I want to be exposed'...
  10. R

    What the Bible wont tell you

    Ok, so I've read the DJ bible and i am no longer AFC. One-itis is a thing of the past. ****y and funny comes naturally. However I am still single. You see the DJ bible has taught me how to change my mindset. But I still don't know how to get a girl in High School. The rules seem different...
  11. R

    Do you change your game for insecure girls?

    Ok so first off a bit of backstory. Theres this girl that I know likes me, the thing is ive only seen her a few times. We havn't talked much in person but we have talked a lot on msn. I knew she was insecure so I changed my game and tried complemeting her and sucking up a bit, but being ****y +...
  12. R

    Don't wait cuz it'll never come!

    My mates a total awkward, depserate, quiet, shy, pvssy afc. This really hot chick came onto him and now they are going out and she really likes him. Just goes against averything I know man. I'm confused.
  13. R

    How to prevent one-itis?

    Ok thanks guys those are some awesome posts! This from Pook's Fifteen Lessons helped me a lot too:
  14. R

    How to prevent one-itis?

    Its a hole that can be hard to avoid, and it can be damn hard to climb out of when we fall. I thought I was almost immune untill reccently where I almost reverted back to afc. So guys any tips on how to avoid one-itis?
  15. R

    I've changed what I can but nothing is different in school

    THANK YOU EXP! That link you gave me shows you felt almost exactly like I feel now. I've modled myself around the DJ bible and I've been getting down when it hasn't been working. Now I can finally see thanks to your post that like it said the DJ persona isn't for high school. It makes me feel...
  16. R

    Screw it

    You dont see the full story. This guy was talkina bout sliting his wrists just because this girl he had seen like 3 times didnt say hello to him. Yes, he does try. Hes a pessimist. He says "im fat and ugly" to girls and he is serious when he sais it. He believes it. But then they go "aww no...
  17. R

    Screw it

    This guy is all of them. Well a least the first 3. More so than me. Like I said hes the biggest afc I know. And he has got 2 hot chicks goin for him. What gives!? If anything I'm only the first one. And only slightly. And I've got ****.
  18. R

    Screw it

    Screw ****y + funny, screw kino, screw everything. Nothing works for me. I put my ass on the line the my friend who is the BIGGEST FKUCKING AFC EVER, and he gets all the chicks all the time, especially if I want them. Dam I've never known a bigger afc. Damn he gets everyone I show the slightest...
  19. R

    Birth Mark??

    Haha nah I'm just a huge Rooney and Man U fan.
  20. R

    Birth Mark??

    Thanks guys. The thing is I AM ****y and funny. It doesn't hinder me too much in the day but when I get home I begin to wonder. In the Melbourne museum it has an exhibit on the human body. There it says "Scientist believe that humans judge attractivness based on the symetry of their face"...