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  1. S

    WTF im 21 and already have white hair!?

    Either dye it out or MAKE IT A FEATURE. Personally i'd make it a feature. One of my best buds has a grey patch and it actually looks rather cool. He doesnt give a **** and actually likes it, as do a lot of girls.
  2. S

    Legitimacy of the prize

    the number she has to call is probably a mega premium rate line. Also if money has to go out of her account again, that sounds a bit odd - similar to a 419 scam (google it). Watch out for her bro. SlaterT
  3. S

    Myspace..a DJ thing or not?>

    I dont know if its DJ but i sure met a lot of Sick LSE women on there. Maybe their periods synchronized or some isht, who knows.
  4. S

    The Structure of a good Approach.

    Great post :cheer:
  5. S

    London, Uk

    RE: Leicester Square - I can't say i've noticed much in the way of new competition although the areas hardly on my favorites list. Anyway thanks for all your messages guys, I'll message you back in the next couple of days. A meet date for 2 weeks on sunday is ideal. I know that one or...
  6. S

    How do I make friends?

    most friends are made through shared activites eg sport
  7. S

    DJing out my dorm room

    add some girls
  8. S

    London, Uk

    Any cool london guys in their 20's give me a shout if you're serious about developing your game and having a laugh doing so.
  9. S

    I want to seduce and dump

    Oh well we cant all be normal.
  10. S

    Hugging? AFC OR DJ?

    Worrying about such things is pointless overanalysis. Sometimes hugs are afc, sometimes there not. Depends on the bodylanguage and context. Develop the right core frame and you wont do anything 'afc' anyway.
  11. S what do I do now?

    she sounds frigid
  12. S

    not getting her because she thinks you're a player??

    I overcompensated when I first began this stuff and lost a few girls because of it. Now I have balanced it out a bit and try and hide 'player' status as much as I can. However theres always those chicks who LOVE the fact you're a player.
  13. S

    "Doesn't do the dating thing"

    i would have taken it as she just wanted to **** no strings attached but there ya go
  14. S

    Gay guys arent cool.

    disarm him. Thats all you need to do. Flatter him a little bit. Why turn him against you even more when you can turn him into your mouthpiece.
  15. S

    New here, have a problem.

    Do this: Encourage her to go on the date. Suggest some awesome places they can go. Her whole attraction to this *SITUATION* is based on the intrigue and mystery he is creating and the 'im a naughty girl' factor. Neutralize this IMMEDIATELY. You must however be 100% congruent with it ie...
  16. S

    Anti-mall People

    i dont like it either, but thats my personal preference
  17. S

    New here, have a problem.

    the guy has zero game and the email is too long. What a chump. He has ****ed up ANY chance he has with her. Be a cool guy and you have nothing to worry about. Id stay out of g/f email account, even if they give you the option to. I see no good would ever come out of it. It would be funny if...
  18. S

    The Secret to Success...Keep it Simple

    Posts: 6148 wow you really do post a lot. Anyways good post. Im sure your others are great too.
  19. S

    Are you feeling frustrated? Have some chocolate

    the lefty guy is bang on too. Figuring out for yourself is also incredible fun.