A high school guide...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
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As any of you who are or were in high school know, things are very different in high school compared to the rest of the world. It’s so different, in fact, that it has its own section under the forum page of Sosuave. There are a few major differences I want to cover, because now that I’m a senior in high school, I have learned some interesting things in my four years of experience.

1. In high school, there is no such thing as the friendzone!
High school girls are crazy, one minute they “like” you, the next they don’t. They honestly have no idea what they want, and are easily swayed by other people’s opinions. So lets say that at some point you were attracted to a girl and became friends with her. You asked her out and she gave you the LJBF’s line, things between you two are far from over! She’ll tell her friends about it, and depending on your social proof, they might try to sway her opinion. Or, she might give you the LJBF’s speech at first, but then when she thinks about it she decided that it was a wrong move. Once again, these girls have absolutely no idea what they want, and it is just a learning experience for them just like it is for you.

2. There is no such thing as cold approaching
I just covered this in another thread a little while ago, but in my opinion there is no such thing as a cold approach in high school. A high school is a closed community, and depending on the size of your high school and your popularity, you can be pretty well known throughout it. For example, my high school is about 1,000 student all together, and I’m sure at some point in time I’ve probably seen just about everyone. Now I may not know everyone by name, but because I’ve seen them, they’ve probably seen me too. This makes starting up a conversation so much easier, because you can just use some line like, “hi, I’ve seen you around before haven’t I?” This will get her talking and thinking, and then your in.

3. Social proof is everything
This is something I wish I knew my freshman and sophmore years of high school. Social proof is the basis for your popularity in high school, and it is actually surprisingly easy to get. Just start talking to the people around you, in your class, in the halls, everywhere. Eventually you will just start making new friends with the people your talking too and then your gaining your social proof. The single easiest way to gain popularity and social proof is to go to parties. I seriously wish I knew this in my first two years of high school, because I seriously struggled to make new friends then. After a few drinks and a few funny memories together, people at parties become closer. It’s also easiest to get HB’s number or hook up with them in these environments, and the best part is everyone will know. You’ll start to gain a good reputation, people will start inviting you to more parties, and you will become the man!

4. Join a sports team or some clubs
This is one of the best things you can do in high school to get more friends and gain popularity. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter if you’ve ever played the sport before, at least at my high school. Never played football before but thinking about playing? Go for it! You will most likely ride the bench but at least you’ll be on the team and talking with your teammates. Personally I joined the swim team at my school because I liked to swim and swimmers get into really good shape. I made a lot of new friends doing this, and I also got to see the girls in skin-tight suits. J Now, three years later, I’m more confident than ever, I’m more muscular than a lot of my friends that work out, and I’m going to college for a nice reduced price.

Some do’s and don’ts:

· Talk to anyone and everyone
· Go to as many parties as possible, even if your not the greatest friends with the people there
· Look your best everyday (a lazy day here and there is ok)
· Flirt with every girl you find attractive
· Join a sports team/club that interests you

· Worry about being rejected
· Give up on a girl after you’ve been rejected
· Be that loud, obnoxious guy that nobody really likes
· Be that shy, quiet guy that never really talks

Sometimes I just wish I could go back to freshman year and start over knowing what I know now. Hopefully this post helps some people out.
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Don Juan
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
great post!!!! the problem is i dunno when and where the parties are happening!! i gotta get myself more friends

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
um... are you sure about not giving up on a girl after you've been rejected?
I would have to completely revolutionize my social status to get with the girls who have rejected me..

I have no idea if what you're saying is true lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
I agree with it all apart from possibly the friend zone thing and giving up on a girl when your rejected. That may just because I find it easier to move on after rejection and usually lose all interest automatically anyway lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Plec07 said:
I agree with it all apart from possibly the friend zone thing and giving up on a girl when your rejected. That may just because I find it easier to move on after rejection and usually lose all interest automatically anyway lol.
Haha true true, but what I'm saying is that it doesn't have to be over.

