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  1. B

    I'm so close to giving up on women

    This is true. Its just part of the game to get rejected a lot, go on ****ty dates with *****es and not click with someone. The game is completely random, women are all different want different things, I know cute girls who are dating minority guys. I know good looking guys who get...
  2. B

    How did you 1st click with your wife?

    I dont need one in my life I need to start looking though, its just the right time for me, I am 28, 3/4 of my friends are in LTRs engaged or married. I feel girls who are younger than 24-26 are not emotionally mature enough for relationships so I never wasted my time with them, just as I...
  3. B

    How did you 1st click with your wife?

    I am at that age now where I need to seriously consider finding a wife. In my city this is done in the club scene. I havent been in any serious LT relationships due to meeting: wrong type of women, too young or head cases, game players. I am fussy in the looks department and this has been...
  4. B

    Women hate me after I sleep with them ...

    Its not you its them, its part of their daddy issues and misandry, if they liked you they will end up hating you. It can happen if you are nice or not, its just because they couldnt get you to commit, whether you are nice or not just changes their rationalization to why they hate you. One...
  5. B

    Taking a hot girl to a club

    I dont really go to those sort of places, grabbing isnt very common but my friend actually does it all the time.
  6. B

    My 26 year old cousin is pregno with her 4th child

    1stly you can be very book smart but not have common sense. Her differences to her sister could be purely genetic, remember genetics can be somewhat of a mixed bag. I wont go in to the psychology of it but it could also be slightly different upbringing at an early age.
  7. B

    Gf wants me to meet guy friend

    The way she is talking about the whole situation is a bit concerning, normally I would not see the problem and meet the guy but from what she is saying I got to question this whole thing. I completely agree with the above post.
  8. B

    Taking a hot girl to a club

    This is true actually I did almost get in to trouble well not really because the place we went to wasnt very violent but a friend of a friend of a friend had the ****s with me because he wanted to hit on her and I was around, looking back I should of just let her do her thing she wasnt open to...
  9. B

    players remorse

    Thanks man, funny you mention the bananas I know why and I just added them to the daily food list yesterday.
  10. B

    players remorse

    I dont know if its because I am a bit depressed, in a dry spell or my conscience kicking in, but when I was at my peak I was emotionally unavailable to a few girls that clearly wanted a relationship, I just wouldnt open up to them at all, given they were young (18) it was not such a bad idea but...
  11. B

    What would you make of this?

    Or how would you react, she was in my league in the looks department. I dont go to clubs often or bars really and when I do its not to pick up just to have some drinks with friends and dance. I also dont keep female friends and keep contact with them to a minimum. I was standing at the...
  12. B

    Taking a hot girl to a club

    LOL lucky R Kelly wasnt there. I did it as a favour to her she wanted to go out.
  13. B

    Only approaching women who are looking at you?

    Women can look for whatever reason. 1) Want attention 2) think you look different Just approach all the ones you find attractive or could get along with.
  14. B

    Taking a hot girl to a club

    Friend, FWB, GF whatever. Is it normal for guys to go up to her asking if you are her boyfriend to hit on her when she is out of earshot of you or is that the worlds way of saying you dont look good together???
  15. B

    Is this a good conclusion

    If 5s approach you, you are a 6 and should approach 7s?? If you have x/10 girls aproach you, whats the disparity with the girls you date?? (sorry I am a looks theorist)
  16. B

    Do decent sexy girls exist?

    By sexy I mean sexually attractive face like HB8+ A girl you would describe as skanky, a good root, with a nice body, basically promo girl body with a slutty face. Not that I feel entitled to marry one, just curious but I am under the impression they dont exist I dont know any1 who has a normal...
  17. B

    Only ****ed sluts want to settle down

    So I should act like I have only banged in the single digits?? Like blush and be a bit awkward on a date cause thats how I feel I should be but I have ****ed so many sluts, been friend zoned so many times, hard wired to escalate and such. I got a cute face so I dont think I can come off as...
  18. B

    Only ****ed sluts want to settle down

    I havent really ever gone on a date with a decent girl, I have only ****ed sluts always on the 1st date and had some FWB relationships. I am unsure how to find a decent girl, I know I am suppose to raise my standards I think, do they mean looks or like the girls fashion sense??
  19. B

    Can you break this down? Not easy...but a slut? What?

    She would of made up her mind what she wanted from you on the 1st date, she sounds like a ****ing headcase, the one thing that ****ing cracks me more than anything is girls who try hold out on the 1st date like you are an idiot, sometimes I dont see them again, sometimes I take them on a full...
  20. B

    Denied and confused...

    Watch 500 days of summer. There isnt high empathy levels between the opposite sex, she offered friendship as a courtesy not to hurt your feelings. You shouldnt of told her how you felt although I have done it, these things happen I advise you keep away from her. What is strange and I...