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    Push/Pull in action?

    Using the push/pull method I got a major reaction from a girl (HB8). We were talking about our friends and stuff, and I basically rated my friends, putting her near the end. It was on Myspace (childish I know, but still good way to talk some) Mostly, she just wanted to be ahead of this one girl...
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    Post your picture link

    Haha ok so I changed it some, but I'm in the same boat with ya there pal
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    Post your picture link

    Nerd you say? Psh.... picture
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    Getting her phone number without asking?

    The few times I have used this, it has work. But you need some rapport first. Find out her name, punch it in your cell phone, give her your cell phone with the place for her to type in her number. She'll type it in, and you're set. But just make sure you save it. I made the mistake of just...
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    What's the best way to get faster and have more endurance by running? This is partly for me, and others. The people I know want to lose some weight, and be able to run 3 miles non-stop by next June (07, not 06). I want to be able to do it by this August. Right now I can run a mile in a lil...
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    I'm with TheLazy on this one. I'm 15, but I've had people say I sound like I'm 18 or older. It's very deep. But I find that if I don't concentrate on what I'm saying, or how I'm saying it, somehow it will start to get nasaly and higher pitched. But if I just concentrate on how I'm saying words...
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    I need to reinvent myself

    Hey man. I too have gynecomastia. Mine stick out maybe .5-1 cm, so mine are pretty mild, but I still have them. I'm only 15, but I'm well done with puberty, so I know they're not going away any time soon. I'm in athletics, and you should know how 15 yr old guys are. They pick on pretty much...
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    How do you stop hesistation?

    .....Isn't this all what the 3 second rule is about? If not I'm going to feel really dumb right now
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    Dee-Zy's journal

    Where do you live dude? What you need is a workout partner. Someone who can help push you, so you won't quit so easily. You could either find somebody on here, or one of your friends to work out with you.
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    Damn I got flaked on......

    I'm not really experienced, but I'd say give her a shot again. But let her call, it's good that you say you're not going to call her again.. You probably shouldn't have tried to call her, but oh well. If she does nothing within a couple days from now I'd say just move on.
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    How To Tell If A Girl Likes You? should help you out some.
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    This sounds weird but....

    I talked to my coach and he said it meant i had strong ankles or something like that. But I don't get how it can be that. Also, almost everyone else I know says they don't have it. I've only heard 1 person say they know someone with it (besides my coach)
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    This sounds weird but....

    Do any of yall have a rounded triangle shaped muscle on the outside of your foot close to your ankle? I have it on both feet, so I'm guessing it can't be too weird. But I don't know what it's for, or even if it's supposed to be there. So if you have this, please tell me what it does. It's...
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    Should I Change?

    So High School is alot on image right? I'd appreciate it if yall would critique my style (hair, clothes, etc). I'm 15, Freshman, 6' about 150 lbs. I know I'm skinny, but I'll be gettin quite a bit bigger soon. I'm shootin for 170 lbs or so. Picture of me. I have pretty straight teeth, no need...
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    What to do next?

    I coulnd't really go for the kiss close. Maybe kissed at Target, but there wasn't really a moment. She was kinda rushing to get in the house. I dunno if it was because she was already going to be in trouble, or because her brother had just come outside (part of the reason it woulda been weird to...
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    What to do next?

    Well I went to church, and it looked like she was trying to half avoid me. Like... she didn't talk to me any for the first 30 min or so. But she sat to where she'd be able to see me out of the corner of her eye, and I caught her lookin at me once or twice. Then afterwards I stuck around kind of...
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    Clothing and Style Changes~ [Help!]

    I know you said you dont want Abercrombie or somethin like that, but it really is good stuff. Just go to American Eagle or Aeropostale or Hollister (the cheaper stores, but still good) and get some clothes there. Get some Cargo Shorts, and a few shirts that match the whole surf-mood. I use to...
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    What to do next?

    I went on a half-date with this girl today. When I called her we talked for less than 3 min. I just told her where to go, and when. But she couldn't get a ride. Neither of us drive, which is seriously gay, so my dad took us, but stayed quiet. We went to Starbucks, and we weren't even talking. So...
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    please help me out

    We are both Christian. And it turned out pretty crappy. But only because they got there about 20 min after me (my friend getting there 10 min before me). Then there were already too many people around anyway. But we still hung out during the service, and I caught her eyeing me a few times. And...