And to Grand Wizard, sure if a girl flat out told you she wasn't interested in you than yes, there's probably no chance of getting with her. But if she is on the fence and puts you down for a date, than there is still a chance.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
well I'm talking about someone who's talking like a ***** to me, mostly because I asked her for her #, and one of her good friends told her that I like her. and just a few weeks before, this wierd one smiled at me because I waved to her...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
well I'm talking about someone who's talking like a ***** to me, mostly because I asked her for her #, and one of her good friends told her that I like her. and just a few weeks before, this wierd one smiled at me because I waved to her...
I think this one might be a lost cause at this point. Cut all contact with her immediately and forget about her, maybe when she notices your not paying attention to her anymore she might come around but don't count on it. Now, define "wierd" cause it's a different word for everyone. I flirt with anyone and everyone, ugly or hot, just light casual stuff. Maybe you should do this with some of these girls and see where you stand. (Oh and just because a girl flirts with you doesn't really mean she's all that into you, she just doesn't mind having a little fun.)


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
One thing I would like to add to this guide is that as your repuation grows and you become more popular people will try to pull you down.

There will be haters that may start a rumor or they may throw insults at you left and right. It is important to remember not to get down on yourself after this starts to happen. You should really look at this positively because it shows that the person is threatened by your newfound popularity.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Nooo not this stuff again... the only social proof you need to get any HS chick is being normal if ppl see you as weird/freak you won't get any no matter how much u try. Here's some tips that I wish someone told me when I was a soptmore.

1. Focus on your grades and skills. After highschool your popularity or social proof means jack sh*t to colleges or employers. Make sure you different by having passions so you'll have options. Also surround yourself with ppl who have qualities you want so u'll improve as a person.

2. Have fun! If your not having fun at a party or watever just leave or make it fun. I used to sit at the "popular kid's table" but I got bored cuz all they talked about was parties and same old sh*t. If your friends or gfs are boring ditch em there's so many other ppl around. You can always chill with ppl from other schools. You should have fun with watever club/sport your doing. Don't just DO FOOTBALL cuz it's COOL or thinkin you'll be popular if you think it's boring don't do it, it's a waste of time and energy and u'll regret it.

3. JUST DO IT. Do whatever you want ignore the haters they're just jealous that your doing something with your life. If you want to get laid just do it noone really cares the most you'll be a is an another GOSSIP for all the girls to talk about.

4. Do NOT let alcohol and drugs get in the way of school. Seriously the cons are not worth it, sure partying over the summer is acceptable since u don't have other responsibilities. Don't do hard drugs I seen friends drop out of school... what a waste of life you'll def. regret it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
TheBadassador said:
One thing I would like to add to this guide is that as your repuation grows and you become more popular people will try to pull you down.

There will be haters that may start a rumor or they may throw insults at you left and right. It is important to remember not to get down on yourself after this starts to happen. You should really look at this positively because it shows that the person is threatened by your newfound popularity.
Yea, good tip, whenever people try to put me down i just deflect the insult, no point in starting a fight over it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
PeterNorthisawesome said:
Nooo not this stuff again... the only social proof you need to get any HS chick is being normal if ppl see you as weird/freak you won't get any no matter how much u try. Here's some tips that I wish someone told me when I was a soptmore.
This is true, however, being "normal" would just make you a typical AFC, wouldn't you rather be more than "normal"?

1. Focus on your grades and skills. After highschool your popularity or social proof means jack sh*t to colleges or employers. Make sure you different by having passions so you'll have options. Also surround yourself with ppl who have qualities you want so u'll improve as a person.
Just because you are trying to gain popularity and social proof in school doesn't mean your grades are going to slip. In fact, since I've started taking control of my actions my grades have increased! less procrastination.

Also, this guide will also help with college, because freshman college girls are the same age as I am right now and still inexperienced.

2. Have fun! If your not having fun at a party or watever just leave or make it fun. I used to sit at the "popular kid's table" but I got bored cuz all they talked about was parties and same old sh*t. If your friends or gfs are boring ditch em there's so many other ppl around. You can always chill with ppl from other schools. You should have fun with watever club/sport your doing. Don't just DO FOOTBALL cuz it's COOL or thinkin you'll be popular if you think it's boring don't do it, it's a waste of time and energy and u'll regret it.
I agree, have fun wherever you go, make new friends wherever you go. I would never sit with people I'm not friends with at lunch, that just seems, like you said, boring. And i never said join football because its "cool", i was just using football as an example, do whatever interests you. Personally i choose swimming.

