hehe my fear of hot ladies is gone!!! cussed out hb9


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
Although this probably ruined his chance of ever having a date with this girl, most of you keyboard-jockeys wouldn't have half a testicle enough to do what this man did. You'd just sit there with your tongues wagging and then come to this forum and be like, "HB9, can't approach, how do I play this?? NEED HELP PLZ!!"
Bull****. For one thing, I'm secure enough to not give her the time of day if I felt like it. But you're right, I wouldn't do what he did because I'd look like a goddamn jackass.

All of you little turds yelling, "she's no 9, she's ugly! She's just a common slut bimbo!" all sound like a bunch of gossipy women...you know that each and every one of you would "hit it" if the opportunity arose. "Slut" and "bimbo" are words used by inferior women to make women who are attractive and promiscuous feel bad about themselves...words used to put others down to make themselves feel big. To see them used here is kind of sickening.
Double bull****. I have never been turned on or attracted by this look. I see girls who I consider much more attractive and naturally beautiful than her on a daily basis. I don't even like categorizing girls on a 1-10 scale anyway, but I certainly wouldn't say she's one 'point' away from looking perfect.

Pisses me off when I see those kinds of people talking down to others for conquering their fears and social stigmas.
Sorry, but he didn't just "conquer a social fear"; he did it in a phony way that made him come off as a total tool, and despite his 'accomplishment', needed to be called out on it. If this was an isolated incident and if nothing else it helped him overcome a social phobia, then fine. But he, and everyone else, should know that there is definitely a line between coming off as someone who is secure and doesn't need to supplicate and is comfortable enough to act playful with beautiful women, and being a completely rude ass hat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Scrumtulescence
Bull****. For one thing, I'm secure enough to not give her the time of day if I felt like it. But you're right, I wouldn't do what he did because I'd look like a goddamn jackass.
So in other words, you're afraid of looking like a jackass in front of a hot chick. :p

Double bull****. I have never been turned on or attracted by this look. I see girls who I consider much more attractive and naturally beautiful than her on a daily basis. I don't even like categorizing girls on a 1-10 scale anyway, but I certainly wouldn't give her a 9.
I didn't say she'd merit a "9". All I said is that you'd hit it. She's a "9" to him, and really your subjective rating is irrelevant to the post.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
Originally posted by squirrels
1. So in other words, you're afraid of looking like a jackass in front of a hot chick. :p

2. I didn't say she'd merit a "9". All I said is that you'd hit it.
1. You're right...looking like a jackass in front of a hot chick is not something I want to do. :) But it's about more than that--I have the dignity, respect and security to not be a jackass to anyone. (a lot of jackasses are insecure)

2. Even though let's say I'm not the most sexually experienced guy on the planet, I do have standards on which I will or will not 'hit it' (I'm not desperate for sex), and based on some of those pictures, I wouldn't. But mostly, I was just floored that someone actually considers her, as I put it, one point away from looking perfect.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
I'd give her a 7 without the fake glamour. She is also a fag. I saw her kissing a few of her friends when I scrolled down the page...so she lost a few more points in my book.
Wow. She just GAINED a few in mine . . . ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
If she absolutely threw herself at me, I'd probably hit it just for sh!ts and giggles. But I personally would not waste time pursuing her. She isn't my type and definitely not a 9 in my book. If she is for the OP, so be it, I won't fault him for it. A 9 for me may not be all that hot to him.

I have no problem giving hot girls a hard time, no problem at all. Believe me or not, if I'm introduced to a hot girl I will be cool. But I admit I'm not cool about approaching girls, hot or not.

Anyhow, if the OP helped himself get over the habit of putting hotties on a pedestal by being an ass to this chic, then he learned a valuable lesson! I don't think we can fault him for that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
I met her at a party actually. got her number and stupid website.

