i dont know what's going on


New Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I really like this girl but our relationship is a little complicated. First of all, my brother and her sister were good friends all through highschool so i kind of new her when she came to my old school for eighth grade. We were pretty good friends that whole year and then we both went to the same highschool, a small one, only about 500 students. Over the last six months, we have been really close friends. She is my closest female friend, but we flirt constantly. I dont know if she likes me or not. A lot of people have said that we should go out, or things like, you two would be such a cute couple and she usually laughs and doesnt say anything. It varies though from day to day. Some days she is all over me, sitting really close to me, putting her head on my shoulder, leaning on me, looking at me across the room etc. Sometimes she even makes jokes about having my baby or will say something about us having sex, it's always a joke but it confuses the hell out of me. Then, some days she is nice but she doesnt flirt very much. Also, she flirts with some of my friends, but not near as much as with me. Another thing, she is a freshmen on the girls varsity basketball team and is incredible and today i heard her say to one of her friends that during basketball season she doesnt even think about guys. This shocked me and confused me even more. It would seem that she likes me but on other days, not so much. I really like this girl but she doesnt know. She is one i would really go out with because she is hot, smart, funny, and not a slut. If anyone has any input i'd appreciate it.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
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"Rejection is better than regret"

Ask her out, stop being a wimp and just do it. If shes really as good a friend as you think she is it will not greatly alter your friendship; as long as if you are rejected, you clearly lose interest in her in that kind of way.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
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Buffalo, NY
Dont ever quote pook again, please.

Ok, that aside - bro... the way to tell if a girl likes you is simple: look at how she treats everyone BUT you. How closely does she treat you, to how she treats everyone else?

If the distance is great, and there is attraction, you SHOULD make a move. If I were you I would take her out somewhere, keep flirting with her, isolate her, keep flirting and having fun, and when you guys are in mid laugh, really enjoying yourselves... take her hand, look into her eyes, and smile a debonair smile. Look briefly from her eyes to lips and back.

She might be shocked and look away - dont worry, that is NOT a rejection. After a moment of eyeconact say, "<hername>... c'mere" and kiss her.

If she DOESNT kiss you then THAT is a rejection. Simply chalk it up to the friends zone and move on. Ive got a feeling she will kiss you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Zaine

Ask her out, stop being a wimp and just do it.

Anyways, I think you should proceed alot more slowly than is suggested. You are in the friends zone and you aren't getting out by simply laying one on her. I'd pull away, flirt with other girls she'll know you're flirting with. Once she starts running after you keep it up until the desire increases to have you back, at which point it would not longer be 'friends' and you could easily move in for the kill.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Don't question the Anth...Ima stop giving advice for a while...need to soak up more info. Sorry for any n00b advice, I've realized the error in my ways. Thank you LikRetsam for being a man and telling me about my post.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Don't question the Anth...

Thats the best advice youve given yet! Immortal - pook seduces men with his posts. He doesnt go out and have sex with women - he fvcks your mind with his posts. He is the KING of the armchair seducers.

Lik - why bother pulling interest before she rejects him?

If a dog does something bad - you punish it. This is HUGELY important with women. When they do something BAD you give them reprocussions.

Her REJECTION is BAD and should be dealt with by the old pump and dump.

She has NOT done anything WRONG so dont ASSUME she will - assume the sale. Have the mindset she WANTS you, and your energy will often win her over.

Im on a caffiene high, sorry I cant enumerate the differences... lik u get what i mean?