The Masturbation "Discussion" Thread needs to be LOCKED ASAP!!

Jan 12, 2010
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Whenever someone new goes to, they usually see the main screen of the whole forum, where most of the time, The Masturbation Discussion appears as the top thread in the Archive section.........the same Archive section which is full of SO MUCH GOLD. The Masturbation Discussion is simply thousands of posts by misguided weak men who barely get any play from real women, trying to deflect their issues with women on masturbation..........BUT THEY ARE ALL WRONG!!

Jerkin off is only a problem if it is done entirely while watching porn.......PORN is the issue, PORN is the reason these guys have performance issues.......they try to fvck like the pornstars they see, and they can't - then they lose confidence in themselves, and at the same time, they have issues getting hard for their women because they are so damn used to getting hard while being a spectator online of 2 people fvcking!!

Healthy, young, horny men are NOT getting hard for their women...........take a second to really think about that oxymoron.

I have personally taken masturbation to a whole different level, that works for me, and I am sure it would work for other don juans as well (I also have 2 good friends who treat masturbation like I do and they fvck women very very well with no issues at all).............what am I talking about??

DON'T JERK OFF TO PORN....instead, jerk off to chicks that you know (chicks that you have already had sex with, chicks you might have sex with in the future, chicks photos that you talk to and flirt with online who you already made out with, ect ect ect)..........make masturbation more that, and all of a sudden, cvmming thinking about a girl that you are going to have sex with in a few days, all of a sudden makes you even hornier for can cvm thinking about her 10 times in 2 days if you want, and I guarantee you that when you see her 2 days later, YOU WILL BE READY TO FVCK THE SWEET LIVING HELL OUT OF HER!!!

EMBRACE your sexual energy, you have an endless supply of cvm inside you, you reload every single night when you sleep, PORN IS THE REASON YOU THINK MASTURBATION IS BAD, AND YOU ARE HIGHLY MISINFORMED.

Am I crazy here cuz I feel like I am stating the obvious and alot of people are clueless to the simple pure facts!!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
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You're gonna open a can of worms with this sort of post.

My two cents:
- Try and avoid porn
- Masturbation is OK but moderation is the key


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
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I make a rule to always jerk off to the women i've been with. Or to the ones I am trying to get with. It's more real than porn.

also, reposting this:

There was a time - I'd say pre 1999 - when I would have tolerated a girl with an errant fat roll, a mildly problematic ass, or even non-porcelain veneered teeth. And come to think of it, I might have even green lighted a B cup chest.

But with the installation of the high speed cable modem, alas, I am sad to say that those times have now passed. I now only want - and will only solicit affection from - girls with killer porn star looks and behavior.

I am ashamed and I do not like what now stimulates me, but the Internet, with all of its quick fix, crack-like vices, has made me extraordinarily intolerant.

Are you a Tufts or Harvard grad and a great conversationalist?

Not important.

Do you have a quirky sense of humor and a knack for cooking Asian Fusion cuisine?

Don't care.

Would you like to discuss the sub-text meaning of the whip sawed brush strokes of that Kandinsky painting at the MFA?

**** off.

Be the source of a blood rush and make me throw a rod in my pants or kindly turn into anti-matter.

I am ruined. I am dead on the inside. I am ashamed and embarrassed of what now stimulates me and I know that I am irrevocably changed for the worse. For all practical purposes, Internet porn has destroyed me.

So who am I? Not who you'd think. Not the dandruff-haired blob of **** in the cube next to you. Not the UES Michigan frat boy. Not the faux disheveled Downtown hipster with the silly retro Puma sneakers.

Sadly, I am the "normal" one that you're actually interested in. Cultured, eloquent, well dressed. I am the one you discuss with your girlfriends over Sunday brunch. I am the one you hope to bump into at Karen's pajama themed apartment party. I am the one who takes the lead, holds doors, and hails cabs.


Do you dream of a man who will "love you just for you?"

Do believe that you have peripheral, intangible qualities that men of substance will key upon and gravitate to?

Do you shun the gym in favor of The Apprentice and a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunkey Monkey, thinking that your black cigarette pants will sufficiently mask any belly spillage or ass expansion?

Then forget it. It's game over. You're a walking, talking non-compete clause and you're going to end up alone with a slobbering oversized Rotweiller named Chuckles.