I did not really want to lay her. I mean she was hot except the whole Attention ***** turned me off so i just tried an experiment. I used to be the guy would bend over backwards for a girl. This one tried but it on me but it didnt work. At the end of the night she expected a ride home and she lives way across the city. Think im gonna drive to the other side????? **** that and i left. I saw take advantage of some other guys 2, they paid for her ride to the party.

and here tits are not that big. I dont think they are fake cause they are not that big in real life, she just pushed them up in the pics.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
and yeah i went to the club and danced with a hottie i never thought i had a even a chance to dance with. She was tall, long legs and really hot. (hotter then this one anyway). She was dancing and kinda stumbled for a sec so i busted her on her clumsyness. She smiled and said she was a clumsy. Then i just moved in and got some good ass rubbing on my ****. It felt pretty good


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
oh and by the way i dont really give her a 9. She was labeled a 10 on th site and was in the top 5 for a long time. In real life i give her about a 7.5-8 just cause im more of an ass guy then a boob guy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
i agree with the too much makeup usage thing.

but her brunette friend with the glasses is smoking!!!!

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Life is yin/yang or about balence.
I see guys here think that going from one extreme (weak, passive) to the other (overly aggressive, disrespectful) is cool when it is not. Too much water kills, too little water kills, too much sun kills, too little sun kills. Life is not about extremes, its about balence. Being secure with yourself is telling a woman she is cute if you feel she is cute. If you dont tell her cause you feel she may think you are a chump that means you are insecure. Secure people dont put on any type of front. So when you say I wasnt going to let her know she was hot that is insecure because that is what you thought. What you wouldnt want to do is start running down shakesperes poems on her, just say I think you are attractive, and move on. That sures that you are secure. You guys need to learn balence: respect without being needy, assertive while not being unyeilding, complamentary with out being passive.
Learn balence.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Life is yin/yang or about balence.
I see guys here think that going from one extreme (weak, passive) to the other (overly aggressive, disrespectful) is cool when it is not. Too much water kills, too little water kills, too much sun kills, too little sun kills. Life is not about extremes, its about balence. Being secure with yourself is telling a woman she is cute if you feel she is cute. If you dont tell her cause you feel she may think you are a chump that means you are insecure. Secure people dont put on any type of front. So when you say I wasnt going to let her know she was hot that is insecure because that is what you thought. What you wouldnt want to do is start running down shakesperes poems on her, just say I think you are attractive, and move on. That sures that you are secure. You guys need to learn balence: respect without being needy, assertive while not being unyeilding, complamentary with out being passive.
Learn balence.
As he said.

This type of situation is almost like with friends or anyone for that matter. If you're jealous of their success or good looks, you're insecure then. You start calling them gay or some other "put them down" terms used fuel your ego, and in turn make yourself better. There's no point as you're pushing someone away plus you also piss them off for saying **** you might not mean, but were too much of an airhead to realize what just occured.

just be true to yourself and others, if what you say to someone is opposed ot your actual opinion of them, then you're just being plain immature.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Life is yin/yang or about balence.
I see guys here think that going from one extreme (weak, passive) to the other (overly aggressive, disrespectful) is cool when it is not. Too much water kills, too little water kills, too much sun kills, too little sun kills. Life is not about extremes, its about balence. Being secure with yourself is telling a woman she is cute if you feel she is cute. If you dont tell her cause you feel she may think you are a chump that means you are insecure. Secure people dont put on any type of front. So when you say I wasnt going to let her know she was hot that is insecure because that is what you thought. What you wouldnt want to do is start running down shakesperes poems on her, just say I think you are attractive, and move on. That sures that you are secure. You guys need to learn balence: respect without being needy, assertive while not being unyeilding, complamentary with out being passive.
Learn balence.

