My 26 year old cousin is pregno with her 4th child


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
**** i just saw her 2 weeks ago at thanksgiving. and she's not unattractive, even with 3 kids she's pretty. but at some point.. i mean.. what has to be going though a guys mind to have sex with a woman w ho has 3 kids.

(3 different dads BTW)

even worse, what has to be going though a guys mind to do so without a condom.

what gets me is she told me she was "mad and shocked". shocked that your fertile ass got pregnant. I'm shocked that you are shocked.

I mean i love my cousin, she's not stupid, not trashy, she's in the military, has done 2 tours overseas, but, in this regard she has no common sense. i don't know what's going though her mind or the minds of the dudes hooking up with her.


Nov 29, 2012
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She's not stupid? I mean, then how can she have 4 kids with 3 different guys? You need to stop making excuses for her.

And now she's mad and shocked.. like wtf? You'd think she would have learned to take extra strong precautions by now!


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
I don't know your cousin so I can't say she's stupid. Maybe irresponsible?

Mrs.5strings daughter has 3 kids by three different baby daddies and I consider her not only irresponsible, but dumber than a used set of snow tires. Little fvcking entitlement princess. Absolutely worthless.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
because she was a straight A student. if not for her first child she would have easily went to college and probably got a full ride.

I mean, i have stupid cousins lol. just beucse you are related to backbreaker doens't mean you are smart. but she is no dummie. but in this regard she just keeps, i dont' want to call my little cusons **** ups, but she's not making prudent decisions.

even worse, she is, beucse of her 2 tours, literally, bats hit crazy lol. she has PTSD and is about to be dischraged beucase of it. so not only is she crazy, she's about to lose her figure that she has once she gets out of the army and has to keep it. i mean she's had 3 kids and she's 5'10, 120 soak and wet

it's not gonna be pretty from here on out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
It was not very long ago in the military that having a child out of wedlock was considered a serious character issue for a woman. My college girlfriend had ROTC with me; she was prior service and knew the military well. She was mortified about getting pregnant because she thought they'd never let her be an officer if that happened.

But these days, when being openly gay is ok, I really doubt they care about things like that. I wonder if part of today's 'anything goes' military is also a necessary concession to keep recruitment up and avoid a draft in a time of perpetual war.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
This just goes to show you can be smart about some things and not so smart about others. Some people are book smart but not smart about life, or common sense. Or maybe subconsciously she wants more kids?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
the funny thing is, and this is where you get in trouble with "screening"

i guess this was the entire point of y post.

she has a sister that is 2 years older than she is. she's just as smart. she's military as well

could, not possibly be any more different. the older one got married at what, 19 or 20, great wife, really cares about her husband, has 2 kids, no issues mentally or anything like that. they don't even look aything alike. the older one actually looks just like me and my mom, people think she's my sister the younger one looks more like her mom whereas the older one doesn't' look anything like her mom.

I guess what i am trying to figure out is, where did the younger one go wrong when they had the exact same upbringing. **** they even both have the same deadbeat dad. both got good grades in school but the older one was always more conventional/traditional, started working (with me actually) at 15, go to school, maybe go on a date every once in a while.. i mean she's a girl but she never was "bad" or "wild" of that makes any sense. found a guy, locked him up. didn't have her first kid utnil she was 23.

the younger one, had her first kid in Jr high school. she was 14. had the 2nd one when she was 19, the third 2 years ago. andi mean, got good grades, but you coudon't keep her home. was always boy crazy. she'd go do her military thing and as soon as she settled down it was game on.

i'm trying to figure out how you can take 2 people and they be so polar opposite. this **** matters from a screening standpoint. the older one has some red flags from her past.. drug addict father who never was around, single parent house hold, but other than that, straight arrow


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
1stly you can be very book smart but not have common sense.

Her differences to her sister could be purely genetic, remember genetics can be somewhat of a mixed bag. I wont go in to the psychology of it but it could also be slightly different upbringing at an early age.