A high school guide...


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ok i had that problem too when i first started doing this. The best thing you can do is just literally crash a party with a bud. When crashing a party, don't show up until at least after 10 when everyone is already pretty buzzed. Hopefully you know the host, if you do go say whatsup and everything and act like you belong/were invited. The host probably won't say anything at this time because he/she will already be drunk.

When your there just be a cool guy, don't get too drunk maybe stay a little more sober than everyone else. When the party is breaking up and everyone is saying goodbye make sure to say bye to everyone and grab as many numbers from guys/girls as you can. Next time your in need of a party just call one of these people.

Also, it's best to start off with the not-so-cool parties, with the second tier of people who still like to have fun but don't hang out with the most popular people in your school. Then when you keep grabbing numbers and going to more parties you will start hanging out with more popular people and you move yourself up.