exactly learn balance? but how am supposed to learn balance if im always on one side? i needed to know how the other side felt as well so i can now guage a little better and it did help. I always always afraid to say stuff that would not even be that bad, but could possibly insult her lightely (just kidding around and play i was afraid of). So i just thought i'll go far enough to see what happens, and really nothing happened. I was always afraid of backlash and it did not happen, so now im not as afraid to bust there bulls and kid around.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Just for the fact you were able to go through with the theory in your head that you should bust her balls, I give you the utmost respect since most on here wouldnt. Now since you have moved that far in your character development, I know you can up the anty in the courage department. Try thinking before you talk to everyone for at least a week; and no matter say something postive. If they ask how are you today, say "Im excellent, as long as Im alive everything is good." Compliment them man/woman on their character, or at least 1 thing they have. Like "that is a nice shirt, or you are so nice" (anyone who serves you-bartendar, store clerk etc). This takes a lot of courage which Im sure you can muster up. Come back every day and tell me how:
1. People react to you
2. If you start to feel any different at the end of the day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
actually i'v been doing a bit of that. If some asks how am i, i say "awesome" and stuff like that all the time. when ppl ask wut i'v been up 2 i dont say the cliche "not much". i get sick of hearing that and frankly find it annoying as hell. You know they are gonna say "i am good, or i am fine".

but yeah compliments...i'll do that. see how it goes. My only problem is a still get nervous talking to chicks, but tis the same for ugly or hot. Im not sweat'n bullets for the cuties anymore which is good.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by squirrels
Let's see...what are we forgetting here?

Although this probably ruined his chance of ever having a date with this girl, most of you keyboard-jockeys wouldn't have half a testicle enough to do what this man did. You'd just sit there with your tongues wagging and then come to this forum and be like, "HB9, can't approach, how do I play this?? NEED HELP PLZ!!"
So I guess everyone who's smart enough not to agree with you is a KJ and a fake? Puh-leeze.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
One thing I want to point out.

I think that when some guys wake up and begin to detach themselves from the matrix go to extremes and go through a "jerk phase".

This phenomenon has been talked about here in the past. When I started waking up from the lifelong slumber, I went through a jerk phase and pissed off a few females. Eventually I got back to normal and found the balance between the nice guy and a jerk, the balance that women find attractive in general.

I'm not going to give the OP grief over what he did because it's something he felt like he needed to do. If he keeps repeating that behavior than a change would most definitely be in order.

Another thing I want to speak on is this whole rating females sh!t. A woman is either your type or not your type, simple as that. Rating women as HB9 or whatever is unknowingly putting that woman on a pedestal. You know the posts "omigod I just met a HB9 what do I do" type posts. The reason why heads make this posts is because they hold onto this concept of rating women in their head and elevating them in their heads based on looks. This is self defeating.


Don Juan
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Why can't he insult a girl? I say do it more often, only to white girls though, these black and spanish girls are crazy.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ImmortalDragon
Why can't he insult a girl? I say do it more often, only to white girls though, these black and spanish girls are crazy.
He can insult any girl he wants, just like he can punch a cop in the face if he so chose too. He can go to school and get up in the middle of class and strip butt naked to "Wankster". You can do anything you want, but what you cant do is anything you want and get any type of results you want. You dont plant, nothing grows, you dont work you dont get paid.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by So Many Ways
One thing I want to point out.

I think that when some guys wake up and begin to detach themselves from the matrix go to extremes and go through a "jerk phase".

This phenomenon has been talked about here in the past. When I started waking up from the lifelong slumber, I went through a jerk phase and pissed off a few females. Eventually I got back to normal and found the balance between the nice guy and a jerk, the balance that women find attractive in general.
you made a good point. I remembe i went through the jerk phase on a female co-worker intern, altho she was there for only a short while. She had a bf and was somewhat an attn *****, very immature.

After that i realized my faults and found a balance.

I guess in the end, it's just a journey to find who you relaly are....and to mature throughout that process also.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by So Many Ways

Another thing I want to speak on is this whole rating females sh!t. A woman is either your type or not your type, simple as that. Rating women as HB9 or whatever is unknowingly putting that woman on a pedestal. You know the posts "omigod I just met a HB9 what do I do" type posts.

yeah but i consider myself a 10 at all times now. (even if im not, its just a mind thing) so no matter what im on top and not putting them on a pedestal.

and yeah im not doing it to all girlz i see. Just this one cause she was a little annoying and stuck up.

but i am starting to use C&F now which is good