Pull your head out of your ass and be advised - porn viewing/obsession is spreading like the plague amongst my gender - upping the already unrealistic physical expectations, pushing boundaries in the bedroom (you're down with anal, right?), and providing instant, customize-able sexual highs with the push of a button.

If you're female and you don't posess prodigal, Einsteinian caliber intelligence that would propel the cause of humanity forward, and, if you don't relish the idea of being alone, then . . .

. . . throw every last dollar you have at your physical appearance.

I'm serious. Personal trainer. Porcelain veneers. High-end boob job. Get scared and get it done.

Do not extend my gender any credit. Do not hope that a guy will be in awe of your cello playing, your VP title, or your cute apartment.

I promise you he won't care. Don't kid yourself into thinking he will. Men are programmed to respond to the visual.

Look good or you're alone.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Rescue Mission said:
DON'T JERK OFF TO PORN....instead, jerk off to chicks that you know (chicks that you have already had sex with, chicks you might have sex with in the future, chicks photos that you talk to and flirt with online who you already made out with, ect ect ect)..........make masturbation more that, and all of a sudden, cvmming thinking about a girl that you are going to have sex with in a few days, all of a sudden makes you even hornier for can cvm thinking about her 10 times in 2 days if you want, and I guarantee you that when you see her 2 days later, YOU WILL BE READY TO FVCK THE SWEET LIVING HELL OUT OF HER!!!
Why masturbate at all?

EMBRACE your sexual energy, you have an endless supply of cvm inside you
Uhhh no. *** takes resources for the body to use, those resources are not endless and can and will drain the body. Hence, feeling like crap. There's more to it but that's a summary.

There's no reason to masturbate.

Trying to stir up more drama? I would suggest you look at your posting history and all these ridiculous threads you're starting if you wanna know what I'm talking about.


Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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Suggesting you learn about Tantra and why the no masturbation thread has merit, Rescue Mission.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
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Amazing said:
I make a rule to always jerk off to the women i've been with. Or to the ones I am trying to get with. It's more real than porn.

also, reposting this:

There was a time - I'd say pre 1999 - when I would have tolerated a girl with an errant fat roll, a mildly problematic ass, or even non-porcelain veneered teeth. And come to think of it, I might have even green lighted a B cup chest.

what when you were 15 and below? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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I absolutely agree with Rescue Mission 1000%. It's PORN that fvcks you up, not masturbation. Just think about it.

Remember when you went on holiday as a kid to that nice summer country house or whatever. You were away 2 weeks without porn. I would still jerk it almost everyday, but I would still be as horny as fvck. Seriously it was all that was on my mind - at the beach, getting hard ones just sun bathing. Cycling - fantasising about fvcking all my hot schoolmates. I would have epiphanys where I thought, I'm actually going to try harder to fvck as many girls as possible, all because of the fact i was uncontrollably horny and i felt like the sh1t. I would fantasise about fvcking in every public place I went to lol.

As soon as I would get home, I would log straight onto the computer and jerk it. After a few days, that horny feeling on the holiday faded, and it was back to the same old monotony.

Now don't give me your crap about tantra, voo doo or bullsh1t. It does not take a genius to work out that porn fvcks your mind up, as it conditions you to only get hard to videos of girls begging to get their face spunked on and fake orgasms. Hell you even begin to be desensitised to that sh1t and you begin to wank off the porn merely as routine, becoming a chore you feel the need to follow. Sound familiar? STOP. Go on for a program that you don't need to download, which will block out all pornsites from your web browser. It's hard to kick the addiction at first, but I find myself almost totally weened off porn.

The effects are, my masturbation sessions are actually fun and i don't get that depressed feeling at the end, but a sense of satisfaction. I also feel much more horny even if I jerk it. Also at school I get really horny being in the proximity and interacting with so many hotties.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
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jerking it to women you want to hook up with or women you've already hooked up with? that seems weird to me

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
If you jerk off to pictures of girls you either know or don't know, in my opinion, you are giving away your sexual power to them.

Men are easy to turn on because we are highly visually stimulated, so most girls EXPECT to have sexual power over men.

I have an idea about sexual power. In order to keep your sexual power with a girl, you must first TAKE it, by showing her your sexual side, then CONTROL it, by showing her that you know what she likes, and can please the hell out of her ONLY if she shows you that she is ready and DESERVES it.

