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  1. I

    stop threating women like objects???

    If you don't treat woman like objects, you end up treating objects like woman.
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    Dancing, is it possible to Don Juan without?

    I know that you won't dance with every girl you meet, but I have a strange hatred towards dancing (started in elementary school, long story). I refuse to dance in any situation and even with a girl I refuse to dance. I don't know if I can dance or not but either way I won't. Would this affect my...
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    who the hell deletes threads here?

    eniktin, you're too old to be on this forum
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    Yo! what is more of a turnoff than this?

    Are you sure she was serious?
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    hehe my fear of hot ladies is gone!!! cussed out hb9

    Why can't he insult a girl? I say do it more often, only to white girls though, these black and spanish girls are crazy.
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    Social Status in College

    Is social status in college like it is in high school? I mean do people care as much about it?
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    Groundhog's Day. Bill Murray is a Don Juan.

    I love that movie, and yes I've been stuck for years but I haven't tried to change.
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    Good advise sh!ted on in another forum

    No message board is worth money going to.
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    my first real approach

    At least you approached her...
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    Heres a lesson, sorry for typos and sh1t...

    Are you 10 years old?
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    HB's history includes rape...

    I think we should be discussing woman raping us instead of woman being raped.
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    Am I a loser if I don't go to prom?

    I've got my senior prom this year too. I didn't even think about asking a girl. Do you have to dress up to go? I was thinking I would go with my friends up not really dressed up.
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    Why Nerds are Unpopular: An Essay

    I think nerds aren't exactly smart people, many are, but mainly they are people with bad social skills.
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    What got you to approach that first girl?

    I need some help here <_< >_>
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    Why Nerds are Unpopular: An Essay

    Same here, I played Starcraft as well.
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    Why Nerds are Unpopular: An Essay

    I've only read half way through, but this is absolutely amazing. Thanks!
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    SICK of being lazy!

    Lazyness is underrated... <_< >_> *runs*
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    That first approach

    I don't know about other's, but whenever there is a girl I wanna go to talk to, its like theres a wall and I just can't/won't/don't want to get through it. Even if the girl is giving me a sign to go to her.