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  1. I

    What every skinny guy should know...

    Do you guys make sure beside bulking up, you build up testosterone (completely stopping masturbation, getting enough sleep, relaxation) ? As far as I can say, the women attention comes from increased testosterone that directly translates to higher confidence ...
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    The Masturbation "Discussion" Thread needs to be LOCKED ASAP!!

    You are trying to justify that you jerk off. Masturbation may and very likely will install a looser mindset on the long-term, be very careful when doing it, honestly. Experiment yourself, try abstaining and compare the results with wanking it every day 4 times. People trying to convince...
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    Why do girls give numbers when they are not interested?

    Hey man, this reminds me of a similar situation. I once met a good looking girl in the train. Approached her very easy, she laughed her ass off etc. Then she started me to ask many questions about me. She touched me, had VERY high interest level bla bla. I got her email and was 100% sure, we´ll...
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    Have trouble sleeping with girls

    It´s an indicator of love. If you wake up with your girl in your arms, chances are high that you really love her. Attraction is not sufficient for this. I rarely wake up with a girl still in my arms. When it happens, I´m in love with her and it´s beautiful.
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    If you think looks don't matter...

    Hey Mavrick, your statement is true to a certain degree. When I push a girl away, she will try to conquer me back. When I fall for a girl madly, she will probably run away. BUT, when you are afraid to admit your love to a woman with confidence and determination, your are an AFC, too. Then...
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    Total Proof that dating abroad is better for men?

    I think it´s worth a try and certainly a confidence booster. After sleeping with 100 foreign women, this guy certainly will have more success in North America.
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    Kill the ego!

    I think, someone with a genuine "great ego" doesn´t need to be better than someone else. He is just good as he is.
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    Kill the ego!

    Take a look at Rocky : De doesn´t have to put his opponent down or himself above. He even has respect and some fear. But he deeply and genuinly believes in himself. Believe in yourself. When you really do it, there is no need anymore for comparing yourself with others.
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    Kill the ego!

    Good post, strongguy! I myself often suffer from my 'ego'. Think about this : Who is hurt when a woman rejects him ? Right. It´s YOUR ego that got hurt. Big ego, big wounds, big pain ;) Maybe, 'small ego' is a little irritating. It´s about not taking yourself too seriously..
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    how do I boost my self esteem ?

    Go to the places that you fear. Do things you would like to do but you don't. Get out of your comfort zone. Prove to yourself that you can do things that currently are behind your "horizon". Do things that are good for you.
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    Advice - Exboyfriend calling my LTR

    I had a gf that kept contact with all of her ex. I was envious like hell and very uncool about it. And that was a mistake. Why does it disturb you ? Don´t you feel "safe" in your relationship ? Don´t you feel loved by her ? Do you fear him (his ex) ? In fact I did, I was afraid, my ex...
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    Does anyone do this?

    I do it sometimes. But only when I feel good and powerful. Try to get to know people, approach women, find a place that makes you feel comfortable, change locations. I live in a small city and have to drive 20 kilometers to the next bigger city with some clubs and bars. I try to go by train so I...
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    Has anyone hear overcome painful shyness / social anxiety?

    If you masturbate, completely stop it and then observe your behaviour and feelings while interacting with other people (after 2,5,7,10,14,20 days). For me it´s a BIG difference from not beeing recognized to entertainer of the group. Maybe it helps..
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    True Don's... It's Weird... What do you think?

    I´m in a similar situation. I´m looking for happiness outside myself and especially inside of women .. ;) But I can´t find it.
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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    The end of a 4hr phone call with my MEGA ONE ITITS, Her : "ok, let´s have a date. Do we both meet alone or with our friends" I think about 1 minute and answer "Let´s take our friends with us". Actually never dated her ... ;)
  16. I

    True Confidence

    When you are REALLY confident about yourself, you need no: rules knowledge about attraction between men and women pickup lines "special" behaviour NLP any tricks to create attraction Because you are ok the way you are. There is nothing to remove, nothing to add and nothing to hide. This...
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    Plain and simple

    Here is another DJ- tip from me : "enter the places that you fear" everytime you catch yourself having fear, just do it. And NO, I DON´T say that you should jump out of the window... This rule can be easily applied in many situations and will increase your confidence by proving to...
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    need help

    So, we had no contact since Thursday. I had a bad time at the weekend. Often had to think about her. Saturday, I wrote a message to her, simply wishing her a good time at the weekend. Got no reply. Haven´t heard from her... I wanted to write her but I - counterintuitive - didn´t. I will wait...
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    need help

    It´s simply, when I´m around her, I feel fantastic. She is intelligent, smooth, very good looking, kind, feminine, sexy AND does not know what she wants ....
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    need help

    What does "royally shafted" mean ? ;) Because, I´m a little tired of approaching and dating, I did alot early summer and then met this girl, that I simply love. But my lifetime is limited, that´s sure ... Thanks for all of your advice, brothers ! Greetings from germany, Indiana