Subconsciously, masturbation ties in with the release of sexual tension, but we don't really realize that while we masturbate. Men receive great pleasure from that "final moment" where we ejaculate and chemicals get released into our brains.

This "final moment" gets connected in our minds to the girl we're looking at.

By doing this, you are affirming in your mind that this girl can give you intense pleasure, or even greater pleasure than that. In my opinion, this is not the way to keep your sexual power.

I say make girls EARN that place in your mind of giving you incredible pleasure by having them PROVE it to you.

I am cutting down on masturbation for a few reasons:
-To cure my addiction to excessive masturbation
-Increase my sexual power and sex drive
-Train myself to handle sexual tension without craving the release
-And SAVE TIME that could be used more productively

Like starplayer said,
starplayer said:
- Try and avoid porn
- Masturbation is OK but moderation is the key
Moderation is the key. To me this means: don't turn masturbation into a habit.

As Pook says, embrace your sexuality (as a man), and I add, reserve your sexual power for those who are worthy.
Jan 12, 2010
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I'm in the Mood said:
If you jerk off to pictures of girls you either know or don't know, in my opinion, you are giving away your sexual power to them.

Men are easy to turn on because we are highly visually stimulated, so most girls EXPECT to have sexual power over men.

I have an idea about sexual power. In order to keep your sexual power with a girl, you must first TAKE it, by showing her your sexual side, then CONTROL it, by showing her that you know what she likes, and can please the hell out of her ONLY if she shows you that she is ready and DESERVES it.

Subconsciously, masturbation ties in with the release of sexual tension, but we don't really realize that while we masturbate. Men receive great pleasure from that "final moment" where we ejaculate and chemicals get released into our brains.

This "final moment" gets connected in our minds to the girl we're looking at.

By doing this, you are affirming in your mind that this girl can give you intense pleasure, or even greater pleasure than that. In my opinion, this is not the way to keep your sexual power.

I say make girls EARN that place in your mind of giving you incredible pleasure by having them PROVE it to you.

I am cutting down on masturbation for a few reasons:
-To cure my addiction to excessive masturbation
-Increase my sexual power and sex drive
-Train myself to handle sexual tension without craving the release
-And SAVE TIME that could be used more productively

Like starplayer said,

Moderation is the key. To me this means: don't turn masturbation into a habit.

As Pook says, embrace your sexuality (as a man), and I add, reserve your sexual power for those who are worthy.

Like most know-it-all 18 year old virgins, you are OVERTHINKING THIS! I am a man, I do not know about you though. I can jerk off and have fun with it, and then be horny and ready to go 5 hours later. If i don't jerk off for lets say 2 days, then I am so fully loaded and ready, that a girl would have no idea what hit her!

It's quite possible that I feel the same way after 2 days of not jerkin off as some of you guys feel after 2 months - but there is the trick! I have conditioned myself to RECOVER faster, because I have trained myself to be able to cvm almost on demand, and its quite possible that I DO reload in 2 days as much as some of you non-sexual confused guys do in 2 months.

Also, Im In The Mood, correct me if i'm wrong, but are you a virgin?

because let me tell ya, I was a know-it-all 18 year old virgin once, and I didn't know ANYTHING about what real sexuality was, until I started having a lot of sex and started jerking off even more when I had lots of sex, I enjoyed being able to cvm in different ways (sex, handjob, *******, masturbating) all just became FUN and EMPOWERING sexually.

So until you experience more, I suggest you stop dishing out advice on the subject.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
Rescue Mission said:
Like most know-it-all 18 year old virgins, you are OVERTHINKING THIS! I am a man, I do not know about you though. I can jerk off and have fun with it, and then be horny and ready to go 5 hours later. If i don't jerk off for lets say 2 days, then I am so fully loaded and ready, that a girl would have no idea what hit her!

It's quite possible that I feel the same way after 2 days of not jerkin off as some of you guys feel after 2 months - but there is the trick! I have conditioned myself to RECOVER faster, because I have trained myself to be able to cvm almost on demand, and its quite possible that I DO reload in 2 days as much as some of you non-sexual confused guys do in 2 months.

Also, Im In The Mood, correct me if i'm wrong, but are you a virgin?

because let me tell ya, I was a know-it-all 18 year old virgin once, and I didn't know ANYTHING about what real sexuality was, until I started having a lot of sex and started jerking off even more when I had lots of sex, I enjoyed being able to cvm in different ways (sex, handjob, *******, masturbating) all just became FUN and EMPOWERING sexually.

