please help me out


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
There's a girl I met about...a week ago. When we first met, she kept comin up to me and shook my hand saying "Hi I'm *Name*". We did this about 5 or 6 times. I would just smile and say "Hi Im AJ" every time. I've been talkin to her off and on for the past few days and it kinda seems like she likes me. I tried to get her to come to the movies on Sat. but she said she couldnt get a ride and she had no money. I dunno if it was the truth or a lie though...And Sun. I tried to make plans with her again..but it didnt work.

I was texting her and stuff yesterday, and she said she'd text me back when she got done doing what she was doing...About an hr later she calls me, saying she was bored. We talked for about....20 min probly until her ride got there. Then later that night she IMs me saying we need to do something today.....BUT she wanted to bring along this other dude (who Ive been friedns with for over a yr now, and we're pretty close, like bros). And I dunno what to think. We never did anything today, and I found out that she wanted to bring the dude along because she knows him better than me, and so it wouldnt be as awkward or something. But what would yall say?

Interested? Playin me? Friendly?

Oh yah, and I didn't even have to ask for her number. We were talkin and she said somethin like "Do you have texting?" And I said yah but I couldn't really use it. But I gave her my number, then she gave me hers w/o me saying anything. That means somewhat high interest right?


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
You are playing the game and she is winning. You have to get IN there, wherever that is. Stop talking to her for 20 minutes, thats not good, chiks talk to ea. other for 20 minutes, Guys are guys, its not our business to sit near the phone and watch soap operas. Its not good that she is bringing a friend either, you cant get any romance by having a deadbeat by yourside. Next time set up the date, and tell her "YOu are coming with me". Tell her to stop ****ing telling you exuses she doesnt have any money, couse thats bull!!! You have to become someone we call a MAN. To become a MAN, A LEADER, read DJ bible. Trust me, you are doing to many mistakes right now, doesnt matter how old you are, i hear many people saying "Ohh I am only 16, i dont have to be a man just yet.." They wil be loosers for the rest of their lives. I suggest reading DJ bible (everything thats in there). As far as I see it, she was going to be your GF, but YOU messed up and she is becoming your FRIEND, ITS UP TO YOU TO CHANGE THAT.

Good luck mate


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Ok I'm getting together with her tomorrow. The other dude's comin along too, but I made sure that the girl brings one of her friends so he'll be occupied (he knows I want the girl).
Tell me how this sounds.....We'll be going to our church first to meet up. Then we'll be walking to Sonic (since its MAYBE 10 min away walking) and we'll get somethin to eat and drink there. Then we'll be walking back to the church and we'll hang out during the service.
I know it probably sounds like a lot of "hanging out" and not enough making out, but other than that, is it good?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
ahhh, the classic new DJ confused situation.
dude we cant judge for you, its all up to yourself, you have got to make the decision because you can never figure a girl out, the most you can do is to get more experience and guess the answer, at the same time try to attract them.
I wont even bother telling you how to do it, read for yourself on this website.
Go to hall of fame.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
are you a christian?? if you are then why didnt you say so in the first post.
Ok since you are a brother then i will give you more help on this.
Firstly, is she a christian too? if not then dont even bother about going to church with her.
You see when you try to attract a girl, you must do exciting activities with her, so she associates the excitement and happiness with you.
Go hiking, cycling, camping, what ever, do something activie. Sounds to me like you are going to crash your first date because you will bore the skull out of that poor girl.
Secondly, when you talk on the phone, dont talk for 20 minutes like you have nothing better to do, always talk for no longer than five minutes is my rule, think about what you have to talk about, tell her funny stories, but call a friend first just to warm up, then call her. When you got her laughing, say i have got to go, this is a move called leave on the high note, works on the phone as well.
If you want to ask her out on the phone, do it immediately when she picks up, for eg:"hi, are you busy this saturday?(no), i know this great ... place, lets go there this saturday."
Notcice how i use lets, this is to show her that you are leading, that you are the man, if you say"do you want to?", to shows her that you are a wuss boy and you will be more likely ending up as friends.
If you got more questions, read the hall of fame.
If you are really stuck send me a private message.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
We are both Christian. And it turned out pretty crappy. But only because they got there about 20 min after me (my friend getting there 10 min before me). Then there were already too many people around anyway. But we still hung out during the service, and I caught her eyeing me a few times.
And when I told her the plan I just said "OK so heres the plan...." and told her. She came basically w/o any questions.

But there's a small problem. This one girl (she's a being a freshman) likes me and keeps tryin to get me to hang out with her at church when i clearly don't want to. Heck, we don't even talk at church anyway but she wants me to sit by her and go "say hi to people." She practically drags me and I don't know what to do. She is nice and stuff, but she's probably only about a 5-6 (while the other girl is close to a 9 and only a sophmore). I don't want to completely ditch the girl, but I still want to be with the 9. I was kinda thinkin, and wonderin if by me hangin out with the 5, it would make the 9 want to be around me more. Since I can definitely tell there's at least some chemistry.

I think I'll be able to get with the 9 after another "get together" even if it is just church

And surprisingly our church is really fun. It's not boring or anything. Plus there's about 1-2 hrs worth of talking/doing stuff involved