New here, have a problem.


New Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Hey all, Ive never written anything before, but have run into a problem with my gf. We've been together about 1.5 years, live together, everything was great, so I thought. Shes been away on business for the last week. Now, we know each others emails as I thought we had nothing to hide. Though I rarely check hers last night I did, and ran into this, obviously before she had a chance to delete it. Its from a guy who works with her. Here it is...
Hello again, I am extremely sorry but its seems as though the email address I created to write you a few days ago is not working. Thats what I get for trying to be sneaky. So I don't know if you ever responded to me or not. I have very much wanted to say something to you the last few days but thought maybe you had just decided not to respond. So I was wondering what happened, and for kicks I sent myself another email from my normal address and it stated it was undelivarable. So again I apologize if you had gotten back to me and you though I failed to respond. I would still very much like to spend some time with you at some point during the rest of our duration here in New York, perhaps take in a show, so if you are at all interested in any of your fellow workers (me!!) and want to take a chance that its me (I think it is) please feel free to get back to me.

Heres the original email I had sent you:

Hi ya xxxxx!

Whats happenin'? Here it is 12:30 at night in a hotel room and I'm writing you this but I just feel this is something I must do. This may really surprise you. I know it is me. And I completly realize that this could be kind of perculiar to you too but I have felt this way for awhile now and since we both are in New York City together for the next several days I couldn't keep this inside of me any longer. I don't know if I should just blurt out who I am or not, at least not at first in case I'm totally off base but I have a feeling that you at least feel some of the same so thought I'd give it a half way shot and see where this goes.

Ok here goes nothing. I work with you at xxxx. We talk everyday. We work together everyday. We're close together everyday. And I think I am beginning to like you. At least to the point where I want to get to know you better. Shocked yet!? I am. So I'm thinking since we are both here together for so long and it's such a wonderous city and the weather is beautiful (and all that jazz) maybe we can at least go out and see what happens. Maybe catch a dinner and a show one night and go from there. I know I have heard that there is a boyfriend back home, but at least give me a skating chance in hell ok? You won't be sorry :>).

So, If there is anyone you have been keeping your eye on at work, and are wondering if maybe you would like to get know this person more and if you want to take a chance that this person is me, email me back and we can go from there. Who knows, I just may be the man of your dreams :>).

And her response......! : } Yes, please blurt!!! I must say that I unfortunately never received the first email to have the chance to respond to it sooner. Yes, sad but true. But thank you for checking and sending / trying a second time. Perhaps it should be “second time is a charm” huh? : }

OK, my brain is completely spinning trying to figure out who you are, but yet there are only a few people who I work with at Mindfield, who I interact with daily, and who has been here in Chicago for this project “so long” like me. So, you just said you were in “a hotel room” but which one? What floor are you staying on??? That will at least help me a bit. Or, yes, you can please feel free to blurt it out at any time who you really are. Promise... I won’t bite... I just might smile. ; }

In all honesty, yes, I’d really love to catch a dinner and a show, that actually sounds great and a nice break away, but first I’d like to know who I’m agreeing to go with. Sorry...the whole blind date thing doesn’t sit well with me based on past (horrifying) experiences...but that’s another story for another time. Unfortunately, there isn’t much time between now and when we all leave to head home. Your thoughts?

Completely intrigued--
So what do you think? Needless to say I was floored. I talked to her and she claimed that she was just writing back to find out who it was and then when she found out would tell him that she had a bf and wasnt interested. I dont believe her for a second.

Any suggestions on how I should handle this? I'm beyond pissed off.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
This e-mail would have made me laugh if it was my GF. This guy in the e-mail is the biggest AFC known to mankind.
I would have just read it with her and got a good laugh.

You have nothing to fear by him and most likely your GF would have thought him "sweat" or "nice" or just downright "creepy".

Its looks like she had nothing to do with instigating this - next he'll be sending her secret flowers and perfume bottles covered in rose petals.. LOL


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
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damn that makes me cringe...I would never say that I am a DJ but I am learning to lose a lot of my AFC qualities...he should NOT have said I like you in the e-mail, he sounds like he is

a) a player and this has worked for him before
b) really shy
c) a nerdy AFC with a crush that may or may not lead to stalking.



Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
the guy has zero game and the email is too long. What a chump. He has ****ed up ANY chance he has with her. Be a cool guy and you have nothing to worry about.

Id stay out of g/f email account, even if they give you the option to. I see no good would ever come out of it. It would be funny if she wrote that email. Think about it..

What you need to do right now is be a man and show no insecurity about it, easiest acheived by not BEING insecure about it.


New Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Guys, she DID respond to him, and I posted it on the first post here. Thats why Im so pissed off.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Do this:

Encourage her to go on the date. Suggest some awesome places they can go.

Her whole attraction to this *SITUATION* is based on the intrigue and mystery he is creating and the 'im a naughty girl' factor. Neutralize this IMMEDIATELY. You must however be 100% congruent with it ie show no jealousy WHATSOEVER. I would also become less of a sure thing to your g/f. She needs to feel like she could lose you easily. Tell her this is a cool idea, maybe you should date some chicks too - just for fun of course!

The guy who wrote the email is still a ****ing chump.

Good luck
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Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maryland, USA

if she went out w/ the guy, it opens you up to date other chicks too.

then when she gets pissed off, you can tell her it's only fair.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
dont be surprised if she wrote it to make u jealous.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il


I would of done gone ape **** on my women if she repsonded and aggred to a date or meeting up.

lay the law down with her if ur keeping her


New Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Thanks for the advice. We talked, I threatened breakup, she balled like I've never heard a person cry before. It got so bad I started to feel sorry for her lol, but just for a second.

She told me that she was just kinda lonely from being on the road, and that she only wrote that back to him to find out who it was, and when she found out she was gonna tell him about me.

Do I believe that? Not really. I mean I know she loves me, as she said 100 million times while blubbering lol, but at the same time shes the type of person that craves acknowledgement that shes attractive and hot-which she is-and I could see her playing along with this guy as long as it remained innocent just to get validation. I told her that when you are in a relationship, you cannot only think of yourself, you always have to keep your partner in mind and take into consideration how it affects them.

She agreed, said that she would talk to a counselor to find out why she has these issues, and pledged her undieing love to me. Awwwwww. F'U beoootch.

Just put it this way, I'm going into this from now on with my eyes WIDE open. I trust no one!! Except my mom


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Santa Cruz, bolivia
lol that guy´s creepy... I think you should send him a virus or something using your gf´s email, send it with the title" OMG I love you too" to make sure he opens it hahaha:cool: