my situation - needs your help

Aug 15, 2005
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So, i have a situation that I’ve handled like a chump. Things with this girl are worth fixing to me, and my situation isn't hopeless.

As of late, I’ve been talking and spending more time with this girl, who’s really cute and fun - she also unfortunately happens to be my good buds little sister, two years younger. I know, the unwritten rules of conduct :nono: , feel free to regurgitate this. Despite the rules, i talked to my bud about taking his sister to semi and he said he'd get over it and had apparently laughed it off. She agreed to hit up semi with me - she has told me that she thinks I’m real hot, and so do most of her girlfriends. However, instead of the patient confidence i usually display, in lieu of waiting the week and half till semi to ask her out, for some reason i facked up and asked her out before semi. She declined, and fed me these reasons: 1 she's a little weirded out by the age diff. ( but she says this in a way that suggests i could change her mind) and 2 i'm her bro's good buddy, whom allegedly admitted to her that he wouldn't be ok with it if we went out (something he would do, so i dont think its an excuse). Her and her bro are pretty tight. I did admittedly do a couple of things wrong. Very wrong, for instance: told her i was into her a little, therefore validating her, resulting maybe in a loss of interest. Was impatient, another loss of interest. Have admitted to being a jealous person. like i said Very wrong.

Anyways, semi goes down and we have a good time like we usually do - there’s something there-. Yesterday, day after semi, i lay it out for her: long story short i said this - yeah I like you a bit, enough to wanna get to know you, i think you like me too, at least a little bit. if you like me enough you'll stop this ambiguity and let your brother ease into the idea slowly, or **** will just go back to the way it were before we started talking.

CHUMP.I.AM. bad friend even maybe.
so fire, criticize, advise, whatever i can get. i think me and this girl could have a relationship worth my time - therefore worth trying to fix what I’ve facked up. Please and thanks boys, and


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Like i told someone on here before, you shouldn't be forcing a relationship. Just proceed as normal, hang out, have fun, have sex (guessing shes not legal though so ehhh becareful?) and if a relationship is going to happen it will but the last thing u ever want to be doing is forcing one.
Aug 15, 2005
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I realise that now, sir. i guess what i'm asking is , is it too late to turn this boat around smoothly, dodge the iceburg, and progress into something or did I try to rush too hard?

Also, has anybody else been fishing in the buddy's sister pond? if. yeah, how'd it turn out, i'm curious


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bro I have been in this before. It sucks once she knows you have her, no more challenge, but it may be fixable. I say start dating other girls and make sure you buddy knows and relays the story to her. Act like you couldnt care less about his sis for a couple months. This should increase your value in her eyes a bit and perhaps this could result in her chasing you.

Its a long shot but fixable. It will just take time. THink about how much you like this girl and if she is worth the work.

Gustav Yavo

Don Juan
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
ye im going for a good friend of mines sister too, coincidently she is also two years younger than i am, and happens to be a known prude (although ive gotten her to open up pretty good, so there is a good amount of "hope" and "faith" left in me), she also seems to only want a long term relationship, which is what im looking for too. The only reason im putting up with the whole situation is because we click together well and ive labeled her "worth my time".

Anyways lol, you can like the poster above me said, just ease up on her and space yourselves out, hit on and date other girls (especially in her presence if you can), if there is any attraction on her part (or if she just wants the attention) she will try to regain your attention back. (try this for a couple weeks or months)

Good Luck


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
newyorkman said:
Bro I have been in this before. It sucks once she knows you have her, no more challenge, but it may be fixable. I say start dating other girls and make sure you buddy knows and relays the story to her. Act like you couldnt care less about his sis for a couple months. This should increase your value in her eyes a bit and perhaps this could result in her chasing you.

Its a long shot but fixable. It will just take time. THink about how much you like this girl and if she is worth the work.
This could probably work depending on the girl and her ability to pick up things, its a very reactive way of dealing with it though since he wouldn't be going for new girls because he wanted to, he would be going for new girls to make her jealous, which could easily backfire if she picks up on it.