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    Are you feeling frustrated? Have some chocolate

    if you can approach and be a normal guy, your ahead of most guys
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    being jealous raises his value. Thats not a direction you want to go in
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    The Secret to Success...Keep it Simple

    I mean head. Heads would just be wierd
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    The Secret to Success...Keep it Simple

    Post more then. There's very few people in the world who appear have their heads screwed on right.
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    Is she just an AW?

    AW's need lovin' too :)
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    The Secret to Success...Keep it Simple

    good stuff. for a GIRL
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    How to make a LDR work? AND How to eliminate insecurities?

    I find LDRs draining and unrealistic, unless of course there's an end in site.
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    Listening to a girls problems in a LTR?

    Concentrate on making her feel good, even if it means distracting her completely from the problem. 'Change her mood not her mind' :)
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    Concentrating so much on getting laid has affected my ability to make regular friends

    I think its important to accept everyone has different goals and understandings in life and impose different limitations on themselves. You are perhaps more able because of your knowledge but who are we to judge? We should accept these guys despite their limitations because everyone has...
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    "The Game" by Neil Strauss - SNEAK PEAK

    i actually started at sosuave and went to fs. Now im back at a sosuave style of thinking. why? The persuit of happiness. The pua lifestyle is all consuming. Its not a healthy way to live. Theres always this nagging depression when you realize that persuing a lifestyle that limits your options to...
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    "The Game" by Neil Strauss - SNEAK PEAK

    grimbles bad shirt = swingcat for sure
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    Opening Large Groups...A few seem angered?

    Thats a bit wierd the knife thing. Just win over the group. Learn group dynamics better, amogging if it comes down to it and bypassing obstacles. Also remember some people are scared, jealous or rude.
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    Concentrating so much on getting laid has affected my ability to make regular friends

    Making friends is easy, it just takes effort. Its something you must work at. Social networking often occurs in connection with shared activities, eg playing football music etc. You have changed and improved. Make new friends who match you better. Besides if you met your existing friends...
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    "The Game" by Neil Strauss - SNEAK PEAK Drop me a PM. You may bask in my glorious presence if it helps you reconcile my reality with your miserable existence.
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    For those who feel great when reading articles, but in the field fail.

    I see hyper intelligent guys outlived and outclassed by simpletons, just because the simpleton chose to take action. Take action guys. Dont let some guy less deserving than yourself take away the girl or life that should be yours.
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    A RAT IS A RAT, Boys we've been sold out

    Dont even sweat this book, i just finished reading it and if this is the worst it gets the pickup community is safe. It basically consists of style saying what a bunch of LSE wierdos exist in the hardcore seduction community. And some fashion tips.
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    The Key to Emotional Control

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    Left text message on Monday Girl still hasn't responded

    whatever you do dont try and 'fix' it. Thats where you will fall into the trap of trying to contact her repeatedly and feel weakened for doing so.
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    "The Game" by Neil Strauss - SNEAK PEAK

    The game is all the style gaming. The guys over there are ****ting themselves. This goes to prove - building real value will beat illusions anyday. I truely believe I could 'outgame' style becauseIm not just pretending to be these things that women find so attractive, I AM these...