3. JUST DO IT. Do whatever you want ignore the haters they're just jealous that your doing something with your life. If you want to get laid just do it noone really cares the most you'll be a is an another GOSSIP for all the girls to talk about.
Which wouldn't be a bad thing by the way

4. Do NOT let alcohol and drugs get in the way of school. Seriously the cons are not worth it, sure partying over the summer is acceptable since u don't have other responsibilities. Don't do hard drugs I seen friends drop out of school... what a waste of life you'll def. regret it.
Agreed, definitely, but partying on the weekend is ok in my book. Just don't let it interfere with your life.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
so get some popular friends huh... btw this girl was never flirting with me... basically, idk whats wrong with her, making her "wierd". she used to talk to me normally though.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
so get some popular friends huh... btw this girl was never flirting with me... basically, idk whats wrong with her, making her "wierd". she used to talk to me normally though.
This may be a long shot and possibly the guiness talking but maybe after you asked her for the # she's seen your more confident and still becoming more and more confident. Now she doesn't like it, maybe she realises your going to become the alpha male you deserve to be and when that happens all the attention you were giving her will go and she'll become a nobody to you, or maybe she's just a ****. I don't know and I don't care, but now it looks like she's trying to stop you in your tracks and rip your newfound confidence out of you. DO NOT LET HER!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
so get some popular friends huh... btw this girl was never flirting with me... basically, idk whats wrong with her, making her "wierd". she used to talk to me normally though.
Well, yes and no, instead of getting popular friends, get friends who make you feel confident and who have fun. Once people start seeing you like to have fun, "popular" kids will start noticing and want to become friends too. But like PeterNorthisawesome said, being "popular" in high school amounts you to absolutely nothing after it.

Plec07 said:
This may be a long shot and possibly the guiness talking but maybe after you asked her for the # she's seen your more confident and still becoming more and more confident. Now she doesn't like it, maybe she realises your going to become the alpha male you deserve to be and when that happens all the attention you were giving her will go and she'll become a nobody to you, or maybe she's just a ****. I don't know and I don't care, but now it looks like she's trying to stop you in your tracks and rip your newfound confidence out of you. DO NOT LET HER!
Agreed, forget about her


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
California, SF
Yeah a lot of people i know at school seems to want to be on "top" and maintain it at all costs. I have several very insecure friends and i've begun to disassociate myself with these people

Friend A: Very Smart,decent looking person
He is a hardworker in school and he looks decent. He dresses like a nerd (cause he is one) and doesn't give anyone respect. He doesn't help people with homework or finds a way to sabotage a person if they are doing "well" to make sure he is the top student in class. He takes (as in we help him, but does not return). We were having a bad day for our group, i enter the scene with a big smile, and he says "what the hell is your stupid face smiling for". I've begun to ignore him.

Friend B: His happiness is based on his girlfriend. If his GF treats him well for the day, he is a very happy guy who helps people for the day. If his GF treats him bad for the day, he is a very depressed guy who insults people for the day. (your thinking what the hell, and i agree) His grades are really bad now cause of his GF. He is the definition of AFC and is very clingy. I ignore him.

When i started to ignore them, they started coming back. But i'm making it clear i don't want to be friends anymore. Keep in mind, these were previously two very good friends i've met. Disassociation from these people improved my life, even if they were good friends. Times changed.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Precursor said:
Yeah a lot of people i know at school seems to want to be on "top" and maintain it at all costs.

Friend A: Very Smart,decent looking person
He is a hardworker in school and he looks decent. He dresses like a nerd (cause he is one) and doesn't give anyone respect. He doesn't help people with homework or finds a way to sabotage a person if they are doing "well" to make sure he is the top student in class. He takes (as in we help him, but does not return). We were having a bad day for our group, i enter the scene with a big smile, and he says "what the hell is your stupid face smiling for". I've begun to ignore him.
Yea, there are always people like this who when they see other people excelling in something they try to bring them down. Their very selfish, just ignore what he says about you and it will stop one he realizes your not responding to it.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Great advice guys. I've been waiting for a thread like this. Now I just need to work out how to get to a god dang party.