What to do next?


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I went on a half-date with this girl today. When I called her we talked for less than 3 min. I just told her where to go, and when. But she couldn't get a ride. Neither of us drive, which is seriously gay, so my dad took us, but stayed quiet. We went to Starbucks, and we weren't even talking. So I just completely winged it and asked if she wanted some ice cream. It was raining, and we were about 50 yds from the ice cream place. I asked if she wanted to walk or run, and she said walk. So we went over there, and we got some ice cream. We walked around the shopping area thing we were at for a while, then went into Target (turns out it's not that bad of a place to hang out). There was some kino goin on, throughout the whole thing. We laughed for seriously almost the whole time we were there. She tore up this paper CD thing into tiny pieces and kept hidin them in different spots throughout the store and told me to find them. It was like a game sort of. I found maybe half of em cuz i just told her i wasnt gonna look for it. And we stayed in the bra and panties area for probly 30+ min cuz she kept wantin to hide em there and i guess see if i was man enough to look through them. I dunno. She was spose to go home at 6:30, but didnt tell me she wanted to leave until 7:30 or so, so then i took her home, and just got a hug from her. She goes to my church, so should I go tomorrow and hang out with her more, go and just talk to her if she talks to me, or not go at all?

And please tell me if there's some stuff I should improve on


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Go tomorrow. Sit somewhere where she can see you, catch a glance every now and then. Give a sh*tty little grin, maybe even wink. Don't talk to her after church. Dissappear. She'll probably come looking for you. Don't let her find you. Call her on Tuesday and have something to talk about for a couple minutes. Couple = 5ish. Then invite her somewhere. Have something ready before you call, and if she declines, cut the convo short with "Well, if you change your mind, let me know, but I've got to go."

The game seemed like she was playful with you, good sign. Target is a different place to go, but whatever works. The "half-date" thing started out pretty bad at Starbucks, with the whole "We didn't even talk" thing. Ice cream wasn't a bad idea. You didn't give a whole lot of detail as to what you did, so I don't know what you can improve on. I'm assuming you were keeping her humored, just make sure you weren't making a fool of yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Christ man! You should have gotten the Kiss close already! The IOI's are obvious from the story you just told. WALKING in the rain with you? Playing games? You should have just made the move. Anyhow, I'd say, be a little distand when you're at church. Show her that there are different sides to your personality (Playful on dates, but Serious in life.) Call her and set up another date.



Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Well I went to church, and it looked like she was trying to half avoid me. Like... she didn't talk to me any for the first 30 min or so. But she sat to where she'd be able to see me out of the corner of her eye, and I caught her lookin at me once or twice. Then afterwards I stuck around kind of close, but I was flirtin with this one girl and not really paying her much attention.

It almost seems like she doesn't really want to talk to me, although she did hug me, but nothing else.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
She might be nervous, girls get nervous alot.

I love Target, I made out with someone in there once on a date.

You should've gone for a kiss close.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
man is she christian?? i am christian as well and i have found that hot christian or other religous girls tend not to be flrty, so you can game her, just make sure you dont fall into the friend catagory because its really easy to with them, what you must do is make sure that you make sure that every date with her is fun, make sure both of you have fun, read up on this, cant be bothered to explain here.
Just make sure you dont become her friend, also read the weather report!! dont set your date on a raining date!! that really sucks. When approach her, dont approch as if you want sex straight away, take things slow because thats how they like it.
PM me if you have further questions.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I coulnd't really go for the kiss close. Maybe kissed at Target, but there wasn't really a moment. She was kinda rushing to get in the house. I dunno if it was because she was already going to be in trouble, or because her brother had just come outside (part of the reason it woulda been weird to kiss her there), or if she really wanted to get away. But she is Christian, and she's pretty flirty too. Like I said, she kinda put me on a scavenger hunt for the pieces of paper, and put them in bras and panties and stuff. Also, she flirts with other guys too, at least it seems like it. She'll fight with some guys (and usually end up on the ground all alone) and other stuff.

And I don't think I'm in the friends category, considerin I asked her out after seeing her twice, so there should be some kind of thought that there's more than friendship. And I'll probly not be leanin towards sex for quite a while. At least not my freshman yr.

Next time I'll see her will be Wed. Is it best to just let her come to me? Or should I start up a conversation?