So until you experience more, I suggest you stop dishing out advice on the subject.
Read the last two lines in my post - they are beliefs I think that all real men can benefit from.

I used to download EXCESSIVE amounts of porn and spend HOURS and HOURS jerking off to standards that VERY FEW women would find pleasing. Watching porn is NOT embracing your sexuality, however masturbation IS to some extent.

Masturbation ISN'T bad, except I was ADDICTED to it, wasting hours of my life for no real long-term source of satisfaction.

I plan to stop masturbating for now to regain control of my time, and to focus more on directing my sexual energy/power towards getting sexual with women, as opposed to with myself.

So what's your point here anyway?
All I gather is that masturbating to porn is bad, but masturbation isn't bad in general. Very true.

Am I missing something?
Or maybe you should rename this thread to "Why masturbate to porn when you can masturbate to pictures of chicks you know on Facebook!" :D


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Rescue Mission said:
I have conditioned myself to RECOVER faster, because I have trained myself to be able to cvm almost on demand, and its quite possible that I DO reload in 2 days as much as some of you non-sexual confused guys do in 2 months.
You're an idiot.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm in the Mood said:
If you jerk off to pictures of girls you either know or don't know, in my opinion, you are giving away your sexual power to them.
How do you figure that? You have no relationship with women in pictures, you'll never see them in real life.

I'm in the Mood said:
By doing this, you are affirming in your mind that this girl can give you intense pleasure, or even greater pleasure than that. In my opinion, this is not the way to keep your sexual power.

I say make girls EARN that place in your mind of giving you incredible pleasure by having them PROVE it to you.
Again, I do not undertand how you can make a comparison between human-human dynamics and viewing a picture for entertainment. It's sort of like saying, you are giving your power away by going into a movie theatre to the actors that are in it. In order to keep your power, everyone should be professional actors and make their own movies, then it's okay to look at movies.

How can you take something that's entertainment, like viewing a movie, or program, or reading a book, and then make these convoluted ideas about sexual power?

I'm in the mood said:
I am cutting down on masturbation for a few reasons:
-To cure my addiction to excessive masturbation
-Increase my sexual power and sex drive
-Train myself to handle sexual tension without craving the release
-And SAVE TIME that could be used more productively
This is good. It's about being in control of your passions rather than letting them control you. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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San Jose California said:
This is just what I need, a guy telling me that I can't get hard for girls if I watch porn. Well then allow me to erase my past memories of getting hard with girls cuz those are illusions and didn't really happen.
I agree with this. I could watch porn all day long and not masturbate. Porn is not the problem. Mbing is. Just don't touch it.

This is why my brain to d!ck reflexes are so finely attuned. I can zap a boner as quick as turning on a light switch. ANY sexuality From A Female, can resurrect the sleeping giant within. He will go back into normalcy when no longer turned on. It's like static electricity raising the hairs on your head. A woman raises the head because I have not been masturbating. Porn has nothing to do with it, except that porn can cause you to fall into masturbation or "bending your will" to another entity i.e. woman. It's like you've lost "the frame" to a woman, a woman on a screen even. Why let ANY woman have that kind of power over you, especially on a screen.

Let her try to gain power over you in real life. Not masturbating maintains your prizeship. Mentally, you've kept your kingship intact, not allowing a woman to wrestle away your crown. A woman always trys to steal your crown. Don't let her! Keep yourself on Top of her, dominating her in every way.
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
its funny how those who disagree with me are either virgins or have very limited experience with fvcking women, and those who agree with me have a good amount of experience.

when will inexperienced guys LEARN how to shut up and listen, instead of argue argue argue - there is a reason that you are not successful with women, and y'all keep proving it over and over every time you post!



Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
How about we stop hypothesizing and jack off when we feel like it? Unless it's actually hampering your ability to live life or making you late for work or something (< 0.0000001% of men) then what's the harm? I highly doubt that focusing on something as trivial as not masturbating is giving anyone an "edge" they wouldn't have otherwise.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
You are trying to justify that you jerk off.

Masturbation may and very likely will install a looser mindset on the long-term, be very careful when doing it, honestly. Experiment yourself, try abstaining and compare the results with wanking it every day 4 times.

People trying to convince you to masturbate are either addicted to it or they want to invite you to a private masturbation party ;))