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  1. B

    How do you keep her thinking about you?

    Thanks for the Slap boys. :crazy:
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    How do you keep her thinking about you?

    When you're not around? My opinion, in regards to atraction, is basicly: the more you think about a person in a positive way, the more you become atracted to said person. It's really quite simplistic in nature, alas, how does one go about keeping a lady thinking about him when one is not...
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    Need some advice on a girl that was totally into me but pulled the LJBF card.........

    Almost same boat. My situation, when i'm face to face talking to this girl, she's so obviously into me and we have great chemistry. Then i'll go home and the texting starts. This is where stuff gets wild and messy for me, face to face i mack her she loves it, we laugh have a great time...
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    my situation - needs your help

    I realise that now, sir. i guess what i'm asking is , is it too late to turn this boat around smoothly, dodge the iceburg, and progress into something or did I try to rush too hard? Also, has anybody else been fishing in the buddy's sister pond? if. yeah, how'd it turn out, i'm curious
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    my situation - needs your help

    So, i have a situation that I’ve handled like a chump. Things with this girl are worth fixing to me, and my situation isn't hopeless. As of late, I’ve been talking and spending more time with this girl, who’s really cute and fun - she also unfortunately happens to be my good buds little...
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    Need some help.

    Plese don't post if this ^ is your advice.
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    Need some help.

    Here's my situation. A year ago I was with this girl. Pretty serious, but then the fact that went to different school's broke it up. During her stay at the other school, she got herself a boyfriend. Now she's tranferred to my school. I want her back. But she's taken. So, I have no...
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    Ninja's girls (pics)

    I dont wanna piss him off but don't you guys think it looks like he is wearing the same shirt in alot of these? Good job getting all the chicks! Some of em are really good looking!
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    Field Report: DrBeard pulls a HB9 photo inside

    :crackup: That's funny ****! haha. Oh boy. lol.
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    Your Favorite Opener

    ^ Hahahaha! That's good. I use something along the lines of " I bet myself (or if your buddy is there with you, we had a bet,) that ... " Works for me. Sometimes.
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    My GF is too honest!

    Guys like scoiland piss me off real bad. The 15 year old had more to say than you did buddy.
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    What to do when beeing ignored during conversation (2 guys, 2 girls)?

    Maybe you sould be a litle more open minded about who gives you advice when you clearly ask for it?
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    Book recomendation's for improving social skills's

    Thanks i'll check it out ! :)
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    Book recomendation's for improving social skills's

    Pretty straight forward. Does anybody know any good book's to improve on my scocial skill's? Please, if your advice is, just shut up get out there and talk, please don't post. Thanks anybody.
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    Why sosuave sucks and why you should be yourself

    I don't dissagree with all of what you said. But just be yourself is ****ty advice. If I were to just be myself i wouldn't do any better getting woman attracted to me than I am right now.
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    choosing a hairstyle

    I don't know what your talking about? It looks better in the first picture I think. Fck the kids who who made fun of you. Don't worry about it! ( try what the guy above me said. I just looked again and that would probably look good on you).
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    The Best Lines For Different Situations

    situation: after you have just asked her a question and she anwsered right. Line: You're good. You win 20 dollars. ( Unless you wanna lose 20 bucks, or look like a fool asking for it back, be sure your able to snatch it back quickly). Her: wha' ?!? You: You din't actually think you won...
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    Stand up comedy to boost your mood..

    Chris Rock is halarious. Never Scared and Bigger And Blacker are both really good.
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    ' Comedy writing secrets' Good read?

    Pretty straight forward. Is it a good book?
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    Already have boyfriends?

    This was My first real girlfriend. I huess it's just hard to let go so easily. We went to different high school's is why we broke up. She moved on, got a boyfriend. But now, she's tranferring to my school. I thought that since the only reason we broke up was because we went to different...